General English | INGLIZ TILI

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Toifa: Ta’lim

🇬🇧General English:

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O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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♦️ 4000 Essential English Words:

📕 Book 4 | Unit 18

📑 Word list (Umumiy)

accent - aksent, talaffuz
⚜barber - sartarosh
⚜basement - yerto'la
⚜blank - bo'sh
⚜blink - ko'zni tez yumib ochmoq
⚜choir - xor
⚜comic - kulgili
⚜complicate - murakkablashtirmoq
⚜decline - rad etmoq
⚜errand - topshiriq
⚜glove - qo'lqop
⚜hermit - darvesh, tarki dunyo qilgan kishi
⚜justly - adolatli
⚜leather - charm
⚜ponder - puxta o'ylamoq
⚜reserve - buyurtma bermoq, buyurmoq
⚜script - ssenariy
⚜search - izlamoq
⚜slam - qattiq yopmoq
⚜staircase - zina

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♦️ 4000 Essential English Words:

📕 Book 4 | Unit 17

📑 Word list (Umumiy)

civilization - sivilizatsiya
⚜convenient - qulay
⚜den - in, uya, o'ra
⚜dew - shabnam
⚜drastic - qat'iy
⚜exit - chiqmoq
⚜flock - suruv, poda
⚜fold - buklamoq
⚜lid - qopqoq
⚜loom - dahshatli ko'rinmoq
⚜mighty - qudratli
⚜mushroom - qo'ziqorin
⚜native - mahalliy
⚜poison - zahar
⚜reed - qamish
⚜shield - himoya qilmoq
⚜stormy - bo'ronli
⚜sway - uyoqdan buyoqqa yurmoq
⚜urban - shaharga oid
⚜wade - suvdan kechib o'tmoq

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♦️ 4000 Essential English Words:

📕 Book 4 | Unit 16

📑 Word list (Umumiy)

altogether - batamom, tamomila
⚜bind - birlashtirmoq
⚜bruise - ko'karish, lat
⚜custom - urf-odat
⚜disobedient - itoatsiz, qaysar
⚜foresee - oldindan ko'rmoq
⚜glimpse - qaramoq, ko'zi tushmoq
⚜hoop - halqa
⚜misfortune - baxtsizlik
⚜negative - salbiy
⚜per - boshiga har bir
⚜plead - iltimos qilmoq
⚜rip - yirtmoq
⚜sake - ... uchun, ... deb
⚜scrape - qirmoq
⚜source - manba
⚜stern - juda jiddiy
⚜stitch - qo'shib tikmoq
⚜thump - gursillash
⚜vehement - shiddatli

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♦️ 4000 Essential English Words:

📕 Book 4 | Unit 15

📑 Word list (Umumiy)

although - bo'lsa-da, -sa ham
⚜apply - surtmoq, qo'ymoq
⚜await - kutmoq
⚜beloved - sevimli, suyukli
⚜bury - dafn qilmoq, ko'mmoq
⚜climate - iqlim
⚜complain - shikoyat qilmoq
⚜confuse - adashtirmoq, chalg'itmoq
⚜due - kutilayotgan
⚜entire - butun, butun boshli
⚜establish - tashkil etmoq, asos solmoq
⚜furnace - pech, isitgich
⚜leash - jilov, bog', arqon
⚜mature - ulg'aymoq
⚜measure - o'lchamoq
⚜midst - o'rtada, o'rtasi
⚜misery - baxtsizlik
⚜prior - oldin, avval
⚜research - tadqiqot, izlanish
⚜variety - turli-tumanlik, xilma-xillik

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♦️ 4000 Essential English Words:

