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O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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☕️ Saharlikka turganlar bormi 🌟👳‍♂️
☕️ Saharlikka turganlar bormi 🌟👳‍♂️
☕️ Saharlikka turganlar bormi 🌟👳‍♂️
☕️ Saharlikka turganlar bormi 🌟👳‍♂️
☕️ Saharlikka turganlar bormi 🌟👳‍♂️
☕️ Saharlikka turganlar bormi 🌟👳‍♂️

🚨10 ta omadli odam kirib olsin joylar juda kam❗️


: colon

, comma

- hyphen

* asterisk

# hashtag

@ at sign

; semicolon

' apostrophe

_ underscore

? question mark

" " quotation marks

/ slash, forward slash

' ' single quotation marks

✅ #LearnEnglish #vocabulary

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My point of view is following: 🚀🗝

✈️ Let me express what I think of this problem.

🪂As far as I am able to judge....
🪂As far as I know ....
🪂If I am not mistaken ...
🪂As for me...
🪂To my mind...
🪂In my opinion... It seems to me that...
🪂The thing is that...
🪂The point is that... On the contrary
🪂On purpose
🪂Frankly speaking... Speaking
🪂 personally...
🪂I suppose...
🪂I mean...
🪂I guess...
🪂I suggest...
🪂I wonder...
🪂I bet...
🪂 I hope...
🪂 I believe...

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1000 yillik savolning javobi topildi 🤯

Savol quyidagicha :

🐥Tovuq birinchi paydo bo'lganmi yoki tuxum 🥚?


🛠 Tools In English - Ingliz tilida asboblar

⚙️ Pliers ⚡️ Ombur
⚙️ Scissors ⚡️ Qaychi
⚙️ Shears ⚡️ Tok qaychi
⚙️ Tape measure ⚡️ Metr
⚙️ Nail ⚡️ Mix
⚙️ Hammer ⚡️ Bolg'a
⚙️ Screw ⚡️ Vint
⚙️ Screwdriver ⚡️ Otvertka
⚙️ Drill ⚡️ Drell

🌐 Eng ko'p ulashing...


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📝📝📝📝In an agreement/ disagreement type essay, you will often need to express whether you agree/ disagree or partially agree with a given statement or opinion. The following vocabulary would be helpful to express your agreement with something.

I quite agree that......

• I strongly agree......

• I completely agree that......

• I totally agree with the given idea that......

• I agree with the opinion that......

• I am quite inclined to the opinion that......

• I could not agree more......

• I concur with the group who believe that......

•I accept that......

• I accept the fact that......

• I approve of the idea......

•I am in agreement......

• I consent that......

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🌟 Advanced vs Basic English
🌟 Normal vs Advanced
Don't say VERY!
Basic: very admired 💜
Advanced: prestigious
Basic: very famous 💜
Advanced: renowned
Basic: very thin 💜
Advanced: scrawny
Basic: very thin and pale 💜
Advanced: gaunt
Basic: very fat 💜
Advanced: obese
Basic: very happy 💜
Advanced: elated 〰️

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💤nod off

💤doze off

💤take a nap

💤get some rest

💤take a snooze

💤catch some z's

💤get some sleep

💤catch forty winks

💤get some shuteye

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#LearnEnglish #vocabulary #idioms

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➡️10 Ways to Say "Sorry"🤔

• Sorry
• Pardon me
• Every so sorry.
• That's my fault.
• Sorry. It was all my fault .
• Please don't be mad at me
• Please excuse my (ignorance)
• I'm (so / very / terribly) sorry.
• How stupid / careless / thoughless of me.
• Please accept our (sincerest) apologies.


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👮The most noticeable difference between American and British English is vocabulary.

✅ Ex:
💜 Brits call the front of a car the bonnet, while Americans call it the hood.

✔️ Americans go on vacation, while Brits go on holidays.

🟣 New Yorkers live in apartments; Londoners live in flats.

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Stop using "very" 😁)

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📌Save it for later!

#vocabulary #synonyms

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✳️Allusion va Illusion farqi✳️

🅰LLUSION - Kinoya qilish

▪️Masalan: The professor made an allusion to Virginia Woolf's work - Professor Virginia Vulfning ishiga kinoya qildi.

ℹ️LLUSION - Xom- hayol, real hayotni yolģon his qilish. ( Kòzboyloģichlarni eslang )

▪️Masalan: They saw a mirage: that is a type of illusion one sees in the desert - Ular sarobni kòrdi: Bu chòldaki xom - hayolning bir kòrinishi edi.

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Want to speak English faster? 🚀

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#️⃣ Useful_Vebrs 2️⃣

I N F O R M A L - F O R M A L

▫️It’s about - It concerns, It’s in regards to
▪️need to - required
▫️think about - consider
▪️get - obtain
▫️put up - tolerate
▪️deal with - handle
▫️seem - appear
▪️show - demonstrate, illustrate, portray
▫️start - commence
▪️keep - retain
▫️free - release
▪️get on someone’s nerves - bother
▫️ring up - call
▪️show up - arrive
▫️let - permit
▪️fill in - substitute, inform
▫️block - undermine

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🧵 So'zlashuv uchun: Lug'at

📏 at war - urushda
📏 at peace - tinchlik vaqtida
📏 at ease - erkin
📏 at rest - dam olishda
📏 at sea - dengiz bo‘yida
📏 at lunch - tushlikda
📏 in danger - xatarda
📏 in need - muhtojlikda
📏 in tears - ko‘z yosh to‘kib
📏 in reply - javoban
📏 in love - oshiqlikda
📏 in difficulty - qiyinchilikda
📏 on guard - himoyada
📏 on purpose - ataylab
📏 on fire - o‘t ichida
📏 on sale - sotuvda
📏 on vacation - o‘quv ta’tilida
📏 on time - vaqtida
📏 on duty - navbatchilikda
📏 on land - yerda
📏 on sea - dengizda
📏 by accident - tasodifan
📏 by design - qasddan
📏 out of control - nazoratdan chiqqan
📏 out of danger - xatardan holi
📏 out of date - eskirgan
📏 out of door - tashqarida
📏 out of order - buzilgan
📏 out of stock - qolmagan
📏 out of turn - navbatdan tashqari

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🍀Vocabulary to represent comparison in graphs

✅Similar. ✅Just over
• about • just above
• almost • just bigger
• roughly • just over
• approximately • just across
• nearly • just beyond
• around
✅Just short
• just below • just beneath
• just sort/under • just a little

✅Much more. ✅Much less
• well above • well below
• well above • well under
• well beyond • well short
• well across • well beneath
• well over

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⚡️ Ishonchim komil / amin emasman va o'z fikringizni bildirish!

🏝It goes without saying that …

🏝It’s quite clear that …

🏝It’s worth pointing out that …

🏝It’s often argued that …

🏝It’s likely that …

🏝It’s unlikely that …

🏝There’s the possibility that …

🏝Oh, that’s an interesting question.

🏝You know, I am not an expert in …, but I suppose that…

🏝I’m not really sure what I think about that, but…

🏝I’ve got mixed views on the issue of ….

〽️Biz bilan Ingliz Tilini 0-dan IELTS-gacha bepul tayyorlaning
@Amazing_IELTS 🔝

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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📹 Does grammar matter? - Andreea S. Calude


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20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.