Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Ta’lim

• Online o’quv markaz
• Har kunlik 20:00 da bepul jonli darslar
• 10000+ o’quvchilarimiz kurslarimiz orqali
C1 va B2 natijalarga erishishgan
• Teacher: @otabek_saidakhmadovich
• Reklama: @multilevelzone_ads

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Postlar filtri


5.3k 0 94 296 80


7.6k 0 98 722 86



8k 0 8 113 81

🍔Tushadigan savollarga javoblar:

1. What is your favourite book?

- My book "To Kill a Mockingbird" is my favourite. The story is very strong and makes you think about important problems like racism and unfairness. It taught me how to care about other people and why it's important to stand up for what's right. It's a
classic because the story is interesting and the characters are well-developed. When I read it for the first time in high school, it stuck with me. The book's ideas are still useful today, and I often tell other people to read it.

2. Do you play any instruments?

- There I am, I play the guitar. I've really liked learning since I began a few years ago. Making music is a fun way for me to unwind and express myself. Another thing I like to do is play in a social band with my friends. It's fun and helps me get better. Regular practice has made me become more disciplined and patient. Music is a big part of
my life now, and I love learning new songs and ways to play them.

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11.8k 0 490 92 82

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Speakingda idea berishda qiynaluvchilar uchun texnikalarni o’rgatganmiz

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• Martdagi examda tushgan

• Kim birinchi to’g’ri ishlasa kartasiga pul tashlab beramiz

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13.3k 0 143 79 58

✅Noyabr tushgan speaking savollar:

Part 1.1
• Do you like shopping?
• Do you prefer tea or coffee?
• How do you usually get to work or school?

Part 1.2
• City life (First picture)
• Village life (Second picture)
• Individual sport (Second picture)

Part 2
• Describe a piece of career advice you received
• Describe a time when you learned a new skill

Part 3
• Guns and Hunting (For and Against)
• Schools should teach students about climate change (For and Against)

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16.7k 0 778 90 125

Text: Yangi yil katta bayram bo’lib uzbekistonliklarning juda ko’p qismi oila davrasida nishonlab kutib olishadi

🔓Question: Barcha uzbekistonliklar yangi yilni oila davrasida nishonlab kutib olishadi

🔎True / False / Not given …?

16.6k 0 39 848 173

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
▶️SPEAKING PART 1 (Hozir o’tilgan)

• Aynan Speaking part 1 eng yaxshi texnikalar

• Live speaking mock ham oldik

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18.3k 0 588 387 71

✅Tushadigan savollarga tayyor javoblar ko’rib chiqing:

1. Is travelling something you like to do?

Of course I love to travel! It's fun to discover new places and learn about other countries. Japan is my dream vacation spot because it has so much history and beautiful scenery. I also like meeting new people from all walks of life and trying new foods when I travel. Travelling helps me see things in a new way and realise how different the world is.

2. What's your favourite way to enjoy your birthday?

On my birthday, I usually have a small get-together with family and friends. We eat well, play games, and enjoy being with each other. Every year, it's a great day full of laughs and good times. We also go out for special events from time to time, like bowling or going to an entertainment park. Thanks for all the work your loved ones did to make my day special, whether it was with thoughtful gifts or words from the heart.

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20.6k 1 865 185 139

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Aynan shu part bo’yicha examda qanday gapirish kerak qanday xatolar bor barchasini darsda o’tganmiz

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19.1k 0 750 38 73


• Kim birinchi to’g’ri ishlasa kartasiga pul tashlab beramiz

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20.1k 0 147 530 90

IELTS Advantage Speaking_Listening Skills.pdf

• Speakingda idealarni qay holatda examinerga o’rgatadigan kitob

• Aynan Part 2 da qiynalaman deganlar uchun maxsus

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21.5k 0 1.1k 30 103

• Speaking partlaridan qaysi birida qiynalasiz …?

21.7k 0 6 486 156

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

• Eng kerakli fluency kuchaytirish

• Eng kerakli metod va tavsiyalar

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1. What kind of music do you like?

I like a lot of different kinds of music, but rock is my favourite. The songs make me feel alive and passionate, and the words to many of them are deep and important. I love The Beatles, and I never get tired of listening to their songs. As for me, I enjoy going to live shows whenever I can because the energy is always high. Music can make me feel better and give me comfort when things are hard.

2. Is travelling something you like to do?

Of course I love to travel! It's fun to discover new places and learn about other countries. Japan is my dream vacation spot because it has so much history and beautiful scenery. I also like meeting new people from all walks of life and trying new foods when I travel. Travelling helps me see things in a new way and realise how different the world is.

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25.8k 0 1.1k 290 215

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Aynan Speaking part 1 eng yaxshi texnikalar

✅Speakingdan yuqori bal olish uchun
5 eng kerakli tips

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24.5k 0 1.1k 78 114

Speaking examiner aynan shularga kuchli e’tibor beradi:


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24.7k 0 314 240 215

• Shunday qilib speaking examingiz qachon ekan

24.5k 0 7 807 195
20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.