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Scores are out guys ❤️

Happy 8th of March dear ladies and gentlewomen🌺

Little rebranding💥

School Break – The Perfect Moment for a Weekly Post.

🖇It has been a long time since I last wrote anything—probably because there was nothing worth sharing. Every day on the bus, I rethink my existence, trying to find the true meaning of life. I don’t know about others, but my life feels so dull and monotonous. Wake up, make your bed, wash your face, get dressed, have breakfast, and head to the lyceum. This cycle repeats over and over again.🔄

So far, we’ve had plenty of events and holidays at our lyceum. We’ve attended boring lectures by unknown speakers and gained "so much" knowledge.💭

My appreciation for nostalgic old songs has grown. I used to think they were nothing but rubbish, but now I completely disagree. They are treasures—pieces of gold.🔊

I also participated in the Al-Khwarizmi TED event but failed the interview.Yeah, that sounds funny asf.🤣


If you are reading this, I am still alive.😂

It has been a while since I last posted, mainly because of the ongoing exams in our lyceum 📚. I will try to reflect on my past week in this post.
The week was productive and full of insights.

For the first time, I visited the "Yoshlar Ijod Saroyi" 🏛️. However, since there were no spare seats in the library, we studied in the canteen instead.

After many corrections, I finally submitted my YYGS application 🎉.

It was my first 14th January in ALWIUT. I reassured myself once again that the social life here can’t be found anywhere else. As a present, I received a very unique book about how students are educated in my dream college 🎓.Thanks, to the ladies from our group.

Overall, the week was cool and full of highlights. Bye for now—gotta prepare for tomorrow's history exam. 155 questions won’t be learned by heart on their own!


IELTS is simpler than it seems.

If you want to improve your listening, just listen morepodcasts, audiobooks, or even casual conversations. For reading, read as much as possiblearticles, books, or practice tests. The same applies to writing and speaking: the more you practice, the better you get.

There are no shortcuts, no magic formulas. It all comes down to consistent effort and practice. So, if you’re preparing for IELTS, remember: keep practicing, and you’ll see progress over time."

Not only in IELTS, everywhere, be it a test or not, consistency is a key.

After all, I advise anybody reading this, not to buy IELTS courses.Yes, i did it but i wont anymore.IELTS instructors may help you to get familiar with the test format but you can do it on your own - there are a bunch of "Cambridge" books f.e.

People wait all day for 5pm
All week for Friday
All winter for summer
All summer for winter
And all life for happiness....

Don't let the pursuit of tomorrow diminish the joy of today.

The arts, including art, music and theatre are considered to be important in society.
Do you think the arts still have a place amongst our modern lifestyles?
Should the arts be included in the school curriculum?

Art is a key factor in a person's mental and spiritual development.In my point of view, arts of music,theatre and painting still play a vital role in our society.Implementing these to the curriculum ,no doubt, will have positive impact on students' mindset.In this essay I will be discussing this topic as well as proving my bold arguments

How is this intro?

Some are getting accepted to YYGS.

Meanwhile me:😁

Forward from: Edu Grands
Al-Khwarizmi MUN

Davlat: O'zbekiston
Dastur shakli: Offline
Yosh toifasi: 14-22

Diplomatiyaga ishtiyoqmandmisiz, yetakchilik mahoratingizni oshirishni xohlaysizmi yoki shunchaki hamfikrlar bilan dinamik bahslarda qatnashishni xohlaysizmi, bu sizning unutilmas Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkiloti Modeli tajribasining bir qismi bo'lish imkoniyatidir - hech qanday to'lovsiz Andijon filialida bolib otadi

➡️ Imtiyozlari:
- Ishtirok etish bepul
- Ishtirokchilar uchun ixtiyoriy yotoqxona mavjud
- Xalqaro do'stlar orttirish va tajriba
- Debatlarda qatnashish
- Sertifikat
- Mentorlardan bilimlar olish

🔗Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun: Havola

📌Ro'yxatdan o'tishning so'nggi sanasi: 20-dekabr, 2024


Forward from: Ꭲhᴇ Ꮪᴛᴀᴛiᴏn
Your eyes!
Everything started with my unintenional look at your eyes. Was it a destiny? No, that would too simple a word. It felt more like inevitability like the silent, patient gathering of gases in the void, waiting to explode into stars, the kind of stars that illuminate not the heavens, but the soul. When your eyes met mine- ah, what a terrible, beautiful thing! it felt like the world itself stopped revolving around its axis for a century-long moment to mark its significance. My eyes, blind for many falls, were blind out of necessity.I now see, which I think there is no better or worse time. Blind, perhaps, so that when they were finally opened, it would be to this, to you. To call it chance would be an insult; to call it fate would be a simplification. No, it was something greater, something terrifyingly profound.
You draw a contradiction to every story I have ever heard. They speak of love that accepts flaws, that endures imperfections, but such stories fall short of capturing my truth.No flaw or whatever considered to be extra or rather lacking could be found within you. You are like a puzzle with no missing piece. Not that if you had one, i wouldnt afford to accept. More that it is an unforgiveable crime to view you as lacking or as broken: you are the line defining what is being and not being-

writing can be a great hobby

Forward from: DSATuz | Preparing for the SAT

📌 Facing a "400 Bad Request" Error on College Board? Here's the Fix ❗️

🚨 If you're trying to access the College Board website and encountering a 400 error, don’t panic! It’s a common issue and can often be resolved by clearing your cache and cookies. Here's how:

❗️ For all browsers:

1️⃣Do as shown in the pictures above.👆
2️⃣ Restart your browser and log in again to the College Board site.

🎯 Pro Tip: If this doesn’t work, try using Incognito Mode or switching to another browser.

🔗 For more SAT tips and updates, stay tuned to DSATuz! 🎓

#SATprep #CollegeBoardError #DSATuz #StudyTips

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🔻Share with your friends😄
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🗣Today was an incredible day!

📚For our world history homework, we were given a fascinating task. We had to simulate the Paris Peace Conference, where the leaders of major nations met to decide on future plans and potential solutions to pressing problems.

🗽My role was to imitate America's 28th president, Woodrow Wilson. His primary objective was to secure lasting peace, while other leaders focused on punishing Germany for its past actions.

#dayfrommylife #justthoughts #highlights

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💥One of the best inspirational speeches ever.Just liked it.

The Link.



🎯 The Challenge of Perfectionism

A year ago, I faced one of my biggest personal challenges: perfectionism. It wasn’t just about wanting things to be perfect—it was about feeling stuck, afraid to move forward unless everything was flawless.

But here's what I learned: progress matters more than perfection.

💡 Small steps, even imperfect ones, can lead to big changes.
💡 Mistakes aren't failures—they're lessons.
💡 Perfection can sometimes hold us back, but action always moves us forward.

Now, I focus on growth and improvement instead of obsessing over getting everything right the first time. And it’s made all the difference!

#SelfGrowth #Motivation #LessonsLearned

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