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Eynshteyndan so’rashdi:
—Siz juda zakiysiz!
Ular javobladilar:
—Yo’q, notog’ri ko’rayabsiz. Mani ichimda tugamaydigan bir qiziqish bor.
Demak insonga muvaffaqiyatli bo’lishi uchun, olim bo’lishi uchun unga sharoit, pul, atrof-muhit kerak emas. Unga qiziqish, istash, mashaqqat, ilhom, sabr, hirs kerak.
Allohu taoloning roziligi kitoblarda, qalamlarda yashiringan. O’qing!

The bar chart shows the actual and projected share of the economy of Brazil held by the five key business sectors for the years 2009, 2019 and 2029.

Overall, the share of sectors is expected to change by varying amounts, with finance emerging as the most significant sector, showing consistent growth. Among all sectors, manufacturing is predicted to be the biggest loser, with a marked decline anticipated.

Looking at sectors with considerable proportions, finance is in the lead the in 2009 with 30%, a figure that is expected to peak at just over 40% in 2029.Tourism and oil, coal, and gas contributed similar proportions, each at 25% in 2009, with trends diverging thereafter. While the figure for tourism declined and is expected to level off at 20% in 2029, the latter sector is set to return to its original value with a modest rise by 2029.

With respect to the remaining categories, manufacturing accounted for 20% of the Brazilian economy, with food processing 10% behind. However, manufacturing experienced a modest decline of 15% in 2019, followed by a sharp increase of 10% in 2029. In contrast, food processing is expected to return to its 2009 level by the final year, having risen to 20% in 2019.



🩵Agar mani shu kitobni kamida 2 marta DIQQAT bilan bajarib chiqsangiz, WRITING VA SPEAKINGda sezilarni darajada rivojlanish sezasiz,inshaAlloh!

Shu yerda maksimal ACTIVE lik kutaman ✔️✔️✔️

Xuddi Kechagi darsday qilib BAJARIB rasmga olib jo'nating ✔️

Original listening

Assalomu aleykum, fluent FOLKS!
kechagi dars yuzasidan MCHQ (multiple choice questions) 27-32 savollarni BAJARIB kommentga jo'nating. Xuddi Kechagi tartibda!
Agar bugun maksimal active lik bo'lsa, sizga TRUE FALSE NOT GIVEN lar yuzasidan dars o'tib beraman! ✔️

Aytgancha, writing task2 lar orasida eng ko'p tushadigan


offline tarzda o'tib bermoqchiman✔️



Faqat 20 kishiga✔️

Vijdonan (bu eng MUHIMI! ILM YUQISHI UCHUN HALOLLIK MUHIM!) INGLIZ TILIGA qiziqadigan 10ta do'stlaringizni kanalimizga taklif qilib ular qo'shilgan screenshotni jo'natsangiz HAYOTINGIZDAGI ENG QIZIQARLI DARSLARDAN BIRIGA CHIPTA BEPUL OLASIZ ✔️

Dars 9 fevral soat 10.00da bo'ladi!
O'quv markazimda bo'ladi🌷

Sizning generous ustozingiz:
🔥 @educationalrockstar1996

✔️Mana SHUNDAY tarzda KAMIDA bir oy shug'ullansangiz, listeningga o'zingizga ishonib bo'lib kirasiz imtihonga, inshaAlloh⭐


1️⃣note qilganingiz qanchalik to'g'ri ekanligini tekshirish📎

2️⃣nafaqat to'g'ri javob, balki qolgan javoblar NEGA xato ekanligini NOTE qilish! Ha aynan yozish!

Shundan so’ng ORIGINAL testni bajaring ✍️

Check your notes ✔️

14-21. SAVOLLARGA JAVOBni o'zingiz topib note qiling va rasmga olib jo'nating ✔️

Buni yuklab oling ✔️


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