Ruscha statuslar | Русские Статусы dan repost
Muloqot uchun yangi iboralar to'plami
🚩Destination B2:
Phrases and collocations
💥 take your time (doing) = 1.xohlagancha vaqt, 2. sekin ishlamoq
💥 take time to do = …ga vaqti bo’lmoq
💥 spend time doing = …ni bajarib vaqt o’tqazmoq
💥 spend time on = …ga vaqt sarflamoq
💥 at/for a certain time = aniq vaqtda
💥 time passes = vaqt o’tmoq
💥 find time to do = …uchun vaqt topmoq
💥 make/find time for = …uchun vaqt topmoq
💥 for the time being = vaqtincha
💥 have a good/nice time (doing) =... bajarib yaxshi vaqt o’tqazmoq
💥 tell the time = vaqtni aytmoq
💥 free/spare/leisure time = bo’sh/bo’sh/madaniy dam olish vaqti
🚩Destination B2:
Phrases and collocations
💥 take your time (doing) = 1.xohlagancha vaqt, 2. sekin ishlamoq
💥 take time to do = …ga vaqti bo’lmoq
💥 spend time doing = …ni bajarib vaqt o’tqazmoq
💥 spend time on = …ga vaqt sarflamoq
💥 at/for a certain time = aniq vaqtda
💥 time passes = vaqt o’tmoq
💥 find time to do = …uchun vaqt topmoq
💥 make/find time for = …uchun vaqt topmoq
💥 for the time being = vaqtincha
💥 have a good/nice time (doing) =... bajarib yaxshi vaqt o’tqazmoq
💥 tell the time = vaqtni aytmoq
💥 free/spare/leisure time = bo’sh/bo’sh/madaniy dam olish vaqti