Gulisa Ibragimova 🪼

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Toifa: Telegram

AUT with full scholarship
Ambassador of IT Community
Volunteers Group organizer
MUN conferences23
English Teacher
International student✈️
Instagram: Gulisa_Ibragimova
Films: @Samolardanam_balandda
For questions: @SeNoRiTaS_Bot

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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Men ham sinab ko'rdim, rostan ham yaxshi, IELTS'ga tayyorlanyotganla uchun ham acha foydali)

thanks to Muhammadjon

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Telegram'da ko‘rish

Bugundan e'tiboran rasman 7-mart ayollar va qizlar bayrami deb e'lon qilinadi) kanalimni boost qivorela:)

Hullas Xalqim, tezroq kunni tanlaylik, ertaga 10:00 gacha qaysi sana kõp ovoz yiğsa shu kun tanlanadi, tarixni yozish vaqti keldi🧡
  •   5-mart
  •   6-mart
  •   7-mart
18 ta ovoz

8-martni musulmonlar nishonlashi tõğrimi?

~ 8-mart faqat Õzbekistonda nishonlanmaydi, u jahon miqiyosidagi bayram, shu bilan bir qatorda, onalarimizni, opa-singillarimiz yoki yaqinlarimizni quvontirishni hech qanday yomon tomoni yõq. Lekin bu kunni tarixi qora, sovet ittifoqining hiylasiga kõnib ajdodlarimiz paranjalarini yechishgan, qadriyatimiz oyoqosti qilingan. Afsuski buni rad etolmayman, bu voqea 20-yillarda 8-mart kuni Samarqand shahrida boshlangan. Ayollarga paranjilarini yechish buyurilgan va shu kunda yoqilgan. Albatta, bu kundan keyin ayollar ham õz huquqlari va erkinliklariga ega bõlgan, ta'lim ola boshlashgan, chet elga õqish imkoniga ega bõlishgan, lekin haligacha ba'zan dinimiz jihatidan qarashib notõğri deb hisoblashadi, menda ajoyib taklif bor, demak muammo ayollarni qadrlash kunida emas balki, 8-martda ekan, nega bu kunni õzgartirmasligimiz kerak? Masalan: 10-mart yoki 5-mart chiroyli sanalar...

8-mart xalqaro ayollar kuni sifatida *paranja*ni yechish voqeasidan oldin ham butun dunyoda nishonlangan. Bu kun ayollar huquqlari harakatining tarixiy ahamiyati tufayli tanlangan. 1917-yilda Rossiyaning Petrograd shahrida (hozirgi Sankt-Peterburg) ayollar "non va tinchlik" talab qilib, ish tashlashgan. Bu norozilik harakati Rossiya inqilobini boshlab berishda muhim rol o‘ynagan va 8-mart ayollar kuchi va faolligining ramziga aylangan.

Ayollarning bu kunni "hijobni echish kuni" deb atashlari tarixiy dalillar bilan bog‘liq emas. Xalqaro ayollar kuni ko‘proq ayollarning saylov huquqlari, mehnat huquqlari va tenglik kabi asosiy kurashlariga bag‘ishlangan. Ayrim hududlarda bu kun ayollar empowerment'ini kengroq ramz sifatida qabul qilinadi va ba'zan madaniy rivoyatlar bilan kesishib ketishi mumkin, ammo bu kunning asosiy sabablari diniy yoki madaniy urf-odatlarga bog‘liq emas.

1927-yilda O‘zbekistonda *paranja*ni ommaviy echish voqeasi Sovet davridagi *Hujum* kampaniyasi bilan bog‘liq bo‘lib, 8-mart bu jarayonning mahalliy tarixiy lahzasiga aylangan. Biroq, Xalqaro ayollar kuni allaqachon global miqyosda huquq va tenglik kurashining ramzi bo‘lgan.

Fikrlar va reaksiyalarni kutib qolaman🤩

Video was just a joke.

First one is by my amazing university and coursemates:) they shared happiness in the morning and this mood remained whole day. Guys, thank you so much!

