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Im reading Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka now. I have finished 75% of the book and I really want to hug the main hero. I have a feeling I'll get addicted to Franz Kafka and it will break me😢

Russian classics?

I'm starting to love philosophy

Hence the ways of men part: if you wish to strive for peace of soul and pleasure, then believe; if you wish to be a devotee of truth, then inquire....

Pay dayga yaqin yomon alam qiladida😭

🖼 Ertaga

💸 Dollar kursining pasayishi kutilmoqda

⬇️ - 15 so’mga


Hozir ham kambagallikga qarshi kurashishi uchun kambagallik chizigini orqaroqga chizishibdi, naqadar oqilona ish

Molxona asarida shunday bir joy bor edi, hayvonlar hayotimiz oldingi bilan bir-xil, ochlik va mehnat hattoki oldingidan ham yomonnoq lekin baribir hozir odamlarga bo'ysunmaymiz, ozodmiz deb xursand bo'lishar edi.

Yillik inflatsiya darajasi 9.9%, eng kam istemol xarajatlari miqdori bo'lsa 6% ga oshirildi. – biznes va texnologiyalar dan repost
O‘zbekistonda kambag‘allik chegarasi yangilandi

Bunda minimal iste’mol xarajatlari qiymati bir oyda kishi boshiga 669 ming so‘mni tashkil etadi.

Qiymat oxirgi marotaba 2024-yil aprel oyida 648 ming so‘mga oshirilgandi:

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Sometimes you try really hard to achieve something that is not meant to be yours knowing you can never achieve it. You do your best to keep them by your side, but you know no matter how you try they keep distancing themselves from you. Do not waste your time, it is not yours and never will be, just give up and keep on living your life. Good luck)

Farruxdan 2ta fandan baland bal oldim 2 TA FANDANNN!

Time is running🏃

Well well well, the day already came😅

The case of Qodirjon Yusupov made me rethink my whole life choices 😢

Did you know Uzbekistan won the title "Country of the year" in 2019 by the Economist Magazine? But it also notes that Uzbekistan has a long way to go and far from being a democracy.....

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.