Destination B2
Unit 16
#Phrases and collocations. #Part 1
Cook - pishirmoq
Cook a good meal - yaxshi ovqat tayyorlash.
Do the cooking - taom pishirish.
Drink - ichmoq
Make (sb) a drink - biror kishiga ichimlik tayyorlash.
Have a drink (of sth) - biror narsaning ichimligini ichish.
Drink to sb's health - biror kishinig sog'ligi uchun ichmoq.
Drink a toast to sb - Biror kishini omadi uchun ichmoq.
Feed - ovqatlantirmoq.
Feed an animal/etc. - hayvonni ovqatlantirish.
Feed on sth - biror narsani oziq- ovqat sifatida iste'mol qilish.
Fill - to'ldirmoq
Fill sth (up) - Biror narsani to'ldirish.
Filled with sth - Biror narsa bilan to'ldirilgan.
Full of sth - Biror narsa bilan to'la.
Food - oziq-ovqat
Make food - taom tayyorlash.
Fast/junk food - tez tayyorlanadigan ovqat.
Pet food - hayvonlar ovqati.
Health food - sog'lom ovqat.
Meal - taom ,ovqat
Have a meal - taom yeyish
Cook a meal - taom pishirish
Make a meal - taom tayyorlash.
Go out for a meal - taom yeyish uchun tashqariga chiqish.
Unit 16
#Phrases and collocations. #Part 1
Cook - pishirmoq
Cook a good meal - yaxshi ovqat tayyorlash.
Do the cooking - taom pishirish.
Drink - ichmoq
Make (sb) a drink - biror kishiga ichimlik tayyorlash.
Have a drink (of sth) - biror narsaning ichimligini ichish.
Drink to sb's health - biror kishinig sog'ligi uchun ichmoq.
Drink a toast to sb - Biror kishini omadi uchun ichmoq.
Feed - ovqatlantirmoq.
Feed an animal/etc. - hayvonni ovqatlantirish.
Feed on sth - biror narsani oziq- ovqat sifatida iste'mol qilish.
Fill - to'ldirmoq
Fill sth (up) - Biror narsani to'ldirish.
Filled with sth - Biror narsa bilan to'ldirilgan.
Full of sth - Biror narsa bilan to'la.
Food - oziq-ovqat
Make food - taom tayyorlash.
Fast/junk food - tez tayyorlanadigan ovqat.
Pet food - hayvonlar ovqati.
Health food - sog'lom ovqat.
Meal - taom ,ovqat
Have a meal - taom yeyish
Cook a meal - taom pishirish
Make a meal - taom tayyorlash.
Go out for a meal - taom yeyish uchun tashqariga chiqish.