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Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Postlar filtri

—Starista: Kursdoshlar 8-mart yaqin Tyutorga nimadir olmaymizmi?
—Biz: Olamiz, albatta. Faqat javob olamiz qochishga😅.

Kristofer Nolan. Tenet. Vaqt.

Buyuk rejissyordan buyuk kino. Inson miyasini yanada ko‘proq ishlashga undaydigan, bir vaqtning o‘zida bir nechta jarayonni analiz qilishga majbur qiluvchi film.

Ilmiy-fantastik filmlarni yoqtiruvchi barchaga tavsiya qilaman.

"Ba’zan biz qaysi yo‘ldan ketayotganimizni anglab yetish uchun qaytishimiz kerak."

Ramazon muborak.

Ramazondagi ilk hadyam ma'lum)


Счастье - это знать что скоро РАМАДАН.


I am a kind of girl who feels things deeply. I am a kind of girl who is happy in small and simple things. I'm a kind of girl who trusts people a little too easily. I am a kind of girl who needs love and respect. I am the kind of girl who overthinks and hurts herself. I am a kind of girl who gets friendly quickly. And I talk too much, I speak too much only to the person with whom I am comfortable. But I regret speaking too much so that the other person does not get irritated with me, does not get bored with me, because I'm afraid that the people I'm comfortable with might get bored of me and leave me.
No matter how much I live alone, no matter how much I like being alone, at some point I feel that I should be with someone. Many times it seems that I cannot do anything in life. No matter how happy I am in front of others, no matter how much I cheer for people, there comes a point when I feel like I don't have anyone. I think about texting someone and telling him/her my problem, but then I think that they will take me for granted and take advantage of my weakness, they will judge me and so on...
Many times it seems that I will never find someone for whom I am special, whose favorite person I am, who cares about me. Sometimes people talk lovingly, and sometimes they are rude. Aisa kyuu? Is it because of me?? But I talk to everyone lovingly, right? This thing literally hurts. Many times people say something that literally hurts... But I spoil my mind thinking about these small things and then I cry.
People tell me that I am very sensitive and I cry over everything. Is it wrong? And that's why I don't cry in front of people anymore, I control my crying in front of them. But sometimes the situation is such that you get tired of everyone and you just keep crying even though there is no specific reason. I think about every small point and speak so that the other person doesn't get hurt, but why doesn't it happen to me?

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Tadbirdan keyin darsga kirish "gunoh"

If you make a plan, life never works out that way.
With no plan, nothing can go wrong.
And if something spins out of control, it doesn't matter.


Parasite (Parazitlar 2019)
IMDb: 8.5
Kinopoisk: 7.9
Kino ekrani: 9.5

Men uchun koreys kino ijodkorlari tomonidan ishlangan eng yaxshi film. Film rasman ekran yuzini ko'rgandan so'ng umumiy hisobda 50 dan ortiq kino mukofotlar bilan taqdirlangan. Ular ichida:
-OSCAR: eng yaxshi rejissiyorlik ishi
-OSCAR: eng yaxshi su'rat
-OSCAR: eng yaxshi senariy
-OSCAR: eng yaxshi xorijiy film
4 ta Oscar karl !!!
Eng daxshati bu mukofotlar kino yili deb hisoblanmish 2019-yilda olingan.

Film hozirda avj olib borayotgan yomon, parazitlik illatlari haqida. Unda tashqari u ishsizlik, boylar va kambag'allar o'rtasidagi tabaqalanish kabi og'riqli mavzularni ham ichiga oladi. Shuncha eshitgandan bir marta ko'rgan yaxshi. Kinomanlar tomonidan qo'yilgan baxolarga o'zingiz guvohsiz.


Yakshanba uchun:
  •   Parasite
  •   Shining
  •   Zodiac

Bu Angliyadagi Manchester emas balki Americadagi bir kichik shahar va undagi xotiralar haqida)

"Dengiz bo'yidagi Manchester"

Tez, jangari xullas harakatli jilla qursa aqlli gaplari ko'p filmlar ko'rardim odatda. Lekin bugun ayni shu kinoni ko'rdim. Ajoyib syujet. Har qanaqasiga inson kayfiyatiga ta'sir qiloladi.


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188 0 0 11 24

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.