Avtobusda ishlatiladigan ingliz tilidagi foydali 10 ta gap:
1. Is this the right bus to [destination]? – Bu [manzil]ga boradigan to‘g‘ri avtobusmi?
2. How much is the fare? – Bileti qancha turadi?
3. Can I pay by card? – Kartada to‘lashim mumkinmi?
4. Where should I get off? – Qayerda tushishim kerak?
5. Does this bus go to [destination]? – Bu avtobus [manzil]ga boradimi?
6. What time does the last bus leave? – Oxirgi avtobus qachon ketadi?
7. Can you tell me when we reach [place]? – [Joy]ga yetganimizda menga ayta olasizmi?
8. I need to get off at the next stop. – Keyingi to‘xtash joyida tushishim kerak.
9. How long does the trip take? – Safar qancha vaqt oladi?
10. Is there a seat available? – O‘tiradigan joy bormi?
Bu gaplar avtobusda sayohat qilishda ingliz tilini o‘rganayotganlar uchun juda foydali bo‘ladi.
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💻 🖌Kanalga qoʻshiling🔽
Multi-level Course | Teacher Otabek✅️
1. Is this the right bus to [destination]? – Bu [manzil]ga boradigan to‘g‘ri avtobusmi?
2. How much is the fare? – Bileti qancha turadi?
3. Can I pay by card? – Kartada to‘lashim mumkinmi?
4. Where should I get off? – Qayerda tushishim kerak?
5. Does this bus go to [destination]? – Bu avtobus [manzil]ga boradimi?
6. What time does the last bus leave? – Oxirgi avtobus qachon ketadi?
7. Can you tell me when we reach [place]? – [Joy]ga yetganimizda menga ayta olasizmi?
8. I need to get off at the next stop. – Keyingi to‘xtash joyida tushishim kerak.
9. How long does the trip take? – Safar qancha vaqt oladi?
10. Is there a seat available? – O‘tiradigan joy bormi?
Bu gaplar avtobusda sayohat qilishda ingliz tilini o‘rganayotganlar uchun juda foydali bo‘ladi.
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💻 🖌Kanalga qoʻshiling🔽
Multi-level Course | Teacher Otabek✅️