🟢 16.02.2025 | Multi-Level Exam | Writing 1-smena savollari
➡️ Task 1:
You are interested in attending a course. Write a letter to the course administrator. In your letter:
- provide details about the course you are interested in;
- explain why you want to attend this course;
- ask for more information about the course (e.g., schedule, fees, requirements).
➡️ Task 2:
Nowadays, many young people prefer starting their own business rather than working for a company.
Why is this the case?
Do you think this is a positive or negative trend?
🚀 Ayni paytda mavjud kurslarimiz:
✅ Level Boost 8.0 | General English
✅ April Tigers Multi-Level Course
✈️ Multi-Level imtihoniga tayyorgarlik ko'rayotganlarga yuborib qo'yamiz ;)
🌐 Join: @MultiLevelTop
➡️ Task 1:
You are interested in attending a course. Write a letter to the course administrator. In your letter:
- provide details about the course you are interested in;
- explain why you want to attend this course;
- ask for more information about the course (e.g., schedule, fees, requirements).
➡️ Task 2:
Nowadays, many young people prefer starting their own business rather than working for a company.
Why is this the case?
Do you think this is a positive or negative trend?
🚀 Ayni paytda mavjud kurslarimiz:
✅ Level Boost 8.0 | General English
✅ April Tigers Multi-Level Course
✈️ Multi-Level imtihoniga tayyorgarlik ko'rayotganlarga yuborib qo'yamiz ;)
🌐 Join: @MultiLevelTop