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What a verb it is ...

One step away from achieving one of the goals set for 2025.

Will let you know later...

Well-deserved, brother❤️.

Forward from: Ulug'bek Umidjonov | 9.0
At long last...

I still remember when Sarvar aka came to my first beginner group. It has been a long journey, I mean long. But we are not done here.

Forward from: Abdusattor
Avtohalokatlarning asosiy qismi e’tiborsizlikdan bo‘ladi, insonlarni bir biri bilan munosabatlari buzilishing asosiy qismi e’tiborsizlikdan, hattoki ko‘plab kasalliklar e’tiborsizlikdan paydo bo‘ladi. Umuman olganda muammolarimizni asosiy qismi e’tiborsizlikdan.

Hayotda muhim bo‘lgan narsalarga e’tibor qaratmadingizmi? Demak ma’lum bir vaqt o‘tganidan keyin bu haqida aniq afsuslanasiz. E’tiborsiz odamlar hammani baxtsiz qilishadi, hamkasblarini, chunki bir ishni bajartirish uchun bunday odamlarga bir narsani bir necha marta qaytarish kerak, turmush o‘rtog‘ini, chunki bunday odamlar oldida qolganlar o‘zlarini yolg‘iz his etishadi va eng asosiysi o‘zlarini, chunki ular birinchi o‘rinda o‘zlariga e’tibor qaratishmaydi va shu sababdan tashqi dunyoga ham.

”Yorug‘liksiz 72 soat” videosining 5:20 daqiqasidagi diskleymerni o‘qib ko‘ring va keyin izohlarga tushing. Kamida 100 ta odam videoda nega soya bor deb yozgan. Ba’zilari bu savolni qiziqishdan bergan bo‘sa, ba’zilari esa o‘zlarini xuddi mani yolg‘onda ushlab olganday tutishgan. Bu juda oddiy misol xolos, lekin sizlarga yetkazmoqchi bo‘lgan xabarimni tushundingiz degan umiddaman.


Forward from: IELTS SPEAKING| Blog

In a room of a 100 people, 99% are left-handed. How many left-handed people have to leave the room to bring the percentage down to 98% ?


guys, leave some 'tesha tegmagan' words below:

skirmish - a short argument

Biz e'tirof etilibmiz, do'stlarim👆👆

Aliy, you are a true embodiment of self-confidence.

P.S: Aliy used to prepare for Part2 topics, asking me to test him every lesson. Ironically, he would hesitate so much that I literally fell asleep many times.

This is where Aliy got his level up from.

Forward from: Jakhongir Aliy | W 8.0 l S 7.5
Let me briefly talk about my ielts journey:
I started learning English from beginning in the last days of February in 2022 at Everest. My first teacher was ms. Guzal Amanova. Due to my laziness, I couldn't pass the exams and studided in elementary level for 7 months (until October 2022). Then I started attending mr Dilmurod Latipov's lessons (again at Everest), changing my attitude towards language learning. I studied in his group since then, and learned a lot of things, and for this, I need to thank him a lot. This year, in April, I took an exam and the result was 7.0. It should be noted that during my preparation process, although he was so tired, my teacher used to check my essays and do speaking tests with me on a daily basis. He showed a great dedication, leading me to success. After my exam, I started attending lessons again, but then on 31st of May this year, I was recruited as an assistant teacher of Khusan Koraev at Everest. From this point on, I started working, and surprisingly, I had even a better chance to prepare. Khusan Koraev helped me not only by guiding me but also by creating conveniences to prepare well🙌. Although I work, it is still the case that I have a lot of free time, which is so amazing. His help with task 1, task 2, and speaking was a true game-changer🔥. For all these reasons, I consider myself as the luckiest assistant ever 😁, yeah it is from Allah, but firmly believe that I would not have managed to reach that solid 8.0 without his help🔥

Thank you a lot all my teachers!


A gift for you today👆

Go go go

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