English Atmosphere

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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Bizni oylamiz 10k bo’ldi 😍

Agarda kimdir sizni hursand qilsa, unu ko’proq hursand qiling ❤️

@Eng_Atmosphere 🚀

Yakshanba dam olish kuni uyni buzib qayta quramiz 😅

Muhabbat haqida hech ham qayg'urmang. Toki Alloh siz bilan ekan, siz ham bir kun sevilasiz.

@Eng_Atmosphere 🚀

Har doim shukur qiling. Siz yashayotgan hayot kimlarningdir orzusi.

@Eng_Atmosphere 🚀

Hi guys, so’z o’yini o'ynamizmi
Ingilizcha so’z yozaman siz oxrgi
harfiga soʻz yozasiz keyingi odam
siz yozganga yozadi oʻyinimiz
shunday davom etadi

1. so’z - SOCIAL

2.6k 0 3 862 27

🇺🇿 Umidingizni yo'qotmang, hayotning go'zal damlari hali oldinda

🇺🇸 Don't lose hope, life will be more beautiful ahead

@Eng_Atmosohere 🚀

Hayotingizda qiladigan eng katta xatoingiz - bu doimo xato qilishdan qo'rqib yashashingizdir

©️Elbert Grin Xabbard

@Eng_Atmosohere 🚀

Kelajagingiz o'tmishingizdan ko'ra yaxshiroq bo'ladi InshaaAlloh

@Eng_Atmosphere 🚀

Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Find light in the beautiful sea, I choose to be happy
You and I, you and I, we're like diamonds in the sky
You're a shooting star I see, a vision of ecstasy
When you hold me, I'm alive, we're like diamonds in the sky
I knew that we'd become one right away
Oh, right away
At first sight I felt the energy of sun rays
I saw the life inside your eyes
So shine bright, tonight, you and I
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Eye to eye, so alive
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Shine bright like a diamond (whoa)
Shine bright like a diamond (whoa)
Shining bright like a diamond
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Shine bright like a diamond (whoa)
Shine bright like a diamond (whoa)
Shining bright like a diamond
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Palms rise to the universe as we moonshine and molly
Feel the warmth, we'll never die, we're like diamonds in the sky
You're a shooting star I see, a vision of ecstasy
When you hold me, I'm alive, we're like diamonds in the sky
At first sight I felt the energy of sun rays
I saw the life inside your eyes
So shine bright, tonight, you and I
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Eye to eye, so alive
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Shine bright like a diamond (whoa)
Shine bright like a diamond (whoa)
Shining bright like a diamond
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Shine bright like a diamond (whoa)
Shine bright like a diamond (whoa)
Shining bright like a diamond
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
So shine bright, tonight, you and I
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Eye to eye, so alive
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Shine bright like a diamond (whoa)
Shine bright like a diamond (whoa)
Shine bright like a diamond, oh-oh, yeah
Shine bright like a diamond (whoa)
Shine bright like a diamond (whoa)
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond

@Eng_Atmosphere 🚀

Qaniydi Alloh nazdida qanchalar qadrli ekanligingizni bilganingizda... Yuragingizdan g'am-g'ussani olib tashlab, o'rnini sukunat bilan to'ldirardingiz.

@Eng_Atmosphere 🚀

Alloh taolo: "Men faqat o'zim sevganlarimni imtihon qilaman", deganidan buyon, og'riqlarni sharaf deb qabul qildim.

©️Abu Hurayra r.a

@Eng_Atmosphere 🚀

Kechasi instagramda yegulik haqida reelsni ko'rib qolganchalik azob beradigan narsa yo'q😅


@Eng_Atmosphere 🚀

Natija yo’qmi? Ishlashni davom et
Natija yomonmi? Ishlashni davom et
Natija yaxshimi? Ishlashni davom et

Bir narsaga erishdim deb o’sishdan to’htash ham yaxshi emas! 🙂

𝐄𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐀𝐭𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 ©️

Men hech narsaga loyiq emasman, lekin Alloh menga hamma narsani beradi.
Alhamdulillah 🤍

𝐄𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐀𝐭𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 ©️

Alloh har bir to'kilgan ko'z yoshning hisobini olguvchidir

𝐄𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐀𝐭𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 ©️

Shunchaki turib o’sha ishni bajaring, ertaga demasdan boshlang bas.

𝐄𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐀𝐭𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 ©️

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Reality? 🧐
You are your own waste enemy, you are wasting your time

𝐄𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐀𝐭𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 ©️

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.