Farangiz's blog

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha

📍Daddy's little girl and mommy's whole world💞
The girl who dreams big, believes anything is possible and is willing to do the work for it❤️‍🩹

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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Bayram muborak, go’zallarim🤍

учрашувлар кам болишига қарамай, доимо қалбда болгувчилар бор

Bugun choy ichaylik sen bilan barobar.
Choy mendan bo’lsin, manzarasi sendan..

Alloh ravo ko’rmagan narsani, bandasiga xayol qildirmas)


Ramazon oyining 1-kuni muborak bo'lsin!

Alloh  qilgan ibodatingizni va tutgan ro‘zangizni qabul aylasin, amiyn🤍

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Shu videoni olishni har doim xohlardim🫠❄️

Sirojiddin's blog dan repost
Suggested diet:

🥦 1. Leafy Green Vegetables (Spinach, Kale, Broccoli)
Vitamins: Vitamin K, B9 (Folate), Vitamin E
Why Good for Memory?
✅ Vitamin K helps improve brain cell communication.
✅ Folate (B9) reduces inflammation and prevents cognitive decline.
✅ Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects brain cells from damage.

🐟 2. Fatty Fish (Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines)
Vitamins: Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin D
Why Good for Memory?
✅ Omega-3s build brain cell membranes and improve neuron function.
✅ Vitamin D helps protect against cognitive decline.
💡 People who eat fatty fish regularly have better memory and a lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

🍓 3. Berries (Blueberries, Strawberries, Blackberries)
Vitamins: Vitamin C, Antioxidants, Flavonoids
Why Good for Memory?
✅ Flavonoids & antioxidants reduce brain inflammation and improve long-term memory.
✅ Vitamin C protects against brain aging and strengthens the immune system.
💡 Blueberries are called "brain berries" because they improve memory and learning speed!

🥜 4. Nuts & Seeds (Almonds, Walnuts, Pumpkin Seeds, Chia Seeds)
Vitamins: Vitamin E, Omega-3, Magnesium, Zinc
Why Good for Memory?
✅ Vitamin E prevents cognitive decline and protects brain cells.
✅ Omega-3s improve focus and mental clarity.
✅ Zinc & Magnesium are essential for brain cell communication.
💡 Walnuts look like a brain and are one of the best nuts for memory!

🍊 5. Oranges & Citrus Fruits
Vitamins: Vitamin C, Antioxidants
Why Good for Memory?
✅ Vitamin C strengthens brain function and protects against mental decline.
✅ Antioxidants fight free radicals that damage memory cells.
💡 One orange a day provides all the vitamin C your brain needs!

🍳 6. Eggs (Yolks & Whites)
Vitamins: Vitamin B6, B12, Choline
Why Good for Memory?
✅ Choline helps produce acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter essential for memory.
✅ B12 & B6 prevent brain shrinkage and improve focus.
💡 Eggs are one of the best breakfast choices for brain power!

🍫 7. Dark Chocolate (70% Cocoa or More)
Vitamins: Flavonoids, Caffeine, Antioxidants
Why Good for Memory?
✅ Flavonoids boost blood flow to the brain, improving memory.
✅ Caffeine enhances focus and alertness.
💡 A small amount of dark chocolate before studying can improve concentration!

🥑 8. Avocados
Vitamins: Vitamin E, Healthy Fats, Folate
Why Good for Memory?
✅ Healthy fats improve blood flow to the brain.
✅ Folate helps prevent cognitive decline.
💡 Avocados keep the brain well-nourished for better learning!

🌾 9. Whole Grains (Oats, Brown Rice, Quinoa)
Vitamins: Vitamin B1 (Thiamine), Fiber, Iron
Why Good for Memory?
✅ B1 (Thiamine) improves mental clarity.
✅ Iron delivers oxygen to brain cells for better focus.
💡 Whole grains provide slow-releasing energy, keeping you alert throughout the day.

Woman don’t melt in money, they melt in respect, care, love💕

Sen faqat tabassum qil..


- Choy birgalikda ichilsa yaxshi, qahva esa yolg’izlikda..

Kelsang choy damlayman..
Kelmasang qahva..

- Xabaring bo’lsin, suv qaynadi..!

Shunday go’zal tuyg’ular borki, chin ko’ngildan “Alhamdulillah” deyishdan boshqa so’z topolmay qolasan))

Kimningdir qorongʼu va bulutli hayotida quyosh kabi nur sochib turish shunchaki moʻjiza emasmi..?

- Taftingdan kuymoqlik goʼzal seni..

Sevish bu - inson o’ziga eng ideal juft izlash emas, bir insonda butun dunyoni ko’rishdir))

Yolg’izlik yo’q, to’g’ri inson, to’g’ri vaqt va Allohning rejasi bor))

Baxt - qilgan duolarimizni ko’z oldimizdagi ro’yosi🤍

эътибор шундай нарсаки, уни сизга ким берса, сиз унга борингизни бергингиз келади🤍

Sen qanday bo’lsang, senga ham o’zingga o’xshagani uchraydi deganlari shu bo’lsa kerak. Sen ham kitob o’qishni yoqtirasan, u esa sendanda ko’p kitob o’qishni sevadi))💕

Ilm olishda ko’makchi bo’la oladigan jufting borligi senga berilgan ne’matlarning eng yaxshisidir, alhamdulillah🤍

Inson qalbiga eng qisqa yo’l bu samimiylikdir🤍

O’ylaring so’zlaringga, so’zlaring fe’lingga, fe’ling taqdiringga nuqs etadi. Go’zal o’yla, go’zal yasha))

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.