📕 Book 4 | Unit 14

📑 Word list (Umumiy)

brick - g'isht
⚜crumble - to'kilib qolmoq
⚜dough - xamir
⚜express - ifodalamoq
⚜fist - musht
⚜flexible - egiluvchan
⚜flush - qizarmoq
⚜injure - shikastlamoq
⚜lump - bo'lak
⚜mixture - aralashma
⚜reconcile - yarashmoq
⚜ruin - vayron qilmoq
⚜shatter - sindirmoq
⚜shutter - tashqi deraza
⚜sift - elamoq
⚜slight - biroz, kichik
⚜sparkle - chaqnamoq
⚜sprinkle - sepmoq
⚜stale - aynigan, qotgan
⚜utter - gapirmoq, aytmoq

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♦️ 4000 Essential English Words:

📕 Book 4 | Unit 13

📑 Word list (Umumiy)

affect - ta'sir qilmoq
⚜autograph - dastxat
⚜bead - tomchi
⚜brew - choy/kofe damlamoq
⚜charm - e'tiborni tortmoq
⚜destiny - taqdir
⚜horn - signal
⚜irritable - jizzaki, jahli tez
⚜lag - ortda qolmoq
⚜maximize - kuchaytirmoq
⚜nightmare - yomon tush
⚜nutritious - ozuqaga boy
⚜protein - oqsil
⚜signature - imzo
⚜stuff - narsa
⚜subconscious - beixtiyor
⚜van - yuk mashinasi
⚜warn - ogohlantirmoq
⚜workout - jismoniy mashq
⚜zoom - tez harakatlanmoq

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♦️ 4000 Essential English Words:

📕 Book 4 | Unit 12

📑 Word list (Umumiy)

alternative - muqobil
⚜avenue - shoh ko'cha
⚜belly - qorin
⚜bid - urinish
⚜blow - puflamoq
⚜conflict - nizo
⚜continent - qit'a
⚜current - oqim
⚜disrespect - hurmatsizlik
⚜enthusiasm - ishtiyoq
⚜harsh - yoqimsiz
⚜lean - suyanmoq
⚜meantime - shu orada
⚜mischief - sho'xlik, nayrang
⚜muscle - mushak
⚜rescue - qutqarmoq
⚜succession - ketma-ketlik
⚜terrain - yer, relyef
⚜timid - qo'rqoq
⚜violence - zo'ravonlik

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♦️ 4000 Essential English Words:

📕 Book 4 | Unit 11

📑 Word list (Umumiy)

alliance - ittifoq
⚜applause - olqish
⚜armed - qurollangan
⚜authoritative - ishonchli
⚜ceremony - marosim
⚜culture - madaniyat
⚜defense - mudofaa
⚜detail - tafsilot
⚜diverse - turli xil
⚜enchant - maftun qilmoq
⚜equip - ta'minlamoq
⚜exception - istisno
⚜genre - janr
⚜impact - ta'sir
⚜lure - o'ziga jalb qilmoq
⚜obstacle - to'siq
⚜shelter - boshpana
⚜sort - saralamoq
⚜supply - ta'minlamoq
⚜vain - o'ziga bino qo'ygan

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♦️ 4000 Essential English Words:

📕 Book 4 | Unit 10

📑 Word list (Umumiy)

⚜animate - jonli
⚜classify - tasniflash
⚜concede - tan olmoq
⚜concept - tushuncha
⚜construct - qurmoq
⚜decade - o'n yillik
⚜diagram - jadval
⚜ferry - kema
⚜handy - foydali
⚜isolate - ajratib qo'ymoq
⚜longing - intizorlik
⚜numerous - ko'p
⚜particle - zarracha
⚜plea - o'tinch, iltijo
⚜refrain - o'zini tiymoq
⚜review - ko'rib chiqmoq
⚜sophisticated - ilg'or fikrli
⚜surrender - topshirmoq
⚜upright - tik, tikka
⚜worthwhile - foydali
, arzirli

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♦️ 4000 Essential English Words:

📕 Book 4 | Unit 9

📑 Word list (Umumiy)

