Jasur Nematullaev | IELTS 8.0

Channel's geo and language: Uzbekistan, English
Category: Education

Discover your own English with me, Jasur Nematullaev, an aspiring teacher
IELTS: 8.0 [L 9.0 R 8.0 W 7.5 S 7.5]

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#result Overall 8.0🥂🔥

Arina - one of the youngest students in the class - studied in my IELTS STANDARD group and got this impressive score at the age of 15🚀

Prep time: 4 moths

Listening 9.0
Reading 9.0
Writing 7.0
Speaking 7.5

Overall: 8.0 🔥

P.S. We give no less credit to her former and latter teachers!

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Sumalakni hidi daxshatu 😋

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The table shows details about the population of New Zealand from 2011 to 2012 by age groups, from 1 to 65+.

In general, the number of children and young adults declined, whereas the figure of Kiwis in the older age groups increased. Overall, the total of habitants of New Zealand increased in the given time period.

In 2011, there were 898,160 Kiwis under the age of 15, this number decreased by 0.2% to 896,364 in the following year. The figure of young and middle aged adults also decreased by 0.2% that year, going from 1,577,256 to 1,574,102.

Looking into the older age groups, we can see that there was a big increase in 2011 to 2012 for both of them. The kiwi population aged from 40 to 64 had surged in those years, going from 1,331,907 to 1,339,898. The elderly (65+) went from 573,946 in 2011, to 596,903 the next year.


Placement Test.pdf
Use this file to check your level of English

1-10 Beginner
11-20 Elementary
21 -30 Pre-intermediate
31-40 Intermediate
41-50 Advanced

Answers are in the comments🙂

Forward from: Teacher Jasur | ENGLISH
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😵‍💫IELTS imtihoni stressga boy imtihon!

😇Jarayon davomida oʻquvchi va ota-onalar uchun maslahatlar bo'lishdim.

🤔Bu haqida sizning fikringiz qanday?

😶‍🌫️Imtihonga kirish paytida siz nimani his qilgansiz?

🫤Ota-onangizdan qanday dalda kutgansiz?

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Late night thoughts:

If you clean the vacuum cleaner, doesn’t that make you the vacuum cleaner?

Yaqinda TVga chaqirishgandi, shuni recorded versioni chiqibdi, ko’rilar IELTS haqida 1/2 yaxshi gaplar ketgan

Forward from: O'zbekiston 24 ǀ Rasmiy kanal
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#21jan #uzbekiston

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Yana, essayni pastiga buni yozib ham qo’yibdila.

P.S. Teacher, to’g’ri tushuning deb 😏

Bother is using halal way of making good essays

Har kuni wife so’raydi nega ishdan kelib kayfiyatiz yo’q deb 🤯

Mana javobi mana 😫

Haa, endi ekib qo’yding uka💩

Here’s how it looks:

They will get some money or gifts from governments for helping them and also savob.

Read this again.

Forward from: Khabib Nomozov
I am Vashshe tired🚶

Forward from: Asilbek
I am so tired, I could win a napping championship in my sleep

I’m so tired, my bed just sent me a ‘Where are you?’ text.

The most creative comments ⤵️

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