Channel owner:@Fayzullaev_Ibrohim IELTS 6.5 ( L6.5, R6, W6.5, S7 ) Something of a scientist,writer,speaker
24.09.2024 17:24
Owner: @Fayzullaev_Ibrohim Overall: 6.5 Listening 6.5 Reading 6.0 Writing 6.5 Speaking 7.0 Something of a scientist,writer,speaker
20.09.2024 17:38
Channel owner: @Fayzullaev_Ibrohim IELTS 6.5 ( L6.5, R6, W6.5, S7 ) Something of a scientist,writer,speaker
13.09.2024 02:18
Channel owner: @Fayzullaev_Ibrohim IELTS 6.5 ( L6.5, R6, W6.5, S7 ) Currently 16 years old About my daily life
09.09.2024 17:26
Channel owner: @Fayzullaev_Ibrohim IELTS 6.5 ( L6.5, R6, W6.5, S7 ) Currently 16 years old Everything is self explanatory with me
07.09.2024 17:21
Channel owner: @Fayzullaev_Ibrohim IELTS 6.5 ( L6.5, R6, W6.5, S7 ) 700/800 in SAT Writing and Reading section Currently 16 years old Everything is self explanatory with me
06.09.2024 17:24
Channel owner: @Fayzullaev_Ibrohim IELTS 6.5 ( L6.5, R6, W6.5, S7 ) 700/800 in SAT Writing section Currently 16 years old Everything is self explanatory with me
01.09.2024 02:24
Channel owner: @Fayzullaev_Ibrohim IELTS 6.5 ( L6.5, R6, W6.5, S7 ) Currently 16 years old Everything is self explanatory with me
14.08.2024 15:11
Channel owner: Ibrohim IELTS 6.5 ( L6.5, R6, W6.5, S7 ) Currently 16 years old