Point of Beauty🕊

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha

Peace and Love .
It was midnight and no matter how dark it became she found ways to produce her own light.

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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ever since i was a kid i been legit

‌‌A little more and again a month of Ramadan💘


"You are far more beautiful than you think."

Isn't it funny how people with curly hair straighten it, while those with straight hair wish for curls? Some draw on freckles because they find them cute, while someone born with them wonders, why do I have freckles? You might admire someone with slim legs, wishing yours looked the same-yet someone else admires yours for their unique shape. You complain about your height, while others are trying to look high, wearing high-heels and eating tablets.

The truth is, when you embrace what makes you you, you start to see its beauty. And so does everyone else.

Why do people often fail to appreciate what they have in the present? Even when they have enough, they keep striving for more, always chasing something greater. People fail to appreciate what they already possess, only realizing its true value once it's gone—when they are left with nothing.

Peace and Love.

never get stressed by thinking about the past, nor worry about the future. the past is gone, and the future hasn't come yet. the present is here with us. so enjoy it.

A month left until Ramadan.

What kind of problems do we have in Uzbekistan, in regions or cities?
Need to conduct a deep research.
Be open.

Comment below.

Honestly, I did it about 10-11 times.

Change is the only constant.

хаммани дарди бир экану😂

"Once the rain is over, an umbrella becomes a burden to everyone.

That's how loyalty ends when benefits stop."

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Telegram'da ko‘rish
When cartoon characters tried to tell us something...

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.