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Happy Ramadan, everyone 🎉 -

Men Ramazon davomida har kuni bepul jonli interaktiv speaking darslari o‘tkazyapman. 🧐

Ramazonda speaking’dan 9.0 olgan odam bilan bepul mashq qilib, darajangizni oshirmoqchimisiz? 🤔

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✍ Learn from pros

It is always best to learn from experts in your field. Similarly, in IELTS writing, analyzing exemplary essays by skilled writers can significantly enhance your proficiency. Here is a list of those aficionados:

Jo'rabek Sanokulov - link
Laziz Atabaev - link
Sarvar Khatamov - link
Diyorbek Hayitmurodov - link
Dilmurod Nazarmatov - link
Dilshodbek Ravshanov - link
Ulug'bek Umidjonov - link
Asilbek Yusupov - link
Bekzod Mirahmedov - link

The given are suggested for honing your skill of writing and the admin doesn't advice anything more than that.

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I used to read news from trustworthy organisations like The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Bloomberg on a daily basis to not only improve my reading but overall language.
Everyday at least 10 completely new words to me popped up to be learnt.
The channel: link

Leave a reaction if you have problems in your reading⚡️

Taking IELTS on computer but don't know where to practice? I got a little gift for you!

We know that the most authentic (best) tests to practice are that of Cambridge. Here is the digitalised version of those tests for you to practice your skills prior to your test and ace it!

🎁Online digitalised Cambridge IELTS tests:

🔥React and share if you found it useful

The apps I tell my students to have are the following three by Oxford:

1) Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (10th edition) (words/pronunciation)
2) Oxford Collocations Dictionary (collocations)
3) Practical English Usage (grammar reference)
4) Anki (flashcard app)

3 fundamentals: vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.

Q: Some people believe that adults get motivated to exercise and play sports because of the major sports events on TV, such as the Olympic Games and Football World Cup. Others say that there are many ways, apart from TV, to encourage them to exercise. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

A: These days, a number of major sports competitions are taking place around the world and are broadcast on TV. Some think these events prompt people to do sports activities. Even though sporting events of high caliber, such as the FIFA World Cup and Olympic Games, are helping to popularize sports, there are still more ways for people to get motivated, in my opinion.

On the one hand, those major sports tournaments, indeed, attract millions of people, playing a crucial role in leading people to sports. We often are prone to wanting to do what we see on TV screens as the tournaments create a more engaging sporting atmosphere for viewers. Often the impact is so great that it can even bring those leading a sedentary lifestyle to action. Yet, I am not sure if these events alone can keep everyone motivated long enough.

One of the most effective methods would be the provision of sports facilities by governments giving the public access. Take Brazil; the prevalence of football pitches around the country makes the sport more appealing. Sometimes individuals can also become a source of motivation for others, enticing their friends or family members to join a football match; for example, it is harder to reject the offer. We tend to do activities others around us do.

In conclusion, the mentioned attracting events used to be held once every several years, which is not enough to keep folks motivated all the time. Instead, mere yet constant encouragements can come in handy. Thus, I believe that people and opportunities around us would have a more noticeable impact in the long run.

Way for C1.pdf
guide to improve general english

you can adjust it to your own level

*for intermediate level students

🎁 W samples: @sanctumsanctorium

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