🇺🇸 Sprayer
🇺🇿 Sepuvchi jihoz, purkagich, pulverizator
1. The farmer filled the sprayer with pesticide to protect his crops from insects.
Dehqon o‘z ekinlarini hasharotlardan himoya qilish uchun purkagichni pestitsid bilan to‘ldirdi.
2. Before painting the walls, he used a sprayer to apply a smooth and even coat of primer.
Devorlarni bo‘yashdan oldin u purkagich yordamida silliq va tekis grunt qatlami surtdi.
3. The automatic sprayer in the greenhouse ensures that all the plants receive the right amount of water.
Issiqxonadagi avtomatik purkagich barcha o‘simliklarning yetarli miqdorda suv olishini ta’minlaydi.
4. He adjusted the nozzle of the sprayer to control the flow of disinfectant in the hospital room.
U kasalxona xonasida dezinfeksiya vositasining oqimini nazorat qilish uchun purkagichning buragini sozladi.
5. Gardeners often use a handheld sprayer to mist delicate flowers without damaging their petals.
🇺🇸 Sprayer
🇺🇿 Sepuvchi jihoz, purkagich, pulverizator
1. The farmer filled the sprayer with pesticide to protect his crops from insects.
Dehqon o‘z ekinlarini hasharotlardan himoya qilish uchun purkagichni pestitsid bilan to‘ldirdi.
2. Before painting the walls, he used a sprayer to apply a smooth and even coat of primer.
Devorlarni bo‘yashdan oldin u purkagich yordamida silliq va tekis grunt qatlami surtdi.
3. The automatic sprayer in the greenhouse ensures that all the plants receive the right amount of water.
Issiqxonadagi avtomatik purkagich barcha o‘simliklarning yetarli miqdorda suv olishini ta’minlaydi.
4. He adjusted the nozzle of the sprayer to control the flow of disinfectant in the hospital room.
U kasalxona xonasida dezinfeksiya vositasining oqimini nazorat qilish uchun purkagichning buragini sozladi.
5. Gardeners often use a handheld sprayer to mist delicate flowers without damaging their petals.