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I can say someone has to die in his books.
Finished "Fotima va Zuhra" O'lmas Umarbekov.

Pul-boylik bilan ishim yoʻq! Har yili sizga bir juft yangi kovush tikib bersam, shuning oʻzi men uchun katta baxt!

Yuy Xua. 5 yildan buyon stomatologiya sohasida faoliyat yuritib, keyinchalik hayotini adabiyotga ba'g'ishlagan odam. Lekin qanday qilib bunday asar yozishi mumkin? ''Hechdan ko'ra kech" deganlaridek...

Ichimdan nima o'tganini o'zim bilaman. Nega aynan "Ko'z yoshlarga g'arq qilgan asar..." ekanligi, yig'ilar bo'g'izga tiqilganida anglashiladi.

"Bir nafasda o'qib tugatiladi",- degan edi Abdukarim Mirzayev. Kecha boshlagan kitobim...bugun tugatdim. Bu kitobni sekin o'qib bo'lmadi. Sekin o'qiy olmadim. Ichimda yengillik bor, bir tarafdan bo'shliq. Tilim ojiz. Hissiyotlar qurshovidaman. Bunchalik kuchli yig'lamagandim.
"Edi"lar juda og'riqli edi."
"Edi" degan joylarida o'zimni tutib tura olmadim. Shunchalik, yig'ladimki, ko'z yoshlarim kitobning davomini o'qishga qo'ymasdi...

"Yashamoq"da sizlar ham yashab ko'ringlar.

What we discuss wiz my dad... Borrowed this book from mom (qarzga) and a new book for February. Will share my impressions later💋

I don't read detective books at night anymore. I swear!

me va qo'limga to'kilib ketgan qaynoq choy)
and I'm writing wiz my one hand now.

be my artist and I will be your art.

I will take care of me for you.
Will you please take care of you for me?

Don’t fall in love with a woman who reads, a woman who feels too much, a woman who writes...
Don’t fall in love with an educated, magical, delusional, crazy woman. Don’t fall in love with a woman who thinks, who knows what she knows and also knows how to fly; a woman sure of herself.
Don’t fall in love with a woman who laughs or cries making love, knows how to turn her spirit into flesh; let alone one that loves poetry (these are the most dangerous), or spends half an hour contemplating a painting and isn't able to live without music.
Don’t fall in love with a woman who is interested in politics and is rebellious and feel a huge horror from injustice. One who does not like to watch television at all. Or a woman who is beautiful no matter the features of her face or her body.
Don’t fall in love with a woman who is intense, entertaining, lucid and irreverent. Don’t wish to fall in love with a woman like that. Because when you fall in love with a woman like that, whether she stays with you or not, whether she loves you or not, from a woman like that, YOU NEVER COME BACK.

~ Martha Rivera-Garrido

Kastriot Çaushi - Mos u dashuro

me nowadays...

АT-TIBYAN dan repost
Поздравляю всю Исламскую

Йа Робб, официально принято решение о прекращении огня в
Аллахlу Акбар
Аллах|у Акбар
Аллах|у Акбар

Хвала Аллаху Господу Миров!

Sen keladigan kun bor ekan, menga kutish baxt aslida...

sunset va baxtli men

Los Angeles 💔

Wiz the girl who is in love💕

When I sit on the floor to study there are only two options. It's either I'm cooking or I'm getting cooked.

She listens and she talks
More time with you, please 🩵

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.