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You and me together, nothing is better.

"The safest way of not being very miserable is not to expect to be very happy."

— Schopenhauer

"Yaxshiyam sen borsan."

"Chunki sen meni oldimda har doim baxtli bo'lgansan"

Tushlarda ko'rishmoq ham bir g'anitmadir.

5.6k 2 114 1.1k

"While one still breathes, one still has hope. At least, in some form."

— Cicero

"We should not, like sheep, follow the herd of creatures in front of us, making our way where others go, not where we ought to go."

— Seneca

"The eyes, chico. They never lie."

Hech kimdan hech nima kutmasdan yashayapman. Shunisi yaxshi ekan.

"Nearly everything is really interesting if you go into it deeply enough."

— Richard Feynman

Someday we will read books together. I hope that day comes.

"U haqida gapirganingizda ko'zingizda olovni ko'ryapman."

"Take the measure of your life: it does not have room for so many things."

— Seneca

— Uyim bu yerda emas edi, adashib qoldikmi?

— Yo'q, shunchaki uzoqroq yo'ldan yuryapman.

"Maybe it was nothing to you, but it was my heart."

— Mahmoud Darwish

"Every time I hear your name in a story or a song, I stop, as if the universe is trying to tell me something about you.”

Let's meet again, for the first time.

“Take the high road; it’s far less crowded”

Istalgan narsaga erishishni eng oson yo'li o'sha narsaga arzish.


— Qalb kasalligiga nima doringiz bor?

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