Telegram akkauntingizni qanday spamdan chiqarish mumkin?1. @spambot ga o'ting va /start buyrug'ini kiriting;
berilgan savollarga shu tartibda javob beramiz:
“Это ошибка”
“Нет, ничего подобного не было✅
3. endi esa ariza qoldirishimiz kerak✅
shu matnni botga jo'nating✅
Hello Telegram developers! I have not logged into telegrams for a long time, and have not corresponded for a long time in various public groups, and you spammed me here, most likely blocked! But I think it was not right because there was nothing speciall! Therefore, I ask you to remove my restrions!
4. Spam bloki olib tashlanishi uchun biz 2-3 kun kuting✔️
✈️ossonroq varianti ⭐️telegram premium sotib olasiz, botga kirib start bosasiz va 1 kunda spamdan chiqasizreaksiya bosamiz🎁🕺
Kanalga obuna bo'lamiz@Kompyuterga_qiziquvchilar