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Source: IELTS Frank
🗝 IELTS Writing Task 2
👨💻Teacher: Mr.Aliboyev
🎖Theme: The discrepancy betwixt the following:
👉 "Do you agree or disagree?"
👉"To what extent do you agree or disagree?"
Most students confuse two types of Agree/Disagree essay. By virtue of that, I filmed this video lesson so that you no longer get confused.
In this audio-visual tutorial, I tried to explain how to distinguish the disparity between two types of Agree / Disagree essay in detail.
🟢 Ko'p IELTS o'rganuvchilari uchun Agree / Disagree essay ning 2 turi ya'ni
🔔Do you agree or disagree va
🔔 To what extent do you agree or disagree juda qiyin tuyuladi.
⚠️ Hatto ba'zi o'quvchilar bu ikki essay turini BIR XIL deb o'ylashar ekan. Natijada Writing dan juda Past ball olishadi.
IELTS topshirish uchun tayyorlanayotgan bo'lsangiz, exam dan avval bu video This ko'rsangiz siz ko'p o'quvchilar takrorlaydigan xatoni qilmaysiz.
🗝 IELTS Writing Task 2
👨💻Teacher: Mr.Aliboyev
🎖Theme: The discrepancy betwixt the following:
👉 "Do you agree or disagree?"
👉"To what extent do you agree or disagree?"
Most students confuse two types of Agree/Disagree essay. By virtue of that, I filmed this video lesson so that you no longer get confused.
In this audio-visual tutorial, I tried to explain how to distinguish the disparity between two types of Agree / Disagree essay in detail.
🟢 Ko'p IELTS o'rganuvchilari uchun Agree / Disagree essay ning 2 turi ya'ni
🔔Do you agree or disagree va
🔔 To what extent do you agree or disagree juda qiyin tuyuladi.
⚠️ Hatto ba'zi o'quvchilar bu ikki essay turini BIR XIL deb o'ylashar ekan. Natijada Writing dan juda Past ball olishadi.
IELTS topshirish uchun tayyorlanayotgan bo'lsangiz, exam dan avval bu video This ko'rsangiz siz ko'p o'quvchilar takrorlaydigan xatoni qilmaysiz.