Second one is by myself for myself😊 3 notebooks, one can be locked and all are nice, In Shaa Allah, tomorrow we may buy daisy!🌸

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

For boys😁


13-14 mart kunlari ''Qonli Oy'' tutilishi kuzatiladi, universitet bilan telescope 🔭 yasagandik:) Sinab kõrish uchun ajoyib imkoniyat🌖

105 0 1 14 14

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Telegram'da ko‘rish

Muslims in Ramadan)

Next target is 500+ connections without sending connection requests until May 1st, soon new post on LinkedIn:)

Easy Japanese pancakes for tomorrow🥞😋

139 0 0 31 22

Qish mendik oshiğidan ketmoq istamas❤️
Bahorning ilk kunlarida qishning yoqqan oppoq qorlari, go'yo qalbi sog'inch bilan to'lgani sababli qaytib kelganday.⛄️

Ramadan Mubarak!☪️

~Wishing you all a blessed Ramadan filled with peace, reflection and growth. May Allah shower us with His mercy and guide us to greater understanding and compassion, accept our prayers and grant us barakah, far exceeding what was achieved last Ramadan📖🦋

Here are the things we should do:

1. Fasting (Sawm):
• Abstaining from Food and Drink: From dawn (Fajr) until sunset (Maghrib), Muslims abstain from all food, drink (including water), and smoking.
• Intention (Niyyah): It's important to have a sincere intention to fast for the sake of Allah.
• Beyond Physical Abstinence: The fast is not just about avoiding food and drink. It's also about abstaining from negative behaviors, such as gossiping, lying, arguing, and engaging in immoral activities.

2. Prayer (Salah):
• Performing the Five Daily Prayers: Muslims should diligently perform the five daily prayers (Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha) on time.
• Praying Taraweeh: Taraweeh prayers are special voluntary prayers performed after Isha during Ramadan. They are typically longer than regular prayers and involve reciting portions of the Quran. Praying them in congregation at the mosque is highly recommended.
• Making Du'a (Supplication): Ramadan is a time to increase in making du'a (personal supplications to Allah). It is a time when prayers are readily accepted.

3. Reading the Quran (Tilawah):
• Reciting the Quran: Muslims should make a special effort to read the Quran during Ramadan. Many aim to complete a full reading (khatam) of the Quran during the month.
• Understanding the Quran: It's also important to reflect on the meaning of the Quran and strive to implement its teachings in daily life.

4. Charity (Zakat and Sadaqah):
• Giving Zakat: If eligible, Muslims are obligated to pay Zakat (obligatory charity). Ramadan is a good time to fulfill this obligation.
• Giving Sadaqah (Voluntary Charity): Muslims are encouraged to give generously to those in need. This can include donating money, food, or clothing, or volunteering time.
• Feeding the Fasting (Iftar): Providing iftar (the evening meal that breaks the fast) to those in need is a highly rewarding act.

5. Reflection and Self-Improvement:
• Contemplating One's Life: Ramadan is a time for introspection and self-assessment. Muslims should reflect on their actions, habits, and relationships and identify areas for improvement.
• Seeking Forgiveness: Muslims should seek forgiveness from Allah for their sins and strive to make amends for any wrongdoings.
• Improving Character: Ramadan is an opportunity to develop good character traits, such as patience, humility, generosity, and compassion.

6. Strengthening Family Ties:
• Spending Time with Family: Ramadan is a time to strengthen family bonds and spend quality time with loved ones.
• Sharing Iftar and Suhoor (Pre-dawn Meal): Sharing meals with family and friends is a common and cherished tradition during Ramadan.

7. Observing Laylat al-Qadr (The Night of Power):
• Seeking Laylat al-Qadr: Laylat al-Qadr is the most sacred night in Islam, believed to be the night when the Quran was first revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It falls during the last ten nights of Ramadan.
• Increased Worship: Muslims should strive to spend these nights in increased worship, prayer, and remembrance of Allah.

8. Maintaining Good Manners:
• Avoiding Arguments and Conflict: Ramadan is a time to be patient and tolerant. Muslims should avoid engaging in arguments and conflict.
• Speaking Kindly: Muslims should strive to speak kindly and respectfully to others.
• Controlling Anger: It's important to control anger and avoid reacting impulsively.

Ramadan is a holistic experience that encompasses physical, spiritual, and social dimensions. It's a time to deepen one's relationship with Allah, purify the heart, and strengthen ties with family and community. By diligently observing these practices, Muslims can strive to make the most of this blessed month and attain spiritual growth and reward.


