There are a lot of differences between the way we speak English and the way we write it.
Ingliz tilida gaplashish va uni yozish uslubi o'rtasida juda ko'p farq mavjud.
▪️We usually use short forms when we are speaking:
Odatda biz gaplashayotganda qisqa shakllardan foydalanamiz:
- I think so, don't you?
- Yeah, I'll have some beans.
- So, we're ready for your birthday dinner now.
We don't always use pronouns ( I, you, etc.) or auxiliary verbs ( do, is, etc.) / Biz har doim ham olmoshlarni yoki yordamchi fe'llarni ishlatmaymiz.
▪️We only do this when we are talking to people we know very well. / Biz buni faqatgina o'zimiz yaxshi biladigan odamlar bilan suhbatlashganda qilamiz
▪️We don't do this in writing. / Biz buni yozma ravishda qilmaymiz
- I don't know, Mum.
➡️ Don't know, Mum.
- Are you coming to the party?
➡️ You coming to the party?
- It's hot today, isn't it?
➡️ Hot today, isn't it?
Ingliz tilida gaplashish va uni yozish uslubi o'rtasida juda ko'p farq mavjud.
▪️We usually use short forms when we are speaking:
Odatda biz gaplashayotganda qisqa shakllardan foydalanamiz:
- I think so, don't you?
- Yeah, I'll have some beans.
- So, we're ready for your birthday dinner now.
We don't always use pronouns ( I, you, etc.) or auxiliary verbs ( do, is, etc.) / Biz har doim ham olmoshlarni yoki yordamchi fe'llarni ishlatmaymiz.
▪️We only do this when we are talking to people we know very well. / Biz buni faqatgina o'zimiz yaxshi biladigan odamlar bilan suhbatlashganda qilamiz
▪️We don't do this in writing. / Biz buni yozma ravishda qilmaymiz
- I don't know, Mum.
➡️ Don't know, Mum.
- Are you coming to the party?
➡️ You coming to the party?
- It's hot today, isn't it?
➡️ Hot today, isn't it?