MultiLevel Course 🇬🇧

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Toifa: Ta’lim

🇬🇧OxfordEnglishh - All materials in there
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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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🥇 1 -O‘RIN 1 nafar - Noutbuk (core i5);
🥈 2-O‘RIN 2 nafar - Smart televizor (43 dyumm) ;
🥉 3-O‘RIN 3 nafar - Planshet (6/128) ;
🏅4-O‘RIN 4 nafar - Smartfon (6/128) va sertifikat;
🏅5-O‘RIN 10 nafar - Smartfon (4/64) va sertifikat.

🥇 1 -O‘RIN 1 nafar - Planshet(6/128)
🥈 2-O‘RIN 2 nafar - Smartfon (6/128) ;
🥉 3-O‘RIN 3 nafar - Smartfon (4/64) ;


😡 Negativchilar qatnashib koʻring, agar toʻlanmasa keyin yolgʻon deb yozing!

🎉Endilikda IELTS dan 7.0+ muammo emas 🤩 Nega deysizmi 😁👇
Biz jamoamiz bilan ⚡@IELTS_DARSLARI_BOT ni ochdik.⚡
Bu botimiz orqali bepul tarzda Dunyo tan olgan materiallarni yuklab🌍, bemalol foydalanishingiz mumkin🤓
Ko'pchilik qimmat kitoblar va video darslar 📚👩‍🏫 💰 dan @IELTS_DARSLARI_BOT orqali mutlaqo bepul tarzda foydalanishingiz va IELTS dan 7.0+ natija qayd eta olasiz🎉🔥

O'qituvchi | Rasmiy kanal dan repost
IELTS'da va Multilevel'da so'z boyligi va g'oyalar yo'qligi tufayli insho yoza olmayapsizmi va gapira olmayapsizmi ?😑

Unda bu kitob aynan siz uchun 👇

Kitobda :
✅IELTS va MULTILEVEL'da eng qiyin 11ta mavzu;
✅ 55ta ta maqola
✅ 500ga yaqin shu qiyin mavzularda eng ko'p ishlatiladigan so'z boyliklari + tarjimalari
✅shu mavzularda g'oyalar
✅ 55ta writing task - sizni yodlagan so'zlalaringizni va g'oyalaringizni esingizda yaxshiroq qolishi uchun.

- Kitobni Pdf variant - 49,000 so'm (80,000)
- Kitobni 'hard copy' + dastavka esa - 99,000 so'm (150,000)

Qisqasi bunaqa kitob hech qayerda yo'q. Arzon narxda, va puliga 10X arziydi.

📚Sotib olish uchun : @Buyurtma_qabul_qilaman ga yozing. Va iltimos sabrli bo'ling - murojaatlar ko'p)

KITOB 100% Balingizni kamida 1.0+ ga oshiradi Inshallah ‼️

Iltimos ozgina sabr qiling, murojaatlar Juda ko'p!

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
📹 Learn English with FINDING NEMO — Meeting Dory

👍 Defenition : Finding Nemo is a 2003 American animated comedy-drama adventure film[2] produced by Pixar Animation Studios for Walt Disney Pictures. The film was directed by Andrew Stanton, co-directed by Lee Unkrich, and produced by Graham Walters, from a screenplay written by Stanton, Bob Peterson, and David Reynolds, based on a story by Stanton. The film stars the voices of Albert Brooks, Ellen DeGeneres, Alexander Gould, Willem Dafoe, and Geoffrey Rush. It tells the story of an overprotective clownfish named Marlin (Brooks) who, along with a forgetful regal blue tang named Dory (DeGeneres), searches for his missing son Nemo (Gould). Along the way, Marlin learns to take risks and comes to terms with Nemo taking care of himself.. 

