Hindistonning 🇮🇳 Dehli shahrida joylashgan (JDMC-DU) Dehli universitetining Janki Devi Memorial kollejida 🏢 joriy yilning 26-27-mart kunlarida 📆 “INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE SYSTEMS AND CULTURAL RESILIENCE” mavzusida xalqaro konferensiya boʻlib oʻtadi.
Konferensiya 🕯 quyidagi yoʻnalishlarga oid mavzular boʻyicha oʻtqaziladi 👇
Konferensiya haqida batafsil maʼlumot 🗂 👆
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Konferensiya 🕯 quyidagi yoʻnalishlarga oid mavzular boʻyicha oʻtqaziladi 👇
🖇 Role of culture in understanding climate.
🖇 Sustainability and environmental conservation.
🖇 Sustainable cities and communities.
🖇 Arts, Culture and Sustainability
🖇 Gender Sustainability.
🖇 Heritage, history and sustainability.
🖇 Ethics and Sustainability.
🖇 Traditional knowledge and Modern Practices.
🖇 Local traditions and Global Goals.
🖇 Health and sustainability.
🖇 Eco spirituality.
🖇 Boundaries between knowledge and action.
🖇 Forgotten margins: Literature and inclusivity Any other topic related to the theme may also be presented. Both globally and nationally the SDGS aims towards a resilient and inclusive approach that is transformative in nature. “The Sustainable Development Goals are a call for action by all countries – poor, rich and middle-income – to promote prosperity while protecting the planet.”
Konferensiya haqida batafsil maʼlumot 🗂 👆
Academic Renessans ®
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