🇺🇿 Carpenter
🇺🇸 Usta, duradgor
1. The carpenter built a beautiful wooden table for our dining room.
Duradgor ovqatlanish xonamiz uchun chiroyli yog‘och stol yasadi.
2. My grandfather was a skilled carpenter who made furniture by hand.
Bobom qo‘l mehnati bilan mebel yasaydigan mohir duradgor edi.
3. We hired a carpenter to repair the old wooden door.
Biz eski yog‘och eshikni ta'mirlash uchun duradgorni yolladik.
4. The carpenter measured the wood carefully before cutting it.
Duradgor yog‘ochni kesishdan oldin ehtiyotkorlik bilan o‘lchadi.
5. A good carpenter knows how to use different tools properly.
Yaxshi duradgor turli asbob-uskunalardan to‘g‘ri foydalanishni biladi.
🇺🇿 Carpenter
🇺🇸 Usta, duradgor
1. The carpenter built a beautiful wooden table for our dining room.
Duradgor ovqatlanish xonamiz uchun chiroyli yog‘och stol yasadi.
2. My grandfather was a skilled carpenter who made furniture by hand.
Bobom qo‘l mehnati bilan mebel yasaydigan mohir duradgor edi.
3. We hired a carpenter to repair the old wooden door.
Biz eski yog‘och eshikni ta'mirlash uchun duradgorni yolladik.
4. The carpenter measured the wood carefully before cutting it.
Duradgor yog‘ochni kesishdan oldin ehtiyotkorlik bilan o‘lchadi.
5. A good carpenter knows how to use different tools properly.
Yaxshi duradgor turli asbob-uskunalardan to‘g‘ri foydalanishni biladi.