🇺🇸 Darts game
🇺🇿 Darts óyini
Inglizcha misollar:
1. We played a darts game at the pub last night.
(Kecha kechqurun pabda darts o‘yini o‘ynadik.)
2. He is really good at the darts game and wins most of the time.
(U darts o‘yinida juda yaxshi va ko‘pincha g‘alaba qozonadi.)
3. I bought a new darts game set for my brother’s birthday.
(Men ukamning tug‘ilgan kuniga yangi darts o‘yini to‘plamini sotib oldim.)
4. The darts game requires accuracy and concentration.
(Darts o‘yini aniqlik va diqqatni jamlashni talab qiladi.)
5. We organized a darts game tournament at school.
(Biz maktabda darts o‘yini musobaqasini tashkil qildik.)
🇺🇸 Darts game
🇺🇿 Darts óyini
Inglizcha misollar:
1. We played a darts game at the pub last night.
(Kecha kechqurun pabda darts o‘yini o‘ynadik.)
2. He is really good at the darts game and wins most of the time.
(U darts o‘yinida juda yaxshi va ko‘pincha g‘alaba qozonadi.)
3. I bought a new darts game set for my brother’s birthday.
(Men ukamning tug‘ilgan kuniga yangi darts o‘yini to‘plamini sotib oldim.)
4. The darts game requires accuracy and concentration.
(Darts o‘yini aniqlik va diqqatni jamlashni talab qiladi.)
5. We organized a darts game tournament at school.
(Biz maktabda darts o‘yini musobaqasini tashkil qildik.)