🇺🇸 Coat rack
🇺🇿 Kiyim ilgich
1. I hung my jacket on the coat rack near the door.
Men kurtkamni eshik yonidagi kiyim ilgichga ilib qo'ydim.
2. The coat rack in the office was full of winter coats.
Idoradagi kiyim ilgich qishki palto bilan to‘lib ketgan edi.
3. She bought a new wooden coat rack for the hallway.
U yo‘lak uchun yangi yog‘och kiyim ilgich sotib oldi.
4. The hotel lobby had a large coat rack for guests.
Mehmonxona foyesida mehmonlar uchun katta kiyim ilgich bor edi.
5. He placed his hat on the coat rack and sat down.
U shlyapasini kiyim ilgichga qo‘ydi va o‘tirdi.
🇺🇸 Coat rack
🇺🇿 Kiyim ilgich
1. I hung my jacket on the coat rack near the door.
Men kurtkamni eshik yonidagi kiyim ilgichga ilib qo'ydim.
2. The coat rack in the office was full of winter coats.
Idoradagi kiyim ilgich qishki palto bilan to‘lib ketgan edi.
3. She bought a new wooden coat rack for the hallway.
U yo‘lak uchun yangi yog‘och kiyim ilgich sotib oldi.
4. The hotel lobby had a large coat rack for guests.
Mehmonxona foyesida mehmonlar uchun katta kiyim ilgich bor edi.
5. He placed his hat on the coat rack and sat down.
U shlyapasini kiyim ilgichga qo‘ydi va o‘tirdi.