7 Feb, 10:03
7 Feb, 09:08
7 Feb, 07:09
7 Feb, 05:47
5 Feb, 17:16
5 Feb, 15:10
Unlucky Day
5 Feb, 06:38
4 Feb, 18:13
4 Feb, 16:35
4 Feb, 16:23
4 Feb, 07:01
2 Feb, 15:59
β UPDATED Cobra Kai channel β
1 Feb, 15:50
In Uzbekistan on IELTS Telegram channels they don't say " Dear Candidates, How was the exam?"They say: "Task 1 prediction to'g'ri chiqdi, Listeningni 1 hafta avval tashlagandim, Readingni title ini commentda yozing."
31 Jan, 18:38
31 Jan, 16:02
Fun fact: I was able to do Leg Press with 155Kgs. The last time it was 105 kg β π
31 Jan, 10:59
30 Jan, 07:35
30 Jan, 07:15
29 Jan, 18:14
29 Jan, 16:51
- Hozirgina telefonim qo'limdan tushib ketdi, steklosi sindi. Shu siniqlarni screenshotda ko'rsayiz bo'ladi π π§