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Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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Nail your speaking

Phrase: "Walk a fine line"

Meaning: To navigate a situation carefully where you must balance between two different or opposing aspects.


1. As a teacher, you often have to walk a fine line between being friendly and maintaining authority.

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January - welcome 17 yosh
February - beginning of preparation for CEFR + Loss grandfather
March - Preparation + Ramadan
April - Preparation
May - Preparation + girlfriend 🤦‍♂
June- loosing her, Preparation
July - Preparation
August - Preparation
September - CEFR b2
October - nothing
November - beginning of preparation for Math
December - Math + IELTS prep.

gʻirt dangasa odam boʻlibmanee 😁☹️

The meal plan comprises six clean meals each day, starting with a breakfast of oatmeal, banana, a hard-boiled egg, with a glass of orange juice and a cup of green tea. The second meal is even simpler: a whole tin of tuna, and four rice cakes topped with peanut butter.

"Quite a bro meal here," says Soueid. "I used to eat this religiously, especially as a college student. This is as cheap as it gets if you need a quick 'healthy' snack, some carbs and fats, that's all it is... And it's got a lot of volume so it's definitely going to fill you up. Just a tip, don't go overboard on the peanut butter, because it's lots of calories."

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Next up is the pre-workout meal, and it's another bro classic: skinless chicken breast, baked potato and mixed vegetables. It's a little on the plain side for Soueid, who comments that even when you're at your leanest, there are ways to add flavor to a meal without upping the calories, but he acknowledges that this mix of carbs and protein will fill you up.

Meal number four is a bowl of cottage cheese and mixed fruit with oatmeal crackers. The fifth is Soueid's favorite: sirloin steak with white rice and more mixed vegetables

The sixth and final meal of the day is a smoothie made with protein powder, a banana, blueberries, spinach, and unsweetened almond milk. This brings his total food intake for the day up to 2,797 calories, consisting of 329 grams of carbs, 77 grams of fat, and 204 grams of protein.

"This actually makes a lot of sense considering [Pattinson] is like 6'1, around 165 pounds before he started filming The Batman," says Soueid. "This is right around maintenance, maybe a little bit above because he was trying to built muscle but also stay lean... You don't have to be in a huge calorie surplus to build muscle. Stick to around maintenance while you're getting stronger in the gym, with a high protein diet, and you're going to be just fine."

Here are some poetic and special words similar to "skyfall", along with their meanings and significance:


1. Starfall

Meaning: A poetic term for a meteor shower or the falling of stars from the sky.

Symbolism: Represents beauty, fleeting moments, or wishes.


"Under the starfall, she made a wish for a better tomorrow."

Uzbek: "Yulduzlar yog‘ilishi ostida u yaxshi kelajak uchun tilak bildirdi."


2. Sundown

Meaning: The time when the sun sets; dusk.

Symbolism: The end of a day, a conclusion, or calmness.


"As sundown approached, the world turned golden."

Uzbek: "Quyosh botishiga yaqin dunyo oltin tusga kirdi."


3. Nightfall

Meaning: The arrival of night.

Symbolism: A transition from light to darkness, mystery, or rest.


"The forest felt alive at nightfall."

Uzbek: "Tungi qorong‘ilikda o‘rmon jonli tuyulardi."


4. Moonbeam

Meaning: A ray of light from the moon.

Symbolism: Hope, romance, or purity.


"The moonbeam illuminated her path through the woods."

Uzbek: "Oy nuri uning yo‘lini yoritdi."


5. Stardust

Meaning: A poetic term for magical or dreamy particles, often representing wonder or imagination.

Symbolism: Magic, dreams, or cosmic connections.


"Her eyes sparkled with stardust and dreams."

Uzbek: "Uning ko‘zlari yulduz changi va orzular bilan yaltirardi."


6. Twilight

Meaning: The soft light between sunset and night.

Symbolism: A transitional period, mystery, or romance.


"Twilight painted the sky in hues of purple and gold."

Uzbek: "Shafaq osmonni binafsha va oltin ranglarda bo‘yadi."


7. Rainshadow

Meaning: An area of reduced rainfall caused by a mountain range blocking weather patterns.

Symbolism: Protection, absence, or imbalance.


"The valley in the rainshadow stayed dry as storms raged beyond."

Uzbek: "Yomg‘ir soyasidagi vodiyning havosi quruq edi."


8. Dreamscape

Meaning: A surreal or fantastical landscape, often resembling a dream.

Symbolism: Imagination, creativity, or escapism.


"The artist’s painting captured a vibrant dreamscape of colors."

Uzbek: "Rassomning kartinasi yorqin tush manzarasini aks ettirdi."


9. Heartfall

Meaning: A poetic expression for heartbreak or deep emotional loss.

Symbolism: Vulnerability, sorrow, or emotional depth.


"The letter brought her to a moment of heartfall."

Uzbek: "Xat uning yurak og‘rig‘iga sabab bo‘ldi."


10. Sunburst

Meaning: A sudden burst of sunlight, often breaking through clouds.