📆 Release date 
May 18, 2003 (Los Angeles)
May 30, 2003 (United States)
⏰ Running time   100 minutes
🇬🇧 Country  United States
✅ Language  English
💵Budget $94 million[1]
💵Box office  $940.3 million[1]

🍿 English movies | 📺 @Eng_moviesss


: colon

, comma

- hyphen

* asterisk

# hashtag

@ at sign

; semicolon

' apostrophe

_ underscore

? question mark

" " quotation marks

/ slash, forward slash

' ' single quotation marks

✅ #LearnEnglish #vocabulary

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🌙 for ielts #no_comment #useful

⭐️ Time expressions used with:

🚀 Past Simple

- yesterday (kecha)
- last week (o'tgan hafta)
- (how long) ago (qancha oldin)
- then (o'shanda)
- just now (hozirgina)
- when (qachonki)
- in 1967 etc (1967-yilda va boshqalar)

🚀 Past Continuous

- while (davomida)
- when (qachonki)
- as

🚀 Past Perfect

- for (dan beri)
- since (dan beri)
- already (allaqachon)
- after (keyin)
- just (hozir)
- never (hech qachon)
- yet (hali ham)
- before (oldin)
- by (gacha)
- by the time (mobaynida)

🚀 Past Perfect Continuous

- for (dan beri)
- since (dan beri)

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🟣 MultiLevel course

O'qituvchi | Rasmiy kanal dan repost
🏆 Olimpiada boshlandi❗️

🛎 1-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 9026
🛎 2-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 9027
🛎 3-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 9028
🛎 4-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 9029
🛎 5-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 9030
🛎 6-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 9031
🛎 7-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 9032
🛎 8-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 9033
🛎 9/10/11-sinflar test kodi ➪︎ 9034

Sertifikat hammaga beriladi, 10 - Mart, soat 22 00 gacha @Online_Olimpiadalari_bot ga javoblaringizni yuborishingiz mumkin 🤓

❗️Javoblarni aynan
@Online_Olimpiadalari_bot ga quyidagicha yuboring:
     👉 abcdac... (5/10/15/20 ta)

Ойлик ҳисоблаш учун бот:
✈️ @Oylik_hisoblovchibot | @Mandatlar_robot

@Oqituvchi | Обуна бу‌линг👇

🆕 Enhance vocabulary: 1-qism

📑Amazing — incredible, unbelievable, improbable, fabulous, wonderful, fantastic, astonishing, astounding, extraordinary

📑Anger — enrage, infuriate, arouse, nettle, exasperate, inflame, madden

📑Angry — mad, furious, enraged, excited, wrathful, indignant, exasperated, aroused, inflamed

📑Answer — reply, respond, retort, acknowledge

📑Ask– — question, inquire of, seek information from, put a question to, demand, request, expect, inquire, query, interrogate, examine, quiz

📑Awful — dreadful, terrible, abominable, bad, poor, unpleasant

📑Bad — evil, immoral, wicked, corrupt, sinful, depraved, rotten, contaminated, spoiled, tainted, harmful, injurious, unfavorable, defective, inferior, imperfect, substandard, faulty, improper, inappropriate, unsuitable, disagreeable, unpleasant, cross, nasty, unfriendly, irascible, horrible, atrocious, outrageous, scandalous, infamous, wrong, noxious, sinister, putrid, snide, deplorable, dismal, gross, heinous, nefarious, base, obnoxious, detestable, despicable, contemptible, foul, rank, ghastly, execrable!

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🟣 MultiLevel course

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
1000 yillik savolning javobi topildi 🤯

Savol quyidagicha :

🐥Tovuq birinchi paydo bo'lganmi yoki tuxum 🥚?


