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Forward from: Her Bios
Birgalikda ezgulik ulashamiz!🫂

1 kunda 2000 kishi uchun iftorlik⚡️

☁️2000 dona suv
☁️45 kg xurmo
☁️2000 dona paket

Her Bios va Sinamor kanali tomonidan qilinayotgan ehsonga siz ham qo'shiling!

Biz har bir inson ezgu ishlarga qodirligiga ishonamiz va ko'ngilli talabalarni yaxshilik qilishga chorlab qolamiz.

Saxovatpesha insonlar uchun:
💳 9860170104342382
🪪 Hakimov Sardorbek

"Har bir ehsoningiz mukofoti Allohning cheksiz rahmati va barakasi bo‘lsin!"

Boshqalar bilan ulashing va ehsonga o'z hissayizni qo'shing!

@yanafsu & @ssinamorr

guess my EBRW
Module1 1-2 unsure
M2 3 unsure & 4 random

my worst test performance out of all 5 tests taken
Score prediction:
Ebrw 690-700
Math 730-750

TIS, wait for me...

HKUST ga tayyorgarlik 😂

414 0 0 10 28

any nominees for Stipendium Hungaricum?

406 0 2 22 14

bizga ham nasib qilib qolar🤧

Recap of admissions in Uzbekistan in under 4minutes

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588 0 27 14 24


620 0 0 17 10

Hong Kong University of Stress and Tension is conquered✅

622 0 3 36 46

Happy Ramadan Mubarak 🌙

Forward from: Azizbek Zaylobiddinov
2025-yil 14-fevral sanasi yurtimiz tarixiy kitoblarida oltin qalamlar bilan yoziladigan sana bo’ldi. Chunki, shu kuni yurtboshimiz biz yoshlar bilan eng samimiy muloqot o’tkazdilar. Bunday bizga berilayotgan yangi imkoniyatlarni ko’rib men shunchaki bir O’zbek farzandi, yoshi sifatida yanada ko’proq o’z ustimda ishlashga va yurtimiz rivoji hissa qo’shishga juda katta motivatsiya oldim.

Barcha islohotlar men o’ylaymanki Yangi O’zbekiston, Uchinchi Renessans qurishimizga katta poydevor bo’lib bizmat qiladi.

Biz yoshlar esa bu imkoniyatlarga va davlatimiz rahbariga “Labbay” deb javob berishga tayyormiz.


Secret Community is in
The list is to be continued...

Forward from: r u serious right now?
“Hang it in the Louvre”

Tashkent International School Grade 10 Scholarship Application form 2025-2026

Dear Students, please complete
this form if you:
are citizens of Uzbekistan, and have been attending a non-fee paying public school in Uzbekistan for the past 9 years.

were born between June 1, 2008 and August 31, 2010.

will complete the equivalent of Grade 9, 10 or the first year of college by June 2025.

can enter TIS into Grade 10 and complete three years of education until graduation

can demonstrate that you would be financially unable to attend TIS if the scholarship were not available.

earn excellent grades in your subjects at school.

are proficient in Mathematics and English, specifically possessing strong reading, writing, and analytical skills.

are aware that the TIS scholarship covers tuition and qualified learning programs, not room and board.

successfully complete the testing and interview processes in-person at TIS at the designated times.

Application from

Registered for Tashkent International Marathon 2025
Distance: 10kms
Anyone joining us?

801 1 12 87 2

What got me into Koc University?

I gave up on US admissions close to December for personal reasons.
So I started looking for other places, preferably the ones where food and climate are not a problem for a fussy eater and melancholic guy like me.
That is how I ended up researching universities in Turkiye.
I texted the best top unis in Turkiye on the YouTube search bar and Koc was the first on the list.
Furthermore, I watched info sessions, campus tours, math department videos, the website, and staff - all of which were in pursuit of getting to know what kind of place Koc is, what it can give to me in terms of career and research opportunities, etc.
After doing thorough research for a couple of days, I fell in love with this academic institution and firmly decided to apply. Yet, I immediately found out that I missed something to be eligible as an international student: I didn't have a TOEFL iBT certificate.
Some private universities in Turkiye do not accept IELTS and DET. An applicant has to have a score of above 80 out of 120, and the writing section has to be not lower than 20.
So I registered for the December 28th exam which I obviously screwed up due to inadequate prep time and technical issues during the test. I ended up with 91/120 = B2. I would recommend choosing Koc University till a day before the exam as a score recipient on the ETS platform. Otherwise, you have to pay $25 for score submission to a single institution.

Filling in the application:
January 10th.
The biggest dilemma was facing me ahead. I didn't have any draft of either my personal statement or recommendation letters written.
And here came my brother from another mother Shohnur aka, who never hesitated to lend me a hand during both the SAT and application journey.
Once collecting every bit of info about the Koc math department, I finished the first draft. Shohnur aka helped me to polish it.
Having all the required documents, I opened the application portal.
Next, I filled in my stats, schools, honors, and extracurriculars. It was a painstaking procedure.

One more step left — a self-recorded video interview. The day you open the portal, you will receive an invitation for an interview recorded on your device. You have 10 days to complete it. You basically get a prompt once you click to start and are given a couple of minutes to prepare. Then, you have to answer that question in detail in under 2 minutes. This interview will also affect your application, so get prepared well with deep research and a clear goal.

I applied for a regular decision track at Koc University, the deadline for which is July 2nd, 2025. The application fee was $30, which is quite affordable in comparison to other private universities in other countries like China, Hong Kong, South Korea, and Europe.

In addition to applying via its website, you can also choose Koc as your priority in the Turkiye Burslari application. I did it to boost my chances of admission if the former doesn't work out. Luckily, it did.
Now awaiting the scholarship letter, which is supposed to arrive in March.

Hope you found it useful!
Koc University Application portal:

812 0 9 24 15

Forward from: RAMAZONOV_SHOHJAHON_yuksalish
Assalamu alaykum, folks!

Not too long ago, when our situations were quite similar (only both of us know), we decided to re-plan everything and search for top universities in Turkey. The very first names on our list were Koç University and METU—and today, by the will of Allah Ta’ala, my brother has officially been accepted into Koç University’s BSc Mathematics Class of 2029!

With only 10 international students accepted into the Math faculty each year, this is truly an incredible achievement! I’m absolutely over the moon hearing this fantastic news. May this journey be filled with endless success and barakah!

Congratulations, Azizbek!

#Alhamdulillah #KoçUniversity #MathClassof2029

Koç University’s [BSc] Mathematics Class of 2029
QS 2025 Ranking: 401st

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