3 Mar, 07:08
3 Mar, 04:47
• Kim birinchi ishlab to’gri javob qoldirsa paynet qilib beramiz
3 Mar, 04:10
2 Mar, 20:02
Yes, I do. I enjoy playing football because it helps me stay active and spend time with friends. I also like watching basketball matches, especially the NBA, as it’s exciting and fast-paced.
On weekends, I usually relax and spend time with my family. Sometimes, I go out with friends or watch a movie. If the weather is nice, I like taking a walk in the park. Also, I try to read books or improve my skills by learning something new online.
My first teacher was my primary school teacher. Her name was (Teacher’s name), and she was very kind and patient. She taught me how to read and write, and I still remember how she encouraged me to do my best in every subject
2 Mar, 16:50
• Haqiqiy exam muhitida tuzilgan 30 ta part 6 savollari• Bugun faqat 1 2 va 3 - exercise larni ishlang• 20:10 da jonli efirda tahlil qilamiz
2 Mar, 15:01
2 Mar, 14:55
2 Mar, 14:50
2 Mar, 14:43
2 Mar, 14:37
2 Mar, 14:32
2 Mar, 11:28
2 Mar, 11:27
2 Mar, 09:51
2 Mar, 04:57
2 Mar, 04:33
2 Mar, 04:16
1 Mar, 21:00
• Do you prefer to spend time alone or with others?• Are you interested in traveling?• How do you usually stay active in your free time?• Do you like to try new cuisines?• Tell me about your hometown
• Reading Books (First picture)• Listening to Music (Second picture)• Compare them• Studying at Home (First picture)• Studying in a Library (Second picture)• Compare them
• Describe a time when you achieved something difficult• Describe a time when you helped someone
• Students should choose their own subjects (For and Against)• Artificial Intelligence in hiring employees (For and Against)