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essay feedback about learning culture.pdf
feedback by one of the most reliable ai writing checkers

It is believed that reading books, watching films or scrolling the internet is enough to gain information about foreign culture instead of visiting those countries firsthand. While this may sound normal in some cases, I agree that it will never become as effective as real-life experience.

Generally, it looks possible to learn cultural habits of others through books, films and the internet effectively. One major benefit offered by these tools is the chance of saving much budget to learn a new culture. Admittedly, these are truly budget-friendly ways of learning a new culture since a person will have to pay much for airfare tickets, staying in a hotel, and daily expenditure if he wants to travel there. Additionally, learning cultures with these tools may serve as a less risky way. Simply put, learners who choose books and films will probably not experience any problems such as culture shock, unlike those travelling around different geographic locations. This is why, above-mentioned tools are preferred by some in exploring new cultures.

Nevertheless, I believe that seeing people from other cultures personally and dedicating a particular amount of time there to studying the distinctive features of those cultures will never be less practical than other options. Firstly, these visitors will be able to get up-to-date information and changes about new cultures, while the readers and TV viewers will have to wait for some time to get that knowledge. Obviously, this is more helpful for travelers since they do not face any misunderstandings potentially resulting from learning already out of date information inside books and films. Secondly, it possibly takes less time to learn the culture while travelling. This is true because the visitors do not have to spend the same hours analyzing daily living habits of the others as reading at home. Therefore, people can get more benefits from travelling abroad more than just reading books, watching movies or checking the internet daily.

In conclusion, travelling allows more people to see and feel cultural habits of foreigners with their own eyes instantly, although books, films and the internet may have some value in this way.



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IELTS Writing’da 7+ olishning 3 OSON VA SAMARALI USULI

Koβ€˜pchilik IELTS Writing’da 7+ olish uchun murakkab grammatikalarni, akademik soβ€˜zlarni ishlatish kerak deb oβ€˜ylaydi. Lekin aslida, bu natijaga yetishish uchun sodda va samarali yondashuv kerak.

1. Mikroskop usuli – yozganingizni qisqartiring!

Koβ€˜pchilik esse yozganda keraksiz soβ€˜zlar va jumlalarni koβ€˜paytirib yuboradi. Natijada, asosiy fikr chalkashib ketadi. Shuning uchun, yozganingizni mikroskop orqali tekshirayotgandek keraksiz soβ€˜zlarni olib tashlang.

❌ In today's modern world, people tend to use technology more often.
βœ… Today, people use technology more.

Murakkab gap oβ€˜rniga sodda va aniq gap yozing:
❌ It can be clearly seen that the number of cars has significantly increased.
βœ… Car usage has risen sharply.

2. Matritsa usuli – eng kerakli grammatikani mashq qiling

IELTS Writing’da har qanday murakkab grammatikaga emas, balki eng koβ€˜p ishlatiladigan grammatik konstruktsiyalarga e’tibor qaratish muhim.

βœ… Mashq qilish kerak boβ€˜lgan 3 ta asosiy konstruktsiya:
1️⃣ Murakkab gaplar (Complex sentences)
Although technology has improved lives, it has also led to social isolation.
2️⃣ Majhul nisbat (Passive voice)
New policies were introduced to reduce pollution.
3️⃣ Shart gaplar (Conditionals)
If governments invest in education, the economy will grow.

πŸ‘‰ Usul: Har kuni yozgan esseingizdan 1-2 ta grammatik tuzilmani chiqarib, uni boshqa misollar bilan mashq qiling.

3. Qoliplarni yashirish usuli – tayyor gaplarni oβ€˜zingiznikiga moslang

Ba’zi talabalar tayyor qoliplardan aynan oβ€˜zini yozib qoβ€˜yadi, bu esa ballning tushishiga sabab boβ€˜ladi. Buning oβ€˜rniga, tayyor gaplarni oβ€˜z uslubingizda qayta yozing.

βœ… Masalan:
Tayyor qolip: This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of online learning.
Toβ€˜gβ€˜ri yondashuv: Online learning has both benefits and drawbacks, which will be examined in this essay.

πŸ‘‰ Usul: Tayyor gaplarni olib, ularni sinonimlar va boshqa grammatik tuzilmalarga moslashtiring.

Siz bu usullardan foydalanib koΚ»rganmisiz? Qanday natija bergan?


Tomorrow, I am hosting the super legendary FULL IELTS EXAM MOCK TEST for my students. The test process and the materials will definitely be similar to the real test with the exception of headphones. πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


do you know what special will happen tomorrow?

There may be some redundancies in this sample, but anyways, doesn't seem bad, I think.

Adults are thought to outnumber the young across the countries in the years to come. While this offers several benefits such as experienced workforce and improved family relationships, the dominance of adults in number has more drawbacks to take into account.