This is a deep and important question. Even though prayer (Salah) does not take much time or effort, many people struggle with consistency. There are several reasons for this:

1. Shaytan’s (Satan’s) Deception and Distractions
- Shaytan's goal is to keep us away from Allah. He whispers excuses like *"I’ll pray later,"* *"I’m too tired,"* or *"It’s not a big deal to miss one prayer."*
- He makes worldly things seem more important and makes Salah feel like a burden instead of a blessing.
📖 "Satan wants to cause between you animosity and hatred through intoxicants and gambling and to avert you from the remembrance of Allah and from prayer. So will you not desist?" (*Surah Al-Ma'idah, 5:91*)

2. Lack of Connection with the Meaning of Salah
- Many people see prayer as a duty rather than a conversation with Allah.
- If someone does not understand what they are saying, their heart may not feel connected.
- Solution: Learn the meaning of Surah Al-Fatiha and other parts of the prayer to increase spiritual focus.
📖 "And establish prayer for My remembrance." (*Surah Taha, 20:14*)

3. The Pull of Worldly Life (Dunya)
- People can spend hours on social media, work, or entertainment but struggle with a 5-minute prayer.
- The dunya makes immediate results feel more rewarding, while Salah’s benefits are spiritual and long-term.
📖 "But you prefer the worldly life, while the Hereafter is better and more lasting." (*Surah Al-A'la, 87:16-17*)

4. Weak Iman (Faith) and Spiritual Laziness
- When faith is strong, Salah feels easy and enjoyable.
- When faith is weak, Salah feels heavy and difficult.
- Faith fluctuates, so we must constantly recharge it through Quran, dhikr, and good company.
📖 "And seek help through patience and prayer, and indeed, it is difficult except for the humbly submissive [to Allah]." (*Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:45*)

5. Bad Habits and Lack of Discipline
- People wake up early for work or school but struggle for Fajr because they prioritize dunya over Akhirah.
- They have self-discipline for exercise, studies, or business, but not for their soul’s success.
- Solution: Build a habit—just like exercising daily, force yourself at first, and later it becomes natural.
📖 "And those who strive for Us—We will surely guide them to Our ways." (*Surah Al-Ankabut, 29:69*)

6. Underestimating the Importance of Salah
- Some people don’t realize that Salah is the first thing we will be asked about on Judgment Day.
- They underestimate its role in keeping them close to Allah and away from sins.
📖 "Indeed, prayer prohibits immorality and wrongdoing, and the remembrance of Allah is greater." (*Surah Al-Ankabut, 29:45*)

How to Stay Consistent in Salah?
1. Remind yourself of its importance—it’s the key to Jannah and Allah’s mercy.
. Make Dua—ask Allah to make Salah easy for you.
3. Start small—if you struggle, begin by praying at least one prayer on time and build up.
4. Surround yourself with good influences—being around those who pray helps you pray.
5. Think of death—imagine if this was your last chance to pray before meeting Allah.
. Don’t rely on feelings—even when you don’t feel like praying, do it anyway.

📖 "Successful indeed are the believers, those who humble themselves in their prayer." (*Surah Al-Mu’minun, 23:1-2*)

Final Thought
Salah is not a burden but a gift. The more we prioritize Allah, the easier it becomes. The next time you feel lazy, ask yourself: If I can give time to everything else, why not to the One who created me?

Õz õrnini bahorga bõshatib berar ekan, sevimligim Qish hayrlashishni unutmadi❄️ Yana õsha ajib oppoq qori bilan sõngi bor olamlarcha quvonch ulashib, soğinganida Quyoshning ajib nurlarida turli ranglarda porlaydigan oppoq qorlari ila qaytishni vada berdi🤎.

I am gonna miss it so much)

🤍 dan repost
"Hammasi yaxshi boʻladi", degan ertaknamo gapdan koʻra, "Yomon kunlar ham boʻladi, ammo men yoningda boʻlaman", degan samimiyatni ma'qul koʻraman.

American university of technology -1 floor🎓

I really love the atmosphere that my inspirations are coming, I wish If I was at Home, would share my works with you🌃

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Telegram'da ko‘rish

~Yeah, we might have discipline but sometimes when we face line of problems we need #motivation)

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.