🇺🇸 Pliers
🇺🇿 qisqich, ombir
1. I couldn't fix the wire without a pair of pliers.
Men simni ta'mirlay olmadim, chunki menda pensel yo‘q edi.
2. He used pliers to remove the nail from the wooden board.
U mixni yog‘och taxtadan chiqarish uchun penseldan foydalandi.
3. These pliers are too small for cutting thick metal wires.
Bu pensel qalin metall simlarni kesish uchun juda kichik.
4. She grabbed the pliers to tighten the loose bolt.
U bo‘shashgan murvatni mahkamlash uchun penselni oldi.
5. Always keep a set of pliers in your toolbox for emergencies.
Favqulodda holatlar uchun asboblar qutingizda har doim bir juft pensel saqlang.
🇺🇸 Pliers
🇺🇿 qisqich, ombir
1. I couldn't fix the wire without a pair of pliers.
Men simni ta'mirlay olmadim, chunki menda pensel yo‘q edi.
2. He used pliers to remove the nail from the wooden board.
U mixni yog‘och taxtadan chiqarish uchun penseldan foydalandi.
3. These pliers are too small for cutting thick metal wires.
Bu pensel qalin metall simlarni kesish uchun juda kichik.
4. She grabbed the pliers to tighten the loose bolt.
U bo‘shashgan murvatni mahkamlash uchun penselni oldi.
5. Always keep a set of pliers in your toolbox for emergencies.
Favqulodda holatlar uchun asboblar qutingizda har doim bir juft pensel saqlang.