𝐴𝑈’𝑠 🇬🇧

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha

AU - Akhmadillo Ubaydullaev
- UoB’28 🇬🇧

- Grinding hard, learning more and sharing it all
- Becoming the best version of myself and helping others do the same.
Link: https://t.me/+xtqfg-a2Lr84YzNi
Owner: @UA_14

Связанные каналы

Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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Biz erkaklardi baxtiga sogʻ omon boʻlilar…)

𝐴𝑈’𝑠 🇬🇧 dan repost
"On this joyous occasion of Women's Day, I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations to you, dear sisters, mothers for your unwavering strength, compassion, and resilience. In Islam, women are revered for their dignity, grace, and inner strength, qualities that you embody with grace and humility. Today, as we celebrate your invaluable contributions to our community and beyond. May Allah's blessings be upon you, guiding you with His divine wisdom and protecting you with His loving care. May your heart be filled with peace, your soul with joy, and your life with abundant blessings.

Congratulations, beloved sisters, mothers and may this Women's Day serve as a reminder of your immense worth and importance in the eyes of Allah."

Love you all🫶🏻

AU’s 💐

𝐴𝑈’𝑠 🇬🇧 dan repost
are you iftar ?

cuz I've been waiting for you))


British empire…👀

Then we can guess how the “Great” word came from
( Except from geographical reasons as well…)

• Amerika, Kanada va Avstraliya etc…

• va shuning uchun ham men soham bachelor boʻyicha Usadan koʻra UK ma’qul koʻrganman…
Sababi 1/3 of world built their system with “Old British legal rules”

• va “ UK Home of law” sanaladi most* sourcelarda…

Spring is springing in the UK…

Uzbekistanda adashmasam “winter cameback” boʻldiya 👀

85 0 0 12 11

Ramadan Mubarak)

𝐴𝑈’𝑠 🇬🇧 dan repost
11 months of feeding the body and now one month to feed the soul 🫀

Ramadan 💫

AU’s ☪️

“Paradise lies under the feet of your mother.”

This is your friendly reminder to saying how much you love her…)

One of my Inshallah
Became alhamdulillah)

Then moving forward again
Let’s see what is written for us)

137 0 1 30 13

📍National history museum in London

• Over 80mln specimens
• Iconic Diplodocus ( in the main hall)
• Gothic architecture
• Darwin’s influence and statue of him in the main hall
• The Earth hall (escalator can take visitors through model)
• and lastly Free entrance…)


Some movies featured in that museum…

One I guess you all know “Paddington” here you can watch the museum scene…

Monday vs Me

Dushanba shunaqangi busy kunki…💀

3 lectures

• Law at 9 till 11:00
• History at 11 till 13:00

And from 13:00 till my next lecture I got 1 hour
For what…?

• For praying
• For having lunch
• For walking back to my dorm and again back to my 3rd lesson… (Glad that I live in campus)

• 3rd Lecture English 14 dan till 16:00…

Shu bn tugaydi… finally)

Shunaqa gaplar
Bu yerda “London’s vibes, pics and videos boʻlishi mumkin edi”
Lkn I cant because of hectic university schedule…

But I do my best…
Thanks for understanding)

Lavya y’all

📍Tower Bridge, England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿…

Ps: Stay tuned for London’s pictures as well…

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

16 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.