⚜alongside - yonida
⚜appetite - ishtaha
⚜assist - yordam bermoq
⚜breeze - yengil shamol
⚜defy - qarshilik qilmoq
⚜display - ko'rsatmoq
⚜efficient - samarali
⚜feeble - zaif
⚜forgive - kechirmoq
⚜lively - jo'shqin
⚜majestic - ulug'vor
⚜nor - ham emas
⚜outraged - g'azablangan
⚜pessimistic - noumid
⚜rumor - mish-mish
⚜slap - tarsaki tushirmoq
⚜smash - sindirmoq
⚜subject - mavzu
⚜wage - ish haqi
⚜whereas - holbuki

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♦️ 4000 Essential English Words:

📕 Book 4 | Unit 8

📑 Word list (Umumiy)

⚜access - kirish imkoniyati
⚜conduct - fe'l-atvor
⚜constant - doimiy
⚜crack - yoriq
⚜device - qurilma
⚜enclose - o'ramoq
⚜grip - mahkam tutmoq
⚜halt - to'xtamoq
⚜impending - yaqinlashib kelayotgan
⚜influence - ta'sir o'tkazmoq
⚜law - qonun
⚜mode - holat
⚜perspire - terlamoq
⚜replace - o'zgartirmoq
⚜snap - sindirmoq
⚜sly - ayyor
⚜tend - moyil
⚜valid - ishonchli
⚜version - versiya
⚜whatsoever - deyarli

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♦️ 4000 Essential English Words:

📕 Book 4 | Unit 7

📑 Word list (Umumiy)

⚜account - hisob raqam
⚜architect - arxitektor, me'mor
⚜conceal - yashirmoq
⚜crime - jinoyat
⚜deed - dalolatnoma
⚜gratitude - minnatdorchilik
⚜habitat - yashash joyi
⚜intervene - aralashmoq
⚜landmark - belgi, oriyentir
⚜legal - qonuniy
⚜memorable - unutilmas
⚜oblige - majbur qilmoq
⚜offence - jinoyat
⚜proclaim - e'lon qilmoq
⚜rally - namoyish
⚜resolve - hal qilmoq
⚜resource - manba
⚜sentence - hukm
⚜volunteer - ko'ngilli
⚜witness - guvoh

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♦️ 4000 Essential English Words:

📕 Book 4 | Unit 6

📑 Word list (Umumiy)

⚜absolute - mutlaq
⚜alas - afsuski
⚜attentive - diqqatli
⚜cape - yopinchiq
⚜envision - tasavvur qilish
⚜evenly - teng ravishda
⚜folk - xalq
⚜melt - erimoq
⚜patch - parcha
⚜pleasure - zavq
⚜pop - paq (tovush)
⚜pudding - shirin desert
⚜rail - panjara qismi
⚜recipe - retsept
⚜role - rol, vazifa
⚜shrink - kichraymoq
⚜soak - namlamoq
⚜spark - uchqun
⚜spirit - ruhiyat
⚜suit - kostyum

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♦️ 4000 Essential English Words:

📕 Book 4 | Unit 5

📑 Word list (Umumiy)

⚜awhile - bir muddat
⚜cyberspace - kiber-maydon
⚜edit - tuzatish kiritmoq
⚜essay - insho
⚜evaluate - baholamoq
⚜faint - xushdan ketish
⚜global - global
⚜gymnasium - sport zali
⚜highlight - marker bilan belgilab qo'ymoq
⚜ignorant - e'tiborsiz
⚜index - ilova, mundarija
⚜lecture - ma'ruza
⚜moral - axloqiy
⚜operate - ishlamoq
⚜private - xususiy
⚜recent - yaqinda
⚜resolution - qaror
⚜semester - semestr
⚜typewritten - yozma
⚜weird - g'alati

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♦️ 4000 Essential English Words:

📕 Book 4 | Unit 4

📑 Word list (Umumiy)