Symbolism: Hope, enlightenment, or renewal.


"The sunburst after the storm was breathtaking."

Uzbek: "Bo‘rondan keyin quyosh nuri hayratlanarli edi."


11. Cloudburst

Meaning: A sudden, heavy downpour of rain.

Symbolism: Intensity, unexpected events, or release.


"The cloudburst drenched the town within minutes."

Uzbek: "Kuchli yomg‘ir shaharni bir necha daqiqada ho‘l qildi."


12. Firefall

Meaning: A phenomenon where light or flames appear to "fall" like water.

Symbolism: Passion, destruction, or beauty.


"The firefall at sunset turned the cliff into a glowing cascade."

Uzbek: "Quyosh botishda yonayotgan sharshara qoya devorini yorqin tusga kiritdi."


13. Windwhisper

Meaning: A poetic term for the soft, gentle sound of the wind.

Symbolism: Peace, secrets, or nature’s voice.


"The windwhisper carried the scent of the ocean."

Uzbek: "Shamol shiviri dengizning iforini olib keldi."


14. Earthsong

Meaning: A poetic way to describe the sounds of nature, such as wind, water, or animals.

Symbolism: Harmony, life, or connection to nature.


"The forest echoed with an ancient earthsong."

Uzbek: "O‘rmon qadimiy yer qo‘shig‘i bilan jarangladi."


15. Shadowfall

Meaning: The descent or spreading of shadows, often as night approaches.

Symbolism: Mystery, fear, or endings.


"The shadowfall marked the beginning of an eerie night."

Uzbek: "Soyalar tushishi dahshatli tunning boshlanishini belgiladi."

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Koinot kitobi sahivalari sen o'qishni bilmaganing uchun bo'sh bo'lmaydiku.

©️ Topdiq Emro



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Passion isn’t always innate; it can be cultivated. Trying new hobbies, joining workshops, or engaging in diverse activities can help you discover what resonates with you.


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If you’re trying to develop a daily exercise routine, the reward
might not only be the physical benefits but also the emotional sense of accomplishment that comes from sticking to your plan. Motivation and willpower can help you push through in the short term, but it’s the intrinsic rewards that will keep you going.


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1-Qism⬇️ qolgan qismlari quyidagi kanalda berib boriladi


Reaksiya qoldirishni unitmang

Fikrlaringizni biz Bilan bo'lishing zero boshqalar ham ko’rsin 🔥

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Accountability helps you to stay on track

The Economist_ Now What?-4.pdf
#DailyDose #Reading

🔤🔤🔤 1️⃣6️⃣

The language in articles from The Economist can sometimes be challenging for students. To help, I’ve provided two versions of the same article from a recent edition of the magazine. First, you’ll find the original text, followed by a simplified version designed specifically for ESL learners.

To access it on a browser, click here.

'An article a day keeps your IELTS worries away'- BM ©️


Abdulla Qodiriyning otilishiga sabab boʻlgan satrlar...

"Men koʻb umrimni shu yurtning tinchligʻi va fuqaroning osoyishi uchun sarf qilib, oʻzimga azobdan boshqa hech bir qanoat hosil qilolmadim. Ittifoqni ne el ekanini bilmagan, yolgʻiz oʻz manfaati shaxsiyasi yoʻlida bir-birini yeb, ichkan mansabparast, dunyoparast va shuhratparast muttahamlar Turkiston tuprogʻidan yoʻqolmay turib, bizning odam boʻlishimizgʻa aqlim yetmay qoldi.

Biz shu holda ketadirgan, bir-birimizning tegimizga suv quyadirgʻan boʻlsaq yaqindirki, oʻrus istibdodi oʻzining iflos oyogʻi bilan Turkistonimizni bulgʻatar va biz boʻlsaq oʻz qoʻlimiz bilan kelgusi naslimizning boʻynigʻa oʻrus boʻyindirigʻini kiydirgan boʻlarmiz. Oʻz naslini oʻz qoʻli bilan kofir qoʻligʻa tutqin qilib topshirquchi — biz koʻr va aqlsiz otalargʻa xudoning laʼnati albatta tushar, oʻgʻlim!

Bobolarning muqaddas gavdasi madfun  Turkistonimizni toʻngʻuzxona qilishigʻa hozirlangʻan biz itlar yaratguchining qahriga albatta yoʻliqarmiz! Temur Koʻragon kabi dohiylarning, Mirzo Bobur kabi fotihlarning, Forobiy, Ulugʻbek va Abu Ali ibn Sino kabi olimlarning oʻsib-ungan va nashʼu namo qilgʻanlari bir oʻlkani halokat chuqurigʻa qarab sudragʻuchi albatta tangrining qahrigʻa sazovordir, oʻgʻlim! Gunohsiz bechoralarni boʻgʻizlab, bolalar yatimxonalarini vayron qilgʻuchi zolimlar — qurtlar va qushlar, yerdan oʻsib chiqgʻan giyohlar qargʻishigʻa nishonadir, oʻgʻlim!.."

"Oʻtkan kunlar" romanidan.

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