🌟 Advanced vs Basic English
🌟 Normal vs Advanced
Don't say VERY!
Basic: very admired 💜
Advanced: prestigious
Basic: very famous 💜
Advanced: renowned
Basic: very thin 💜
Advanced: scrawny
Basic: very thin and pale 💜
Advanced: gaunt
Basic: very fat 💜
Advanced: obese
Basic: very happy 💜
Advanced: elated 〰️

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Bright/smart - intelligent (aqlli)

✨ Buy - purchase (xarid qilmoq)

✨ Build - construct (qurmoq)

✨ But - however (ammo)

✨ Bad - negative (yomon)

✨ Break out - erupt (boshlanib ketmoq)

✨ Block - undermine (to'sqinlik qilmoq)

✨ Blow up - explode (portlamoq)

✨ Boss - employer (ish boshlig'i)

✨ Brave - courageous (jasur)

✨ Better - improved (yaxshiroq)

✨ Big - enormous (ulkan)

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American vs British English

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🟣 MultiLevel course

Informal vs formal English

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🟣 MultiLevel course

🎒Vocabulary to speak about family and friends

➽1. A lifelong friend A friend that you have had for most of your life
➽2. A relationship of trust a connection with another in which you have faith and confidence
➽3. Arrange a dinner datePlan to share an evening meal
➽4. A shoulder to cry on Someone to sympathize with you
➽5. Close knit family A close family with common interests
➽6. Dear to my heart Someone that I care about
➽7. Distant cousinsPeople who share a common ancestor but are not closely related
➽8. Extend the hand of friendshipReach out to someone in a friendly manner
➽9. Extended family – Uncles, aunts and cousins form part of the extended family
➽10. Face to faceIn person
➽11. Get to know one anotherLearning different aspects of each other
➽12. Get together Meet up
➽13. Immediate family Spouse, parents, children, grandparents
➽14. Long lost friend A friend that you have lost contact with
➽15. Long-term relationships A committed relationship between partners

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🟣 MultiLevel course

🎻STOP Saying VERY! English Words to Use Instead of ,,VERY''

✈️JUDA deyishni to'xtating! ,,VERY'' o'rniga ishlatiladigan so'zlar

❌Very loud ✅Deafening

❌Very wise ✅Sagacious

❌Very sharp ✅Keen

❌Very dear ✅Cherished

❌Very happy ✅Ecstatic

❌Very creative ✅Innovative

❌Very afraid ✅Fearful

❌Very talented ✅Perilous

❌Very smart ✅Intelligent

❌Very rich ✅Wealthy

❌Very detailed ✅Meticulous

❌Very wise ✅Sage

❌Very shiny ✅Gleaming

❌Very confused ✅Perplex

❌ Very nest ✅Immaculate

❌Very hurt ✅Battered

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🟣 MultiLevel course

O'qituvchi | Rasmiy kanal dan repost
🇺🇿 @OQITUVCHI va @ABITURIYENTLARI kanallari hamkorligida ilk 🥳INGLIZ TILI fanidan Olimpiada boshlandi! 🥳

🏆 Olimpiada boshlandi❗️

🛎 1-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 16846
🛎 2-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 16846
🛎 3-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 16847
🛎 4-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 16847
🛎 5-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 16848
🛎 6-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 16848
🛎 7-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 16849
🛎 8-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 16849
🛎 9-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 16850
🛎 10-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 16850
🛎 11-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 16850

Sertifikat hammaga beriladi, 28 -
Fevral soat 22 00 gacha
@Online_Olimpiadalari_bot ga javoblaringizni yuborishingiz mumkin 🤓

❗️Javoblarni aynan
@Online_Olimpiadalari_bot ga quyidagicha yuboring:
     👉 abcdac... (10 ta)

Ойлик ҳисоблаш учун бот:
✈️ @Oylik_hisoblovchibot

@Abituriyentga_yordam_robot Barcha savollarga javob 🇺🇿

✔️ Shu kanalda E'lon qilinadi 👉 @MANDATLAR_UZ

@Oqituvchi | Обуна бу‌линг👇

🍀Vocabulary to represent comparison in graphs

✅Similar. ✅Just over
• about • just above
• almost • just bigger
• roughly • just over
• approximately • just across
• nearly • just beyond
• around
✅Just short
• just below • just beneath
• just sort/under • just a little

✅Much more. ✅Much less
• well above • well below
• well above • well under
• well beyond • well short
• well across • well beneath
• well over

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18 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.