IELTS Warriors|Dilshod Ismatov

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha

Founder&CEO of ELITES LC(since 2020).
Lifelong learner
Listening 9x12 times
Reading 9x9 times back-to-back
Speaking 9.0x1
Writing 8.0x1
Writing 7.5x6 times
Speaking 8.5x2 times
Overall 8.5x6 times
Overall 9.0=coming soon…

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Postlar filtri

Some people think that newspapers are the best way to learn about news. However, others believe that they can learn news more effectively through other media.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Due to technological advances, various sources of news have emerged, leading to a conventional debate: while some point to the press as the best source to find out about the news, others claim other means are superior. I side with the latter view since the Internet has revolutionized the way we receive and process the news.

Advocates of newspapers as the best source maintain this medium offers some advantages to the reader. The primary benefit is thought to be how well-concentrated readers are compared to TV viewers and internet users. Void of distractions, such as pop-ads, newspapers help readers to reflect deeply on the context of the news. For this reason, consuming the news has long been associated with newspaper readership.

Furthermore, to produce an issue of a paper a series of professionals are involved: a columnist, a designer, and an editor are examples of such people who monitor the quality of the articles being published in a newspaper. In other words, the reliability of the news on paper is higher than an internet blog, which can readily be run by an amateur individual. Therefore, some people prefer the professional appeal of the news in print.

However, the problems associated with this medium make it inferior to television and the Internet. A major issue is the speed at which the news is circulated in the press; that is, given the process of creating a single edition of a newspaper, people may access the news in it later than sooner. Besides, because of the pace of today's world, the general public is less available for the amount of time it takes to finish reading a newspaper.

Instead, television can help people consume the news while doing other activities, such as eating dinner or waiting at a public facility, such as the hospital. News programs on TV can incorporate videos of an incident, adding authenticity to TV news. For instance, I would rather watch the 'Davr' news program as it allows me to multi-task, allowing me to save time for other activities.

The Internet has become a predominant way of accessing the news for several reasons. First, online news websites can edit any inaccuracy in their reports with a click of a button, which is not possible for print media. Another appeal of the news on an online platform is the opportunity to comment and read the position of other individuals on the same matter. Facebook news pages, for example, are a good case in point, which allows news consumers to access the opinions of others on a current affair and discover new perspectives along the way, rather than consuming the news from a limited viewpoint. These, alongside the speed at which the news is circulated online, give a dominant edge to the internet as the most effective medium to consume the news.

In conclusion, while some put forward newspapers as the best media to learn about the news, I disagree with this idea since the print media is slow to reach people. Instead, I view televised and online news as superior alternatives.

About 510 words, written in 21 minutes.

I am trying a new approach in which the essay is divided into many smaller and kore focused body paragraphs! However, I dont know how it will be scored!

Today, I finished 5 task 1s and 1 task 2!

Intensive CEFR group DECEMBER

Bu kurs aynan kimlar uchun?
-bu kurs ayanan DEKABR da topshiruvchilar uchun maxsus 1 oylik kurs!

Course teacher: Mr Samandar(Cefr C1(69) IELTS 7.5
📆Course davomiyligi:1 oy
🕐Time: 16:00-19:00 (dush/chor/juma)
💳Fee: 350.000

Faqatgina dekabr oyiga registratsiya qilgan o'quvchilar qabul qilinadi‼️📌

Kursga yozilish uchun ushbu akkauntga murojaat qiling:✅

SPEAKING course with Dilshod teacher!

Agar sizning speaking darajangiz 5 va 5.5 da qotib qolgan bo'lsa ushbu kurs aynan siz uchun:

IELTS overall 8.5 va SPEAKING qismidan 9 ball olgan shaxsan Dilshod teacher tomonidan dars olib boriladi
●bir oy davomida sizdan 2 marotaba Real IELTS SPEAKING MOCK exam olib beriladi va feedback ham beriladi
●qo'shimcha assistant teacher ham siz bilan eng so'nggi exam savollari yuzasidan jonli ravishda practise darslar o'tadi
●sizga uyga vazifalar beriladi va yordamchi teacher tomonidan tekshirilib boriladi
●agar siz jonli darsga kirolmagan taqdirizda dars yozib olinadi va kurs sizda umrbod qoladi

Shuncha berilayotgan qiymatlardan so'ng natijangiz ko'tarilmasdan qolmaydi📌✅

‼️Kurs davomiyligi 1 oy(12 ta live sessionda dars bo'ladi)📌
📅Kurs boshlanish sanasi:
💳Kurs narxi:199.000 agar siz bugun joyingizni band qilsangiz kurs narxi 139.000✅

Joyingizni band qilish uchun ushbu akkauntga murojaat qiling:

Still, you can contact us for the upcoming Speaking Course!

Speaking breakdown!


Writing breakdown!

Reading and Listening breakdown!

My breakdown has arrived!

The possible time is 9.00 at night!

Level: Intermediate or Advanced!


Ushbu SPEAKING kursimizda 2 xil tarif mavjud!


Bu tariflarning farqi:

● birinchi tarifimizda bir oy davomida 12 ta jonli dars

●shaxsan Dilshod ustoz tomonidan jonli dars bo'ladi

●bir oy davomida shaxsan Dilshod teacher har birlaringizdan 2 marotabada IELTS SPEAKING MOCK EXAM olib beradilar+feedback bilan bo'ladi

●qo'shimcha siz bilan shug'ullanadigan assistant o'qituvchi ham bo'ladi

●admistratsiya xodimlari sizni har kunlik davomat qilib boradi

●bu kurs sizda umrbod qoladi

2.Uncontrolled tarifda
●Jonli darsga kirasiz
●video shaklida yozilgan darslar sizda umrbod qoladi

‼️Ushbu kurs narxi:‼️

1.Controlled tarif:199.000
2.Uncontrolled tarif:109.000

Ushbu SPEAKING kursimiz 2-dekabrdan start oladi📌

‼️Joylari soni cheklangan‼️

‼️Kurs uchun ushbu akkauntga murojaat qiling:

We are going to start in a couple of minutes!

Darsga bir soat vaqt qoldi!

If you are interested, drop 👎 in the comments section!

762 0 1 17 86

Today, I am going to announce an online SPEAKING COURSE where I am planning to teach students important aspects of this skill! The voice chat will be at 9.30!

Another post elaborating on the time, cost, duration, and other details!

1.6k 0 20 1 128

Aytgancha, mani regsitratsiya qilgan Warriorchalarim, Dekabr krugli chas ishlaymiz! 😂 30-da ham dars bo’ladi. Keyin, Yanvarni boshidagi birinchi haftasidayam qaqshatqich dars o’tilari. Mana shunichun Warrior deymanda🙄. Ertadan Registratsiya qilganlar uchun alohida guruh ochiladi. Registratsiya qilgan studentlarim o’zimni lichkamga yozilar

Qizil Murphni tugatgan bo’lsa ham to’g’ri keladi!

Toq kunlari 2-4 Pre-IELTS guruh ochayapman. Dars Juma Kundan boshlanadi!

780 0 16 6 34
20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.