teacher Yusupaliyev | IELTS 8.0 | Multilevel

Channel's geo and language: Uzbekistan, Uzbek
Category: Education

📑 Magistratura - Webster, TESOL
📑 Bakalavr - Jahon tillari
🔹 IELTS 8.0 × 1 (W: 7.5 ×2)
7.5 × 5
🔹 CEFR C1 × 5 (71)
▪️essay / letter
▪️IELTS / Multilevel content
@everestjahontillari - @IELTSCEFRresult

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21-yanvardan Idp IELTS narxlari o'zgardi:

Test fee - 2 420 000 sum
Transfer - 605 000 sum
EOR - 1 510 000 sum
OSR - 1 620 000 sum

BC test fee - 2 410 000 sum

Multilevel - 506 250 sum, goooo CEFRga🫠

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Bu kanalda asosiy urg'u - IELTS, yangi kanalda asosiy urg'u - Multilevel

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Multilevel/IELTSga tayyorgarlik ko'rasizmi yoki umuman ingliz tiliga qiziqasizmi, qo'shilib olsangiz, xursand bo'laman!

Qani bir narigi kanalni ham kuchaytirib yuboraylik!

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Mana bu videolarni ko'rib, haqiqiy imtihonga tayyor bo'lib oling!

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Talablarga binoan bugungi 🗺MAP rasmi!

*endi, menimcha, tushunarli bo'lsa kerak, tekshirib oling!

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Hammani o'ylantirgan, dunyoni ikkiga bo'lgan savolga javob topaylik...

👆Rasmdagiga e'tibor beringlar

Savol quyidagicha:

Mia and her family went on a boat trip during his holiday time. The .... took them to a small island


‼️Mana bu misollarga bog'lab ko'ring:

"I have a pupil named Akmal. This ___"

"I am going to a food holiday. In the ____, I enjoyed"

‼️To'g'ri, olib boradigan transport vositasi - BOAT. Lekin Mia va uning oilasini ushbu joylarga olib borishni TRIP tashkillab beradi-da, shunga, trip, fikrimcha

Multilevel - Yanvar

Writing Task 1⃣

You recently visited a museum that you had been looking forward to seeing, but your experiences were disappointing.

Write a letter to the museum director, suggesting ways to improve visitors' experiences. In you letter:

- describe why you were excited to visit, and say why you were disappointed;

- suggest some ways like improving displays, staff behaviour and ticket processing;

- explain these changes would make museum more enjoyable to visitors

Complaint letter, asosiy urg'u - giving suggestion

*mana to'liq varianti, hech qayerda yo'q)

*380tacha so'z yozdim😁

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853 0 11 4 10

Multilevel - Writing


Some people think that having a hobby is essential for a balanced life, while others argue that it is unnecessary in today's busy life.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

*topic - discussion essay, savol - opinion essay

Me: nima qilay?
Expert: yozoring discussion qilib ham

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813 0 11 4 10

Bular bekorchilikdan yozib chiqilgani yo'q.

- kirgan o'quvchilar tekshirib olishadi;
- endi kiradiganlarga qayta tushadi

xotira yaxshi ekan a😂

Mana bu tushdi!

Multilevel - Yanvar

Reading Part 5⃣

*30. "issues" olibdi, noto'g'ri, chunki savolda "concerns" bor edi, shuning uchun javobi - isolation

31. confusions (negative side of remote work)

*32. "time" olishibdi, lekin savolda office seatning nimasi tejab qolinadi deganidi, shuning uchun javobi - costs (associated costs bo'lib kelgan)

33. hybrid (new version of working)

34. C

35. B (ko'p kanallar "A" beribdi, ular ko'rmagan bu testni, meniki aniq)

*shunichun bir ko'rib qo'yinglar tushganlarni deyman

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Multilevel - Yanvar

Reading Part 4⃣

Topic: Renewable energy

21. the main benefit of RE?
- reduce dependence on imported fossil fuels

22. the benefit of renewable energy to job creation?
- more workers are required

23. drawback of RE?
- not reliable becuae of weather conditions

24. which is not mentioned as the future development of RE?
- improving technological automotive

25. RE provides millions of people with jobs across the globe
- True

26. eslolmayapman, lekin javoni aniq - True

27. Wind turbine can only work during daylight hours
- Not Given

28. RE building is less expensive than traditional fossil fuels
- False

29. Transition to RE has decreased entirely the global dependence on fossil fuels
- Not Given

*1-smenadan so'ng noto'g'ri javob tarqalgan ekan - mana haqiqiysi

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644 0 14 20 8

Multilevel - Yanvar

Reading Part 3⃣

Topic: Habits

15. A - The topic of habits (hamma narsa habitga bog'liq mazmuni)

16. C - The principle of habit formation (habit qanday paydo bo'lishi haqida mazmuni + keyingi paragrafda javobi shu ekanligiga ishora berilgan)

17. The science of timing (habitda vaqt muhim ekanligi haqida)

18. Combining pleasure with productivity (1ta fiziolog gymda ham mashq qilib, ham Garri Potter eshitarkan)

19. Discipline or Flexibility (2ta guruh tajribasi: 1-si qoidaga bo'ysunib, joy-joyiga qo'yib, o'z vaqtida, 2-si xohlagan vaqt)

20. Choosing alternatives (bitta narsa yoqmasa, o'rniga buni tanlang deyildi, asosiy kalit so'z - replace)

*tushunish ozgina qiyin, murakkab so'zlar va grammatika - 1-smenada tushgan edi

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Multilevel - Yanvar

Reading Part 1⃣

1. trip (meniki)
2. island
3. beach
4. sand
5. starfish
6. picnic

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634 0 13 18 6

Multilevel - Yanvar

Reading Part 1⃣


Mia and her family went on a boat trip during his holiday time. The .... took them to a small island


Fikringiz qanday, hurmatli ekspertlar?

😂Hozir boshqa kanallarda ko'rasiz bu javoblarni (xuddi o'zlari examga kirib chiqqandek)

Multilevel - Yanvar

Listening Part 6⃣

. g'alati savol ekan ololmadim, to'g'risi (people, humans yo mammals), savol bunday edi:

Marine ecosystem provides various sources for diverse range of species, as well as 30 ___

31. biodiversity

32. shells

33. dynamics

34. fishing

35. integrity

*yangi, qiyinroq ekan

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810 0 13 35 4

Mana bu tushdi!

Multilevel - Yanvar

Listening Part 5⃣

27. xato aytishgan ekan, javobi - B (attending classes as a trial)

28. xato aytishgan ekan, javobi - A (coming up with possible explanations for some facts)

*shunichun tushganlarni ko'rib qo'yish kerak

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Hammasi esimda qolibdi😂

Multilevel - Yanvar

Listening Part 4⃣

19. B - planetarium
(tea officedan o'tgandan so'ng)

20. C - innovative lab (eng markazda joylashgan)

21. E - tech zone (c dan janubga yurganda, uning pastida)

22. F - nature... (janubi-g'arb tomonda)

23. D - observation deck (yonida teleskop bor, eng sharqiy tomonda)

*yangi, oldin tushmagan - yana tushadi, aniq

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Multilevel - Yanvar

Listening Part 3⃣

15. stressed-out employee (xo'jayini jazolagan)

16. disappointed fan (jamoasi yutqizdi)

17. hopeful job-seeker (intervyu haqida)

18. frustrated commuter (traffic, yo'l haqida)

*oldin tushgan edi

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