Zafar Sobitov 🪐

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha

English teacher IELTS 8
Bachelor at UzSWLU
Master at UzSWLU
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📚Library: @libaryof (free library)

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O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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Ko’pchilik meni o’zbekcha writing kitobim haqida juda ko’p so’raydi. Batafil ma’lumot shu yerda ↩️

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Jigarim @mrAmericano dan

🗒to lift one’s spirits- kafiyatni ko’tarmoq

➡️Whenever I feel down, singing a cheerful song liftd my spirits

🗒to bring a smile to someone’s face- yuzga tabassum olib keladi

➡️A beautiful song brings a smile to my face

🗒to sing along- birga kuylash

➡️During the concert, I like to sing along with Bellie

🗒to make people dance- raqsaga tushiradi

➡️Music makes people dance

🗒artistically inclined- artsitlik qobilayge ega bo’lish

➡️My mum is artistically inclined and she loves singing

🗒to sing my heart out- yurakdan kuylash

➡️Whenever I am alone, I sing my heart out to reliev stress

🗒to pursue a singing career- qo’shiqchilik koreyasini davom ettirish

➡️I am considering pursuing a singing career

🗒to aspire to be a singer- qo’shiqchi bo’lishga xohishi bo’lish

➡️I’ve always aspired to be a singer

🗒to sing in the shower- dushda kuylash

➡️I enjoy singing in the shower

🗒lucrative job= dardomadli ish

➡️Many successful singers have turned their passion into a lucrative job , earning well through album sales and performances

Mobile Phone Dependency (2).pdf
😎Shu article ichidan speaking app dagi mobile phones mavzusi uchun vocabulary terib oldik.

Article o’qish faqatgina reading uchun emas , balki task 2 uchun idea olishga va vocabulary o’rganishga ham ancha yordam beradi😉

🗒Basic- oddiy

➡️Example: "My first Nokia phone was basic compared to
today's smartphones, lacking features like touchscreens
and advanced apps."

🗒Serve its purpose asosiy maqsadi uchun xizmat qilmoq ( tel qilish, sms yozish)

➡️Example: "Though my old Nokia could only make calls and
send texts, it served its purpose well for staying

🗒Constantly check- telefoni tekshirish ( telefonga biror xabar kelmadikina deb)

➡️Example: "Due to my online work, I find myself constantly
checking messages and emails on my phone."

🗒Update content - o'zini safifalarini yangilash (post, stories, video, rasm qo'yish)

➡️Example: "I spend a lot of time updating content on social
media to keep my audience engaged."

🗒Reliable phone - ishonchli telefon

➡️Example: "My Samsung Galaxy A12 has been a reliable
phone for the past two years, rarely giving me any

🗒Meets my basic needs - asosiy ehtiyojlarimni qondiradi

➡️Example: "The Galaxy A12 meets my basic needs for
communication and browsing without being overly

🗒Sleek design - zamomaviy va chiroyli dizayn

➡️Example: "I appreciate the sleek design of my Samsung
phone; it looks modern and sophisticated."

🗒Easy to use - User-friendly = ishlatishga oson

➡️Example: "The interface of my Samsung phone is intuitive
and easy to use, even for someone not tech-savvy."

🗒High-resolution camera -yasxhi kemara

➡️Example: "An iPhone is appealing to me because of its high-resolution camera, perfect for capturing crisp

🗒Quality camera - sifatli rasmlar yoki videolar oladigan kamera

➡️Example: "I prioritize phones with a quality camera
because I enjoy photography and want my pictures to look

🗒Overall performance - umumiy ishlashi

➡️Example: "iPhones are renowned for their overall
performance, offering smooth operation and fast

🗒User experience -foydalanuvchilar tajribasi
➡️Example: "Many people praise the user experience of
iPhones, citing their simplicity and reliability."

🗒Run various apps - har xil ilovalardan foydalanish

➡️Example: "My Samsung phone allows me to run various apps
for productivity, entertainment, and communication."

🗒Quality of the camera - kameraning sifati

➡️Example: "When choosing a new phone, I prioritize the
quality of the camera over other specifications."

🗒Advanced apps -mukammal ilovalar

➡️Example: "Today's smartphones offer a wide range of
advanced apps for productivity, gaming, and multimedia."

🗒Touchscreens and advanced apps - sensrli ekran va mukammal ilovalar

➡️Example: "Older Nokia phones lacked touchscreens and
advanced apps, unlike today's smartphones."

