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«Эй, иймон келтирганлар! сизлардан олдингиларга фарз килингани каби сизларга хам ру́за фарз килинди. Щоядки такволи бу́лсангиз»

📖Бакара сураси/83-оят

муртаазо. dan repost
❤️Рамазон муборак!

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Если судьба - еще встретимся
Если нет - спасибо за все ....)

И даже в богатстве , я буду бедна без тебя - мама

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Ты была самим важний для меня )

Appreciate those who have sacrificed themselves for you, who have endured the hardships of life for you. When the world seems too narrow for you, only they will offer you their arms as a refuge, their chest as a shield, and their zeal as a canopy.


“Nature+books+coffee+deep talk+You = Happiness”

🔉 Payg'anbarimiz ko'rinishlari {} Abdulloh Domla {}

It is easy to fake work.
You can setup a notion doc. Or download a
productivity app. Setup a pomodoro clock.
or worse, take a cold shower.

All of that stuff gives you a false sense of
achievement. You aren't actually getting
shit done.

The most effective productivity hack is
sitting your ass down on a chair for insanely
long hours.

When you actually do that, you'll realise
productivity is hard. It is not this magical
flow state that youtubers tell you it is. It is
supposed to suck at first. But then you're
supposed to work and get used to it.

do real work anon.

Sometimes, according to my mother, her deserved a better child than me

don't let your pain stop you from what you are trying to achieve

Nobody sees you getting up at six in the morning to start your day, nobody sees you skipping parties, nobody sees you working late, how hard you train, how much time you spend studying, but when you succeed, they say it's luck.

It's not just luck.

ўзгаришимиз учун 8339 соатимиз (1 йил) қолди.

...- однажды наступит

Bugun instagramdamidi yoki youtubeda bir videoga ko’zim tushgandi. Shunday so’zlar bitilgan:

Ovqatsiz 1 kun yashashim mumkin, ammo musiqasiz - yo’q.

Izohlar ikki frontga bo’lingan. Bir tomonda ovqatni birinchi o’ringa qo’ygan realistlar, ikkinchi tomonda musiqa shinavandalari.

Men aytdimki: agar insoniyatda ovqatsiz yashay olish qobilyati bo’lganida, shubhasiz undan foydalanardi. Biroq musiqani bir bor tinglagan odam, undan kecholmaydi. Ovqat bu ehtiyoj, musiqa esa tanlov.

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Хамма макияж килиб чиройли болса унга шунчаки табассум кифоя еди )

Without mould. 🖤

Слезы – это слова, которые сердце не может произнести.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.