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Don't get her those books, these are ..... I like best.
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"Valid" so‘zining ishlatilishi

Valid + noun
✔️ This is a valid argument. *(Bu asosli dalil.)*
✔️ My passport is still valid. *(Mening pasportim hali ham amal qiladi.)*

🔹 Valid – "asosli", "yaroqli" yoki "amal qiladigan" degan ma’nolarni anglatadi.
🔹 Ko‘pincha hujjatlar, ruxsatnomalar yoki fikrlarning to‘g‘riligi haqida gapirganda ishlatiladi.

Very valid noto‘g‘ri!
✔️ A completely valid reason yoki a perfectly valid excuse – to‘g‘ri!

👍 @Vocabulary_IELTSuz

989 0 13 3 11

Bugun qaysi so'zni o'rgatay
Ishlatishga ikkilanadigan so'zingiz bormi?

• Do you know why rich people are always busy? I will explain later I'm busy now.

👍 @Vocabulary_IELTSuz

••• Mature - yetuk, ulg'aygan
•••••••••••••••• Dumb - kallavaram


"Quite" qanday ishlatiladi?

Quite + adjective/adverb
✔️ This book is quite interesting. (Bu kitob ancha qiziq.)
✔️ She runs quite fast. (U ancha tez yuguradi.)

Quite a very good book ❌ noto‘g‘ri!

🔹 Quite – darajani biroz oshirish yoki kuchaytirish uchun ishlatiladi.
🔹 Quite dan keyin har doim sifat (adjective) yoki ravish (adverb) keladi.

👍 @Vocabulary_IELTSuz

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Good morning

Nothing is more beautiful than the smile that has struggled through the tears.


✔️ @Vocabulary_IELTSuz

Registration help 🙂

IDP IELTS ro'yxatdan o'tish xizmati!
Xizmat bepul duo qilib qo'yasz

Biz IELTS imtihoniga ro'yxatdan o'tishda yordam beramiz, to'lovni esa o'zingiz amalga oshirasiz.

Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun
@idpregisterbot yoki 👨‍💻 @IDP_Register ga murojaat qiling.

Correct the mistake!

He runs enough fast to escape... but his responsibilities always catch up!

Kopchilik shunda xato qiladi !

### "Enough" qanday ishlatiladi?

Adjective + enough
✔️ This bag is light enough. (Bu sumka yetarlicha yengil.)
✔️ He is old enough to drive. (U haydash uchun yetarlicha katta.)

Enough + noun
✔️ I have enough money. (Menda yetarlicha pul bor.)
✔️ We don’t have enough time. (Bizda yetarlicha vaqt yo‘q.)

Enough good ❌ noto‘g‘ri!

🔹 *Enough* sifat oldidan emas, keyin keladi.
🔹 *Enough* ot oldidan keladi.

👍 @Vocabulary_IELTSuz

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
#Nasheed 🎤
Happy Jumah🌙

Assalamu Alaykum Varahmatullohi Vabarakatuhu dear subscribers of our channel!

Describe the picture

1.8k 0 15 13 54

Kanalni maksimalni foydali qilishga xarakat qilyapman !
O'qib ossonlik bilan o'rganing savollar tug'ulsa izohda qoldiring In Shaa Allah javob yozaman

"Despite" vs. "Although" – Qaysi biri?

Despite + noun / gerund (-ing)
✔️ Despite the rain, we went outside.
✔️ Despite being tired, he kept working.

Although + subject + verb
✔️ Although it was raining, we went outside.
✔️ Although he was tired, he kept working.

Despite it was raining – ❌ noto‘g‘ri!
Although the rain – ❌ noto‘g‘ri!

🔹 *Despite* – ortidan gap emas, noun yoki gerund keladi.
🔹 *Although* – ortidan subject + verb keladi.

💡 Eslab qoling va misol yozib ko‘ring!

📌 @Vocabulary_IELTSuz

"Despite" yoki "Although" - Qaysi biri toʻg'ri?

W h y...?(Causes)

☘ ...for a number of reasons...
☘ The main reason is that....
☘ ...for a great variety of reasons…
☘ The most significant reason might be that...
☘ Several factors contribute to…
☘ That’s due to the fact that…
☘ There’s a combination of factors…
☘ The main contributing factor is that…
🍀 I guess that=I reckon that=I assume that

✔️ @Vocabulary_IELTSuz


He is worth or he worths?

To'g'ri variant: "He is worth"

"Worth" fe'l emas, balki sifatdir, shuning uchun oldiga "is" qo'shiladi.

He is worth it. (U bunga arziydi.)
This book is worth reading. (Bu kitobni o‘qishga arziydi.)

He worths — noto‘g‘ri, chunki "worth" hech qachon fe'l shaklida ishlatilmaydi.

😪 @Vocabulary_IELTSuz

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.