#️⃣ Useful_Vebrs 2️⃣
I N F O R M A L - F O R M A L
▫️It’s about - It concerns, It’s in regards to
▪️need to - required
▫️think about - consider
▪️get - obtain
▫️put up - tolerate
▪️deal with - handle
▫️seem - appear
▪️show - demonstrate, illustrate, portray
▫️start - commence
▪️keep - retain
▫️free - release
▪️get on someone’s nerves - bother
▫️ring up - call
▪️show up - arrive
▫️let - permit
▪️fill in - substitute, inform
▫️block - undermine
➠ https://t.me/IELTS_adss
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👉🏻 ©️ @Amazing_IELTS
I N F O R M A L - F O R M A L
▫️It’s about - It concerns, It’s in regards to
▪️need to - required
▫️think about - consider
▪️get - obtain
▫️put up - tolerate
▪️deal with - handle
▫️seem - appear
▪️show - demonstrate, illustrate, portray
▫️start - commence
▪️keep - retain
▫️free - release
▪️get on someone’s nerves - bother
▫️ring up - call
▪️show up - arrive
▫️let - permit
▪️fill in - substitute, inform
▫️block - undermine
➠ https://t.me/IELTS_adss
🔗 Share and follow
👉🏻 ©️ @Amazing_IELTS