Angry (with sb) about sth – Kimdandir biror narsa uchun jahli chiqmoq.
She was angry with her brother about the broken phone.
U ukasiga singan telefon uchun jahli chiqdi.
Guilty of sth – Biror narsada aybdor bo‘lmoq.
He was guilty of stealing money.
U pul o‘g‘irlaganlikda aybdor edi.
Accuse sb of sth – Kimnidir biror narsa uchun ayblamoq.
They accused him of cheating in the exam.
Ular uni imtihonda aldashda aybladilar.
Blame sb for sth – Kimnidir biror narsa uchun ayblamoq.
The teacher blamed the student for being late.
O‘qituvchi talabani kechikkanlikda aybladi.
Blame sth on sb – Biror narsaning aybini kimdirdan ko‘rmoq.
He blamed the mistake on his friend.
U xatoni do‘stidan ko‘rdi.
Criticize sb for sth – Kimnidir biror narsa uchun tanqid qilmoq.
The coach criticized the player for his bad performance.
Murabbiy o‘yinchini yomon o‘yin ko‘rsatgani uchun tanqid qildi.
Forget about sth – Biror narsani unutmoq.
I completely forgot about our meeting.
Men uchrashuvimizni butunlay unutib qo‘ydim.
Forgive smb for sth – Kimnidir biror narsa uchun kechirmoq.
She forgave him for lying.
U uni yolg‘on gapirgani uchun kechirdi.
Invite sb to sw – Kimnidir biror joyga taklif qilmoq.
They invited us to their wedding.
Ular bizni to‘ylariga taklif qilishdi.
Punish sb for sth – Kimnidir biror narsa uchun jazolamoq.
The teacher punished the student for cheating.
O‘qituvchi talabani aldangani uchun jazoladi.
Share sth with sb – Kim bilandir biror narsani bo‘lishmoq.
He shared his lunch with his friend.
U tushligining bir qismini do‘sti bilan bo‘lishdi.
Smile at sb – Kimga qarab jilmaymoq.
She smiled at the baby.
U chaqaloqqa qarab jilmaydi.
Angry (with sb) about sth – Kimdandir biror narsa uchun jahli chiqmoq.
She was angry with her brother about the broken phone.
U ukasiga singan telefon uchun jahli chiqdi.
Guilty of sth – Biror narsada aybdor bo‘lmoq.
He was guilty of stealing money.
U pul o‘g‘irlaganlikda aybdor edi.
Accuse sb of sth – Kimnidir biror narsa uchun ayblamoq.
They accused him of cheating in the exam.
Ular uni imtihonda aldashda aybladilar.
Blame sb for sth – Kimnidir biror narsa uchun ayblamoq.
The teacher blamed the student for being late.
O‘qituvchi talabani kechikkanlikda aybladi.
Blame sth on sb – Biror narsaning aybini kimdirdan ko‘rmoq.
He blamed the mistake on his friend.
U xatoni do‘stidan ko‘rdi.
Criticize sb for sth – Kimnidir biror narsa uchun tanqid qilmoq.
The coach criticized the player for his bad performance.
Murabbiy o‘yinchini yomon o‘yin ko‘rsatgani uchun tanqid qildi.
Forget about sth – Biror narsani unutmoq.
I completely forgot about our meeting.
Men uchrashuvimizni butunlay unutib qo‘ydim.
Forgive smb for sth – Kimnidir biror narsa uchun kechirmoq.
She forgave him for lying.
U uni yolg‘on gapirgani uchun kechirdi.
Invite sb to sw – Kimnidir biror joyga taklif qilmoq.
They invited us to their wedding.
Ular bizni to‘ylariga taklif qilishdi.
Punish sb for sth – Kimnidir biror narsa uchun jazolamoq.
The teacher punished the student for cheating.
O‘qituvchi talabani aldangani uchun jazoladi.
Share sth with sb – Kim bilandir biror narsani bo‘lishmoq.
He shared his lunch with his friend.
U tushligining bir qismini do‘sti bilan bo‘lishdi.
Smile at sb – Kimga qarab jilmaymoq.
She smiled at the baby.
U chaqaloqqa qarab jilmaydi.