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Forward from: Abdulloh Shamsutdinov
Tayyor bo’ling


Universitetda 2-kurs edim. Namoz sabab 2-yilga yotoqxona berishmadi — qadriyat uchun badal to’lashni o’rgandim.

Ijaraga oilali hovli topdim. Sharoiti juda og’ir, issiq suv muammo, 5 talaba bir kichik xonada, tagimiz zax, to’shakda yotardik — yashash uchun chidashni o’rgandim.

Stipendiyam 450 ming so’m. Uydagilar pul berisholmasdi. Ijara 200 ming, 3 mahal ovqatga kunlik 8 000 byudjetim bor edi — och qolmaslik uchun rejalashtirishni o’rgandim.

70-80% darslar bo’lmasdi yoki befoyda bo’lardi. Aksar kursdoshlarim gaplashib o’tirishar edi. Men esa qulog’imga narsa tiqib darslarda kitob o’qirdim — rivojlanish uchun chalg’imaslikni o’rgandim.

7 yil o’tdi. Yuqorida aytilgan va aytilmagan barcha qiyinchiliklar qolmadi, lekin olgan darslarimni hech biri yodimdan chiqmadi.

Tushundim. Haqiqiy ilm, tajribalar qattiq og’riqlardan, qiyin vaqtlarda olinar ekan, oson yoki to’kin hayotdan emas.

Rivojlanmoqchimisiz? Qiyin yo’llardan o’tasiz. Tayyor bo’ling.

Ukalaringizni rivojlantirmoqchimisiz? Qiyinroq yo’llardan yurgazing. Tayyor qiling.


food is ready 🤣😂😂

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how about u ?😂😂

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So relatable 😄

☪️ Шошма-шошарлик ва пухталик бирга жам бўлмайди, келишмайди.

Изоҳ: Шошиб бажарилган ишда пухталик ва мукаммалик бўлмайди, балки у нуқсонли иш бўлади. Бирон ишни мукаммал амалга ошириш шошмасликни, диққат ва сабр-тоқатни талаб этади.

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Life is full of blessings we take for granted. Yet so often we dwell on what we don't have. Appreciate what you already have and be grateful.
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剑18 test

motivation from app 🙂

♻️ New vocabulary

— complicated; difficult to understand; having many small parts or details — murakkab, mayda detallargacha
🔰delicate — very sensitive to small changes or differences; easily damaged — nozik
🔰rest upon — depend on; be supported by (phrasal verb) — bog’liq bo’lmoq
🔰adaptable — able to change in order to fit a new situation — moslashuvchan
🔰primarily — essentially; mainly; in the first place — birinchi navbatdagi
🔰artificial — not natural; made by man — sun’iy
🔰strain — stress; pressure; difficulty — qiyinchilik, stress
🔰in shape — healthy; in good condition (phrase) — sog’lom
🔰extend — make longer — uzaytirmoq
🔰lifespan — period of time for which something is normally expected to live or function properly — umr davomiyligi
🔰visual — concerned with sight — ko’rish bilan bog’liq
🔰deficiency — weakness; shortage — nuqson, kamchilik
🔰undetected — not noticed — payqalmagan
🔰backward — making less progress than normal — orqada
🔰defective — imperfect; faulty — nuqsonli
🔰emerge — come into view; become known — qalqib chiqmoq


The human eye is nature's most intricate and delicate organ, and the high degree of development of human society probably rests upon the development of this organ. When nature first developed this intricate and adaptable organism, human eyes were used primarily for outdoor work and living. With the stress of indoor life and artificial lighting, abnormal strain is placed on eyes today. Sometimes more than nature's assistance is needed to keep eyes in shape for the many uses they serve in modern life. It is also true that we have extended man's normal lifespan to almost twice what it was in primitive societies. Visual deficiencies also increase with age, and eyes usually need some corrective care as one grows older. Undetected, uncorrected eye trouble can affect the entire personality structure and can make the difference between success and failure in one's working life or personal relations. Theodore Roosevelt, for instance, was slow and backward till it was discovered that his vision was bad. After his defective sight was corrected, he emerged as one of the leaders of his time.

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