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Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha

Self-study qilib IELTS 7+ CEFR C1 olgan o'quvchilar shu kanaldagi shablonlar va Grammar structures dan foydalangan
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O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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Trenddan qomaslik uchun buni siz ham tinglang.Qayerga borsam shu qo'shiq.

Qani yoqsa reaksiya bosinglarchi❤️

💎👉🏻 @ENGLAND_USA is the best

Shu postni 7 kishiga yuborsangiz 7 minutdan keyin sevganingiz telefon qiladi😂

Phrasal Verbs in English 💯❤️

🟠make for
=> contribute to
🟠pick on => bully
🟠put up with => tolerate
🟠settle for => accept
🟠take on => undertake
🟠turn on => activate
🟠act up => misbehave
🟠add on => append
🟠back up => reverse
🟠break out => escape
🟠bring back => restore
🟠carry through => accomplish
🟠come along => accompany
🟠come up => arise
🟠count out => exclude
🟠cut across => shortcut
🟠deal with => manage
🟠fall behind => lag
🟠get off => alight
🟠give in => yield

Writing va Speaking ni kuchaytirib beradigan asosiy narsa bu Phrasal verbs.Qani go yodlaymiz

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‼️ Aynan sizni Sentyabr /Oktyabr oyidagi Multilevel imtihoniga tayyorlab beramiz!

☄️🛍Sentyabr/ Oktyabr oyi uchun Real exam savollari
☄️🛍Sentyabr/ Oktyabr oyi uchun Real exam savollari
☄️🛍Sentyabr/ Oktyabr oyi uchun Real exam savollari
☄️🛍Sentyabr/ Oktyabr oyi uchun Real exam savollari

B2- C1 savollar+ javoblar+ MOCK📈

siz qanaqa reactions bosdiz bu postga


Here are 5 formal ways to say thank you:

1. I greatly appreciate your assistance.

2. Thank you for your invaluable guidance.

3. Your support has been greatly appreciated.

4. I am sincerely grateful for your help.

5. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Buni ha deb thank you de mazgi qilgan tanishingizga yuboring

Thank you chi bollar nechtamiz😁

💎👉🏻 @ENGLAND_USA is the best

992 0 22 1 24

How To Ask For Something Politely In English

1. Could you please...?
2. Would you mind...?
3. May I kindly request...?
4. Could I trouble you to...?
5. Might I ask if...?
6. Would it be possible to...?
7. Do you think you could...?
8. I was wondering if you could...?
9. Could you spare a moment to...?
10. If it's not too much trouble, could you...?

1. Could you please pass me the salt?
2. Would you mind helping me with this heavy box?

Angliya Pangliyaga ketib qolsangiz yana makillab yurmang deb siz uchun maxsus tayyorladik😊😂

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guys qanaqa manbalar izlayapsiz ko'proq CEFR yoki IELTS yozib qoldiring


Band 8 sample answers

* High level vocabulary
* Advanced grammar
* The best ideas

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yodladikmi yoq saqladikmi guys

Basic vs advanced english

1. I'm busy. - My plate is full.
2. I don't care. - It doesn't bother me.
3. I'm happy. - I'm on top of the world.
4. It's not important. - It's not a big deal.
5. I understand. - I get the picture.
6. I'm worried. - I'm on edge.
7. It's bad. - It's a disaster.
8. I'm tired of this. - I'm fed up.
9. That's interesting. - That's fascinating.
10. I'm scared. - I'm petrified.
11. I'm sorry. - My apologies.
12. I'm excited. - I'm pumped.
13. It's boring. - It's a drag.

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1.5k 0 101 4 22

Basic vs Advanced English:

You first - After You
I'm listening - I'm all ears.
I'm very excited - I'm pumped up
I don't understand - I don't get it
I'm a bit busy - I'm a bit tied up
I'll pay the bill - it's on me
Think about it - Sleep on it
Do it alone - Do it by yourself
Move a bit - Scoot over
Don't touch - Hands off
See you soon - Catch you soon
She's very jealous - She's green with envy
I made a mistake - I screwed up
Calm down - Pull yourself together

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Advances English Vocabulary

1. Inspect 👁️ - Scrutinize
2. Appraise 📊 - Judge
3. Blend 🔄 - Integrate
4. Assess 📝 - Appraise
5. Conjecture 🤔 - Postulate
6. Thus ➡️ - Consequently
7. Additionally ➕ - Furthermore
8. Nonetheless 🛑
- However
9. Beneficial 👍 - Advantageous
10. Adverse ☠️ - Detrimental

