Asadbek [X author]

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Telegram

"Do it or don't do it, you will regret both"
– Kierkegaard
👨‍💻 Asadbek [he/him/his]
✅️Northwestern'28🇶🇦 (full-ride)
🏛Liberal Arts, Political Science, Media and Communication.

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Postlar filtri

My relative has recently moved to Tashkent. She teaches online mostly from 7 p.m Uzb time to 11 p.m.

Does anyone know a quiet place to teach at night? Like a coffee shop or sth else)


What's ICF doing here?

Madrid haqqoniy yutdi, birinchi marta madridga qarshi muhlislik qildim lekin u haqqoniy yutdi)

Ishongan Rico Lewisi orqasidan urilgan gol bu)

Central Asian University dan repost
CAU Technical Summit with Steve Wozniak

❗ “Technology and Education: Lessons from the Past as the Key to the Future”

📅 March 19-20
📍 Central Asian University, Edvent Hall

Legendary Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak is coming to Central Asia for the first time! At the CAU Technical Summit, he will answer questions about the future of technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship in an exclusive offline session, sharing unique insights and experiences.

What to Expect?

🔹 A conversation with Steve Wozniak
🔹 Panel discussions with industry leaders
🔹 Networking opportunities with top experts and investors

Who Should Attend?

Tech and innovation leaders, business owners, entrepreneurs, startup founders, educators, students, and young IT professionals.

🎟 Tickets available at
Central Asian University – shaping the future!

🇺🇿 O'zbek tilida o'qish uchun

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📞 71 200 05 22, 71 208 12 34

My ex-university isn't stopping, lol)

Hullas, bundan yaqin oldin Zara do’konida bir noxush voqea bo’lgandi.

Menejer qizdan mijoz (ya’ni men, do’stim va uning onasi) bilan O’zbek tilida muloqot qilish so’ralganda, “Я не обязана” (Majbur emasman) degan dag’dag’ali javob va juda hunuk muomalaga guvoh bo’lgandik.

Do’konga, Savdo Markazi rahbariyatiga murojaat qilindi lekin, chora ko’rilganidan habar ham bo’lmadi.

Birinchidan iste’molchi huquqi, ikkinchidan ish joyida (ko’chada emas) Davlat tiliga bo’lgan hurmatsizlik.

Va bunday holatlar juda juda ko’p.

Zamon, urf, xalqaro munosabatlar va hokazo ni chetga surib turib o’ylasak, biz O’zbekistondamizmi ahir? Davlat tili qaysi?

Nima uchun maqomi bor lekin amalda hech kim uni himoya qilmaydi?

Ayniqsa, xizmat ko’rsatish sohasida!

Every male’s biggest fear is trying a new barber.

2 months to RD decisions?

Hehe, girls
U better learn how to "podkat" correctly😅these ways ain't work anymore

Should make my channel alive again)

Chilling&Getting ready for the next semester(

Ertasi kuni:
A: aka Qatar universitetlariga consultation qancha?
Men: $350, sizni bilaman yaxshi potensializ bor, mayli $250)

Tojik: Qatar universitetlariga consultation narxash chan dast?
Men: $700

Samarqand siyob bozori:
A: - oyti inasha chan pul?
B: - 5 hazor.
Men: - aka bu qancha?
- 10 ming so’m…

Someone promoted my channel?

Literally tired of all academic, application stuff. Life should not be built for these. Just wanna post more social life and wanna make the channel where I chill out

Some more time, some more trips, some more aura)

Random Shots from my previous home…

Going well, lmao

Already 0.005

19 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.