Modal fe'llar: Can, could va (be) able to
‘Can’- qila olmoq modal fe’li biror ishni qilishga aqliy yoki jismoniy qobiliyatni ifodalaydi.
‘Can’ dan keyin infinitiv to siz ishlatiladi (can do/can see)
• We can see the lake from our bedroom window.
• Can you speak any foreign languages?
• I can come and see you tomorrow if you like.
Inkor shakli can't (= cannot):
• I’m afraid I can't come to the party on Friday.
‘Can’ o’rnida ‘be able to’ ham ishlatilishi mumkin.
• Are you able to speak any foreign languages?
‘Can’ ning ikki shakli bor xolos, can (hozirgi) & could (o’tgan). Shuning uchun ba’zan ‘to be able to’ dan foydalanish kerak bo’ladi. Qiyoslang:
• I can't sleep.
lekin I haven't been able to sleep recently. (‘can’ning present perfect shakli yo’q)
• Tom can come tomorrow.
lekin Tom might be able to come tomorrow.(‘can’ning infinitive shakli yo’q)