🇺🇸 Hoof
🇺🇿 Tuyoq
1. The horse's hoof was injured after stepping on a sharp rock.
(Otning tuyoqi o'tkir toshga bosib jarohatlandi.)
2. Cows have cloven hooves, which means their hooves are split into two parts.
(Sigirlarda "chakan tuyoqlar" bor, ya'ni tuyoqlari ikki qismga bo'lingan.)
3. The blacksmith was busy fixing the iron shoe on the horse’s hoof.
(Temirchi otning tuyoqdagi taqasini ta'mirlayotgan edi.)
4. You could hear the sound of the hooves as the horses galloped down the road.
(Otlar yo'ldan chopib o'tayotganda tuyoqlarining ovozini eshitish mumkin edi.)
5. He cleaned the dirt off the donkey’s hoof before the journey.
(U eshakning tuyoqdan loyni tozaladi safar oldidan.
🇺🇿 Tuyoq
1. The horse's hoof was injured after stepping on a sharp rock.
(Otning tuyoqi o'tkir toshga bosib jarohatlandi.)
2. Cows have cloven hooves, which means their hooves are split into two parts.
(Sigirlarda "chakan tuyoqlar" bor, ya'ni tuyoqlari ikki qismga bo'lingan.)
3. The blacksmith was busy fixing the iron shoe on the horse’s hoof.
(Temirchi otning tuyoqdagi taqasini ta'mirlayotgan edi.)
4. You could hear the sound of the hooves as the horses galloped down the road.
(Otlar yo'ldan chopib o'tayotganda tuyoqlarining ovozini eshitish mumkin edi.)
5. He cleaned the dirt off the donkey’s hoof before the journey.
(U eshakning tuyoqdan loyni tozaladi safar oldidan.