Gaplarni bir-biriga bog‘lashda ishlatiladigan metodlar coherence (mantiqiy bog‘liqlik) va cohesion (grammatik bog‘liqlik) deb ataladi.
1. Cohesion (Grammatik bog‘liqlik)
Bu metod gaplar orasidagi grammatik bog‘lanishlarni ta’minlaydi. Ushbu usul quyidagi vositalar yordamida amalga oshiriladi:
• Linking words (bog‘lovchi so‘zlar): however, therefore, in addition, on the other hand
• Referencing (mavzuga ishora qilish): this, that, these, those, it, they
• Substitution (o‘rin bosish): do so, one, ones
• Ellipsis (so‘zlarni tushirib qoldirish): She likes apples; I do too.
2. Coherence (Mantiqiy bog‘liqlik)
Bu metod gaplarning mantiqiy tartibini va mazmuniy bog‘lanishini ta’minlaydi.
• Logical order (mantiqiy tartib): fikrlarni aniq va tushunarli tartibda joylashtirish
• Topic sentences (asosiy g‘oya bilan boshlash)
• Use of synonyms and pronouns (sinonimlar va olmoshlar ishlatish)
❌ Cohesion va coherence yo‘q:
“Many people like coffee. The sun is bright today. Cars are expensive.”
✅ Cohesion va coherence mavjud:
“Many people like coffee because it keeps them awake. In addition, coffee has many health benefits.”
1. Cohesion (Grammatik bog‘liqlik)
Bu metod gaplar orasidagi grammatik bog‘lanishlarni ta’minlaydi. Ushbu usul quyidagi vositalar yordamida amalga oshiriladi:
• Linking words (bog‘lovchi so‘zlar): however, therefore, in addition, on the other hand
• Referencing (mavzuga ishora qilish): this, that, these, those, it, they
• Substitution (o‘rin bosish): do so, one, ones
• Ellipsis (so‘zlarni tushirib qoldirish): She likes apples; I do too.
2. Coherence (Mantiqiy bog‘liqlik)
Bu metod gaplarning mantiqiy tartibini va mazmuniy bog‘lanishini ta’minlaydi.
• Logical order (mantiqiy tartib): fikrlarni aniq va tushunarli tartibda joylashtirish
• Topic sentences (asosiy g‘oya bilan boshlash)
• Use of synonyms and pronouns (sinonimlar va olmoshlar ishlatish)
❌ Cohesion va coherence yo‘q:
“Many people like coffee. The sun is bright today. Cars are expensive.”
✅ Cohesion va coherence mavjud:
“Many people like coffee because it keeps them awake. In addition, coffee has many health benefits.”