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Build Your English Vocabulary 🏗️📖
Basic vs

1. Rich - Affluent
2. Poor - Impoverished
3. Kind - Benevolent
4. Cruel - Heartless
5. Noisy - Clamorous
6. Quiet - Hushed
7. Eager - Keen
8. Lazy - Idle
9. Spirited - Animated
10. Jubilant - Celebratory
11. Fast 🏃 - Swift 🚀
12. Slow 🐢 - Lagging 🚶
13. Smart 🧠 - Ingenious 🌟
14. Tiny 📏 - Minuscule 📐
15. Big 🏢 - Gigantic 🏰
16. Tired 😴 - Exhausted 😫
17. Rich 💰 - Affluent 💎
18. Poor 💸 - Destitute 🥺
19. Funny 😂 - Hilarious 😆

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IELTS English Vocabulary 🛑Don’t Always Use ‘Very’

Very vibrant 🎨 - Lively
Very wise 🦉 - Sagacious
Very zealous 🔥 - Eager
Very adventurous 🧗🏻‍♂️- Daring
Very blissful 😇 - Serene
Very compassionate ❤️ - Tender
Very dynamic 🔄 - Energetic
Very eloquent 🗣️ - Articulate
Very fabulous 💃 - Glamorous
Very gallant 🎩 - Chivalrous
Very harmonious 🎶 - Melodic
Very illustrious 🌟 - Distinguished
Very jubilant 🎊 - Exuberant
Very keen 👁️‍🗨️ - Perceptive
Very lavish 💎 - Opulent

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📌Antonyms in English

begin = finish
joyful = sorrowful
large = small
warm = cold
quick = slow
lovely = ugly
intelligent = unintelligent
humorous = serious
courageous = fearful
adore = despise
old = young
heavy = light
far = near
positive = negative
daytime = nighttime
strong = weak
open = shut
up = down
inside = outside
win = fail

💎👉🏻 @ENGLAND_USA is the best

How to say “I’m busy” like a native speaker:

1. I’m tied up at the moment.
2. I’m swamped.
3. I’m in the middle of something.
4. I’m knee-deep in work.
5. I’m snowed under.
6. I’m slammed.”l
7. I’m buried.
8. I’m up to my ears in work.
9. I’m in the thick of it.
10. I’m in the zone.
11. I’m elbow-deep in tasks.
12. I’m hustling.
13. I’m flat out.
14. I’m maxed out.
15. I’m caught up.

💎👉🏻 @ENGLAND_USA is the best

Alternative ways to say “there is a mistake”:

1. There appears to be an error.
2. I’ve noticed an inaccuracy.
3. It seems there’s been a mistake.
4. We’ve encountered a discrepancy.
5. There’s a fault in this.
6. This doesn’t look right.
7. Something seems off here.
8. I believe there’s a problem.
9. We’ve identified an issue.
10. It looks like there’s a misstep.

💎👉🏻 @ENGLAND_USA is the best

Expand Your English Vocabulary 🚀

Hot - 🔥 Warm, Sizzling, Scorching
Cold - ❄️ Chilly, Frigid, Frosty
Good - 👍 Excellent, Fine, Superb
Bad - 👎 Poor, Inferior, Unpleasant
New - 🆕 Fresh, Novel, Recent
Old - 🕰️ Ancient, Vintage, Aged
Clean - 🧹 Tidy, Spotless, Neat
Dirty - 🚮 Filthy, Grimy, Unclean
Happy - 😀 Cheerful, Gleeful, Jovial
Sad - 😔 Gloomy, Depressed, Dismal

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Instead of “VERY” in IELTS

very small => tiny
very good => excellent
very bad => awful
very happy => joyful
very sad => miserable
very funny => hilarious
very serious => grave
very brave => courageous
very cowardly => timid
very fast => swift
very slow => sluggish
very bright => radiant
very dark => gloomy
very noisy => boisterous
very quiet => silent
very strong => powerful
very weak => feeble
very hot => sizzling
very cold => chilly
very young => youthful
very old => elderly
very rich => wealthy

💎👉🏻 @ENGLAND_USA is the best

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.