🗒Stay connected - gaplashib turish, aqloda qolish

➡️Example: "My old Nokia phone helped me stay connected
with friends and family through calls and texts."

🗒Tech-savvy - texnologiyani yaxshi tushunadigan

➡️Example: "While I'm not particularly tech-savvy, I appreciate
phones that are easy to use and don't require a steep
learning curve.

😎Topic vocabulary for “Social media”

🗒more than I should-keragidan ko’proq

➡️I spend time on social media more than I should.

🗒To stay connected: Kim bilandir aloqada bo'lib turmoq

➡️Social media became a way to stay connected with friends.

🗒To share updates: O'zingiz yo hayotingizdagi yangiliklarni bo'lishish

➡️I share updates every day on instagram

🗒To scroll through feeds: Tepadan pastga qilib postlarni ko'rish

➡️Whenever I am free from my work, I scroll through feeds on instagram

🗒To get carried away: Ichiga kirib ketish

➡️"It's easy to get carried away with all the interesting

🗒To post updates: Ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda yangliklarni post qilish

➡️I do lots of things on social media, ranging from posting updates about their lives to making new

🗒Stay informed: Yangiliklardan xabardor bo'lish

➡️I use social media to stay informed about current

🗒User-friendly: Foydalanishga oson, qulay

➡️Telegram is quite popular because it's user-friendly and

😊Asliddin eski studentlardan

✅Idea developing

Siz studentsiz lekin writing yozyotganda hamma bo’lib : doctor, lawayer , teacher, economist , technician kerak bo'lsa grandfather bo’lib o’ylab ko’rishligiz kerak ya’ni quyidagi prespective lardan


🤔Bu nima degani aytaylik essayingiz quyidagi mavzu haqida :

➡️Some people believe that children should start their formal education at 7, others think before 7

💣7 yoshda

➡️Doctor lar aytadiki: 7 yoshda maktabni boshlasa bolalar mentally va physically tayyor bo’lishidi . 7 yoshdan oldin esa yo’q .

💣7 yoshdan oldin

➡️Economist lar aytadiki: 7 yoshdan oldin bolalar maktabni bitirsa ular peer lariga nisbatan maktabni ertaroq bitirshadi va career larni vaqtliroq boshlashadi

Bugun men sizga listening dan 8,5 olishga yordam bergan podcastlarni bo’lishmoqchiman

Endi listening ni boshlagan paytlar⤵️⤵️⤵️

🗒6 minutes English

🗒ESL cafe


🗒All english





kabilarni eshitardik

🗒Keyin yuqoiroq level ga chiqishim uchun ingliz tili o’rganuvchilari uchun emas balki inglizlar uchun qilingan podcastlarni eshtishni boshladim. Bu podcastlar menga authentic ya’ni native lar ishlatadigan vocabulary yig’ishga yordam berdi.⤵️⤵️⤵️

🗒Chris Williamson




🗒The Diary Of A CEO


🗒Jimmy Kimmel Live


🗒The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon




🗒Mel Robbinson


Yonimda bo’lganiz uchun rahmat!

map zafar sobitov (1).pdf
⚡️⚡️⚡️Map writing task 1 osh bo'lsin

Comparative graphs (1).pdf
⚡️Comparative graphs

👍Author : Zafar Sobitov

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
🗒Bugun siz uchun writing task 2 uchun chiroyli bitta dars

➡️Writing task 2 da hedging nima va u nima uchun kerak

➡️Eng ko’p studentlar xato qiladigan mavzu haqida bilib oling

Today’s mood

🗒True, false, not given

Element (word)

➡️True: agar question da berilgan har bir ma’lumot passage bilan bir xil berilgan bo’lsa

➡️False: question da berilgan biror element passage da qarama-qarshi ma’noda berilgan bo’lsa⤵️

Question: All students in class know English

Passage: Most students in class know English

🟣All va most bir-biriga qarma-qarshi

➡️Not given: question da berilgan biror element passage da berilmagan bo’lsa⤵️

Question: Ali ate a red apple

Passage : Ali ate an apple

🟣Question dagi red passage da berilmagan

🗒Question: Isadora Duncan wore complicated clothing when dancing. ➡️Passage : Duncan refused to wear elaborate costumes, preferring to dance in plain dresses and bare feet
  •   True
  •   False
  •   Not given
945 ta ovoz

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.