⚜beak - tumshuq
⚜damp - ho'l
⚜disapprove - norozi bo'lmoq
⚜except - ... dan tashqari
⚜flight - parvoz
⚜fond - xush ko'rmoq
⚜immoral - axloqsiz
⚜ivy - pechak
⚜moan - ingramoq
⚜oblivious - bexabar, unutgan
⚜perish - halok bo'lmoq, vafot etmoq
⚜pit - chuqurlik
⚜rim - chet, gardish
⚜roost - qo'noq
⚜slippery - sirpanchiq
⚜soar - baland ko'tarilmoq
⚜trivial - ahamiyatsiz
⚜typical - odatiy
⚜utterly - butkul, o'ta darajada
⚜weep - yig'lamoq

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♦️ 4000 Essential English Words:

📕 Book 4 | Unit 3

📑 Word list (Umumiy)

⚜admonish - tanbeh bermoq
⚜audible - eshitiladigan
⚜awesome - ajoyib, hayajonga soluvchi
⚜beware - ehtiyot bo'lmoq
⚜brag - maqtanmoq
⚜conscious - xushi joyida
⚜disagree - qarshi bo'lmoq
⚜echo - aks sado
⚜eventual - so'nggi, yakuniy
⚜hint - ishora
⚜idiot - tentak
⚜immense - ulkan
⚜indirect - aylanma, to'g'ri emas
⚜option - tanlov, tanlash imkoniyati
⚜pastime - ko'ngilochar mashg'ulot, ermak
⚜perfect - mukammal
⚜pinpoint - aniqlamoq
⚜switch - o'zgartirmoq
⚜thorough - batafsil, to'liq
⚜torment - azob bermoq

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♦️ 4000 Essential English Words:

📕 Book 4 | Unit 2

📑 Word list (Umumiy)

⚜accident - baxtsiz xodisa, falokat
⚜admiral - admiral
⚜arc - ark
⚜character - fe'l-atvor, xarakter
⚜conscience - vijdon
⚜fiery - olovli
⚜flesh - badan, tana
⚜grapefruit - greyfrut
⚜hay - pichan, somon
⚜horrified - dahshatga tushgan
⚜kerosene - kerosin
⚜loop - sirtmoq
⚜paddle - eshkak
⚜raft - sol
⚜sour - nordon
⚜stake - tirgak, ustun
⚜steward - styuardessa
⚜string - kanop ip
⚜thorn - tikan
⚜wreck - vayron qilmoq

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♦️ 4000 Essential English Words:

📕 Book 4 | Unit 1

📑 Word list (Umumiy)

⚜aroma - xushbo'y hid
⚜beverage - ichimlik
⚜cluster - shingil, to'plam, bog'
⚜combine - birlashtirmoq
⚜condensed - quyuq
⚜contemporary - zamonaviy
⚜cultivate - yetishtirmoq
⚜divine - ilohiy
⚜humid - nam
⚜odor - hid
⚜palate - tanglay
⚜paradise - jannat
⚜plantation - plantatsiya
⚜rapid - tez
⚜rate - tezlik
⚜soothing - tinchlantiruvchi
⚜subtle - sezilmas
⚜texture - yuza shakli
⚜toxic - zaharli
⚜vary - farq qilmoq

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Adjectives for size and shape: (B2/C1)

Very small:
✅a minuscule piece of cloth
✅itsy-bitsy spider
✅a tiny spot
✅a dainty feet
✅an infinitesimal dose
✅a dwarf cherry tree

Very big:
✅bulky lagguage
✅a colossal sum
✅a gargantuan meal
✅a gigantic wave
✅a vast room
✅a mammoth task

#big #small #synonym

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1. ONCE, All villagers decided to pray for rain, on the day of prayer all the People gathered but only one boy came with an umbrella.
- That's FAITH

2. WHEN You throw a baby in the air, she laughs because she knows you will catch her.
- That's TRUST

3. EVERY night we go to bed, without any assurance of being alive the next Morning but still we set the alarms to wake up.
- That's HOPE


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20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.