46) boom (verb)
Definition: To grow rapidly and successfully.
Translation: Jadal rivojlanmoq
Example: Zhang's AC business boomed for two decades.
47) couple (noun)
Definition: A small number, usually two.
Translation: Bir nechta, juft, ikkita
Example: A couple of events changed Zhang’s course.
48) event (noun)
Definition: Something that happens, especially something important.
Translation: Hodisa, voqea
Example: The earthquake was a tragic event that influenced Zhang.
49) conspire (verb)
Definition: To work together to cause something to happen (often negative).
Translation: yomonlashtirmoq, battar qilmoq
Example: A couple of events conspired to change Zhang’s course.
50) change course (phrase)
Definition: To change direction or plan.
Translation: Yo‘nalishni o‘zgartirmoq
Example: The earthquake forced Zhang to change course in his career.
51) environmentalist (noun)
Definition: A person who cares about and works to protect the environment.
Translation: Atrof-muhit himoyachisi
Example: Zhang became an environmentalist after seeing the effects of poor construction.
52) refit (verb)
Definition: To repair or modify something to make it better.
Translation: Qayta ta’mirlash, tuzatish
Example: Zhang tried to convince developers to refit existing buildings.
53) existing (adjective)
Definition: Already in place or present.
Translation: Mavjud, bor bo‘lgan
Example: He wanted to make existing buildings more stable.
54) draft (verb)
Definition: To choose or recruit people for a task.
Translation: Jalb qilmoq, safarbar qilmoq
Example: Zhang drafted his own engineers to research new building methods.
55) own (adjective)
Definition: Belonging to oneself.
Translation: O‘zining, o‘ziga tegishli bo‘lgan
Example: He used his own engineers instead of hiring new ones.
56) traditional (adjective)
Definition: Following older customs or methods.
Translation: An’anaviy
Example: Zhang gave up on traditional building methods.
57) frustrated (adjective)
Definition: Feeling annoyed because something is difficult or not successful.
Translation: Hafsalasi pir bo‘lgan, asabiylashgan
Example: He was frustrated by the high costs of hiring designers.
Definition: To grow rapidly and successfully.
Translation: Jadal rivojlanmoq
Example: Zhang's AC business boomed for two decades.
47) couple (noun)
Definition: A small number, usually two.
Translation: Bir nechta, juft, ikkita
Example: A couple of events changed Zhang’s course.
48) event (noun)
Definition: Something that happens, especially something important.
Translation: Hodisa, voqea
Example: The earthquake was a tragic event that influenced Zhang.
49) conspire (verb)
Definition: To work together to cause something to happen (often negative).
Translation: yomonlashtirmoq, battar qilmoq
Example: A couple of events conspired to change Zhang’s course.
50) change course (phrase)
Definition: To change direction or plan.
Translation: Yo‘nalishni o‘zgartirmoq
Example: The earthquake forced Zhang to change course in his career.
51) environmentalist (noun)
Definition: A person who cares about and works to protect the environment.
Translation: Atrof-muhit himoyachisi
Example: Zhang became an environmentalist after seeing the effects of poor construction.
52) refit (verb)
Definition: To repair or modify something to make it better.
Translation: Qayta ta’mirlash, tuzatish
Example: Zhang tried to convince developers to refit existing buildings.
53) existing (adjective)
Definition: Already in place or present.
Translation: Mavjud, bor bo‘lgan
Example: He wanted to make existing buildings more stable.
54) draft (verb)
Definition: To choose or recruit people for a task.
Translation: Jalb qilmoq, safarbar qilmoq
Example: Zhang drafted his own engineers to research new building methods.
55) own (adjective)
Definition: Belonging to oneself.
Translation: O‘zining, o‘ziga tegishli bo‘lgan
Example: He used his own engineers instead of hiring new ones.
56) traditional (adjective)
Definition: Following older customs or methods.
Translation: An’anaviy
Example: Zhang gave up on traditional building methods.
57) frustrated (adjective)
Definition: Feeling annoyed because something is difficult or not successful.
Translation: Hafsalasi pir bo‘lgan, asabiylashgan
Example: He was frustrated by the high costs of hiring designers.