At first glance, it seems to be positive to have more older people among the community for a number of reasons. Firstly, these individuals have more work experience, compared to the new workers who have started building their career recently. This is particularly important because the adults are supposed to have gained long-lasting experience in their workplaces so that companies can benefit from their quality performance for many years. Secondly, adults play a crucial role in keeping family bonds strong all time. As they have already seen a wide range of family issues like frequent quarrels with the partners or financial challenges in supporting the family members, older people can always share vital advice with new families, making them invaluable members of the society. As a clear example, a majority of potential divorces among new spouses in Uzbekistan have been successfully resolved this year.

However, the number of adults being higher among the society is truly disadvantages due to several factors. One major drawback is lower durability shared by the elderly while working for a company. Since most adults are not physically strong as young workers, they are usually unable to keep working for longer hours which may have a negative impact on the progress of businesses. In other words, the companies will have to replace the older workers with a bit inexperienced, yet, energetic substitutes if they want to keep their business active. Or else, the former employees will start taking more days off or get sick quite often which may badly contribute to the working capacity of businesses in the end. More importantly, it is likely to be a great financial burden on country’s economy. When adults reach a pension age, some governments will need to provide them with all financial benefits such as healthcare insurance and monthly pension all of which are taken from the central budget. As a consequence, the government will not be able to allocate money to other sectors including education and manufacturing.

In conclusion, both government and businesses will severely be affected by the higher quantity of adults than youngsters regarding more expenses and poor working capacity although they have their own value in solving family problems and sharing work experience with new colleagues.


In the future, it is expected that there will be a higher proportion of older people than younger people in many countries.
Is this a positive or negative development?

TASK 2: It is not necessary to travel to other places to learn the culture of other people. We can learn just as much from books, films and the internet.

Do you agree or disagree?

It went a bit out of topic from body 2, but anyway, possible get 7

day 21 agree disagree essay.docx
here you can see the feedback for this sample.

I know it is beyond the limitπŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸ˜

It is believed that learning by playing is more beneficial for school students after school lessons instead of doing additional activities. While this trend offers a number of benefits, I contend that children will acquire less knowledge unless they approach more specifically without getting distracted by games.

It is thought that games play more crucial role in academic development of schoolchildren after the lessons in contrast to extra-curriculum activities for some reasons. First and foremost, they will be able to enhance their social skills while playing games with their peers. They will learn how to work in groups efficiently without reading about it when they spend time playing various mental and physical games such as football, basketball, puzzles, and to name but a few. After that, children will find it easier to overcome their introverted personality which helps them get along with strangers at the beginning of the conversation. Another positive factor is that playing games freely after school can ensure stability in children's overall health. When they return home after taking mentally overwhelming lessons at school, children should do some physical activities including outdoor and indoor sports games. By doing so, they will relief stress and fresh up their mind on time so that they can allocate the rest of their daytime hours to household chores and other important tasks actively. For example, most parents in my neighborhood have already started supporting their children to play outside for longer hours with their friends instead of urging them to stay home to do homework.

Nevertheless, I believe that it would be better if children spend more time participating after school lessons or do homework at home to achieve their future goals. One of the reasons behind this view is the role of playing freely as a barrier that children may experience while striving for their main purposes. Simply put, teenagers may spend much more time on those free-time activities without thinking about their academic and family duties unless they are carefully controlled by their parents. Additionally, facing occasional health injuries during games or the risk of being kidnapped in the street will, probably, make life more difficult for the children before they become mature enough to take care of themselves. Clearly, they will have to stay in hospital for longer period when children harm their body parts accidentally or feel difficulty in socializing with others after they are bullied by kidnappers. Experiencing these unexpected situations, students will not only start lagging behind their schoolmates in many school subjects, but they also will grow up as an antisocial adult in the future. As a real life example, I had to take monthly medical treatments after having a serious back pain while playing basketball with my classmates in my school years which made me wait for graduating from the school a year later.

In conclusion, while I can understand why it sounds important for children to have playtime hours after school, I agree that they will get more negative experience from spending hours doing these activities such as being distracted in studying school subjects and having accidental injuries that may take much time to be healed.


Children learn more from playing freely after school than doing more organised after school activities.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

#task1 definitely 7.5+
The maps illustrate the modifications in the design of the park in 1980 and today.

Overall, the park has been transformed into a new area where people now have access to a public playground where children can play outdoor games. The main changes have been made in almost all parts of the park with the exception of the pond in the centre. More importantly, the area has been more accessible after the removal of surrounding walls.

In 1980, the park was enclosed by walls with two gates located on the right and bottom sides of it. These gates were connected to each other with a path for people to walk through the park. Close to the southern gate, there used to be two clusters of flowers on either side of the path. Moreover, there was a large group of trees on the north-eastern corner of the map. Inside the bend, there was a small pond with 3 benches around it.

Today, the park has been redesigned as a recreational space. In more detail, the walls and gates have been demolished to change the park into an open area. The flowers on the left side of the path have been replaced with a patch of bushes, while the others on the right have been completely taken away to make way for a playground where children can play sports such as football.

Meanwhile, some trees in the northern part of the park have been cut down, and three picnic tables along with a barbecue have been installed, instead. Also, there is access to the park from the north and the east through two additional pathways connected to the main way. Nevertheless, the pond and benches have remained unchanged throughout the given period.


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